hrp0094p1-53 | Bone B | ESPE2021

Growth and Puberty in Patients with Osteogenesis Imperfecta

Pınar Ozturk Ayşe , Ozturan Esin Karakılıc , Poyrazoğlu Şukran , Baş Firdevs , Darendeliler Feyza ,

Aim: Osteogenesis imperfecta (OI) is a genetic disease of extracellular matrix presenting with varying degrees of skeletal fragility. The study aims to evaluate growth and pubertal characteristics of 83 patients with OI.Materials and methods: Patients were classified according to Sillence clinical classification criteria. Demographic data, clinical findings, growth and pubertal characteristics were recorded from medical charts, retrospec...

hrp0094p1-106 | Adrenal B | ESPE2021

Plasma Proteomics in Healthy Subjects with Differences in Tissue Glucocorticoid Sensitivity Identifies a Novel Proteomic Signature

Nicolaides Nicolas C. , Makridakis Manousos , Stroggilos Rafael , Koniari Eleni , Papageorgiou Ifigeneia , Sertedaki Amalia , Zoidakis Jerome , Charmandari Evangelia ,

Background: Tissue sensitivity to glucocorticoids is characterized by significant inter-individual variation in terms of therapeutic response and susceptibility to several stress-related disorders. Proteomics approaches, combined with appropriate bioinformatics analysis, offer a comprehensive description of molecular phenotypes with clear links to human disease pathophysiology.Objective and Hypotheses: To investigate the usefulness of pl...

hrp0094p1-128 | Growth A | ESPE2021

Evaluation of Persistent Short Stature in Children Born Small for Gestational Age without Catch-up Growth

Pınar Ozturk Ayşe , Ozturan Esin Karakılıc , Poyrazoğlu Şukran , Baş Firdevs , Darendeliler Feyza ,

Aim: The majority of children born small for gestational age (SGA) demonstrate spontaneous catch-up growth in height by the age of two years; however, approximately 10-15% of SGA newborns are at risk of having subnormal growth and persistent short stature (PSS).Method: We evaluated clinical, anthropometric, and laboratory characteristics of the 86 children with PSS who were born SGA.Results...

hrp0094p1-129 | Growth A | ESPE2021

Computer-aided facial analysis as a tool to identify patients with Silver-Russell syndrome and Prader-Willi syndrome

Ciancia Silvia , Goedegebuure Wesley J. , Grootjen Lionne N. , Hokken-Koelega Anita C.S. , Kerkhof Gerthe F. , van der Kaay Danielle C. ,

Introduction: Genetic syndromes often show suggestive facial features that provide clues for the diagnosis. Considering the high number of genetic syndromes and the possible overlap of some features, memorizing facial gestalt is a challenging task for clinicians. DeepGestalt technology, and its app Face2Gene, has a growing impact on the diagnosis and management of genetic diseases by analyzing the features detected in one or more facial images of affected indi...

hrp0094p2-218 | Fat, metabolism and obesity | ESPE2021

Impact of overweight and obesity in pediatrics. Metabolic syndrome and its components

San Martin Amaya , Vilella Leyre , Garcia Casales Zurine , Calvo Ariadne , Rocha C , Sarasua Miranda Ainhoa , Diez-Lopez Ignacio ,

The current lifestyle, with a diet increasingly removed from the Mediterranean diet, together with the habitual sedentary lifestyle, is associated with many of the so-called non-communicable diseases, such as the metabolic syndrome. Every day these pathologies are more frequent in pediatrics, so this study has tried to establish the prevalence of metabolic syndrome and its components in overweight and obese children and assess its impact. METHODS A descriptive study has been c...

hrp0097rfc7.5 | Sex differentiation, gonads and gynaecology or sex endocrinology | ESPE2023

Sex differences in endocrine mechanisms during early human fetal brain development

Buonocore Federica , Del Valle Ignacio , P. Suntharalingham Jenifer , Moreno Nadjeda , Developmental Biology Resource Human , C. Achermann John

Introduction: The influence of sex chromosomes and sex hormones on early human brain development is still poorly understood. Expression of Y chromosome genes may influence aspects of brain maturation in the 46,XY fetus, but the contribution of different Y genes is unknown. Furthermore, a marked increase in testicular testosterone biosynthesis/release from the testis occurs at around 8 weeks post conception (wpc) in the 46,XY fetus, but it is unclear whether te...

hrp0097t13 | Section | ESPE2023

Single-nuclei RNA sequencing reveals potential mechanisms of ovarian insufficiency in 45,X Turner Syndrome

M McGlacken-Byrne Sinead , Del Valle Ignacio , Xenakis Theodoros , Nel Lydia , Liptrot Danielle , Solanky Nita , C Conway Gerard

Background: Turner syndrome (TS) arises from a complete or partial loss of one X chromosome (45,X) and is the most common genetic cause of primary ovarian insufficiency (POI) in women. Surprisingly little is understood about the pathogenesis of POI in TS beyond an acknowledged germ cell loss throughout the second trimester. Although X chromosome haploinsufficiency likely contributes, the variability in reproductive phenotype in 45,X TS suggests it is not the o...

hrp0097p1-270 | Fat, Metabolism and Obesity | ESPE2023

MC4R deficiency in a portuguese pediatric cohort study

C Mendes Ariana , Pereira Janet , Mirante Alice , M Saraiva Jorge , R. Soares Ana , B. Sousa Sérgio , Rosmaninho-Salgado Joana

Background: Melanocortin 4 receptor (MC4R) deficiency is the commonest monogenic form of non-syndromic obesity. MC4R is a seven transmembrane G-protein coupled receptor implicated in central regulation of body weight. The loss-of-function mutations in MC4R gene will contribute to early-onset obesity associated with hyperinsulinemia, hyperphagia and “binge eating”. We aim to determine the prevalence of MC4R variants in a Pediatrics...

hrp0082fc11.1 | Pituitary | ESPE2014

Abnormal Sonic Hedgehog Signalling in Adamantinomatous Craniopharyngiomas and its Association with CTNNB1/β-Catenin Mutations

Gomes Debora C , Jamra Soraya A , Leal Leticia F , Colli Leandro M , Juca Carlos E , Campanini Marina L , Oliveira Ricardo S , Martinelli Carlos E , Elias Paula C L , Saggioro Fabiano , Machado Helio R , Moreira Ayrton C , Serafini Luciano N , Castro Margaret , Antonini Sonir R

Background: The sonic hedgehog pathway (SHH) regulates CNS development and mutations or abnormal expression of the SHH pathway genes have been identified in epithelial tumors. SHH pathway interacts with Wnt/β-catenin signalling. To date, CTNNB1/β-catenin mutations are the sole molecular abnormality found in adamantinomatous craniopharyngiomas (ACPs).Objective and Hypotheses: To analyze the expression pattern of SHH pathway genes in ACPs and its...

hrp0092p1-162 | Adrenals and HPA Axis (1) | ESPE2019

Evaluation of Molecular Characteristics and Steroid Metabolomics in a Large Cohort of Children with 3β-Hydroxysteroid Dehydrogenase 2 Deficiency

Guran Tulay , Kara Cengiz , Yildiz Melek , Bitkin Eda C. , Haklar Goncagul , Lin Jen-Chieh , Gilligan Lorna C. , Barnard Lise , Keskin Mehmet , Anik Ahmet , Catli Gonul , Guven Ayla , Kirel Birgul , Tutunculer Filiz , Onal Hasan , Turan Serap , Akcay Teoman , Atay Zeynep , Baranowski Elizabeth S. , Yilmaz Gulay C. , Mamadova Jamala , Akbarzade Azad , Sirikci Onder , Aghayev AghaRza , Alkan Afra , Shackleton Cedric H.L. , Storbeck Karl H. , Baris Tugba , Arlt Wiebke , Chung Bon-Chu , Bereket Abdullah

Context: Deficiency of 3β-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase 2 (3βHSD2) causes a very rare form of congenital adrenal hyperplasia (CAH) known as 3βHSD2 deficiency, which is a consequence of biallelic HSD3B2 gene defects. The estimated prevalence is less than 1/1,000,000 live births. Knowledge of comprehensive steroid metabolome patterns in 3βHSD2 deficiency is scarce.Objective: We aimed...