hrp0097fc14.3 | Late Breaking | ESPE2023

Deconvolution Analysis: GH secretagogue (LUM-201) enhances growth in individuals with moderate idiopathic Pediatric Growth Hormone Deficiency (iPGHD) by enhancing endogenous GH secretion and increasing IGF-1

Cassorla MD Fernando , Román MD Rossana , Linn Johnson PhD Michael , Avila RN Alejandra , Iñiguez MD German , Baier MD Ingrid , Said RN Daniela , Bruchey PhD Aleksandra , Smith MS Christopher , L. Brinks PhD Erik , C. McKew PhD John , B. Karpf MD David , O. Thorner MD Michael , DSc MBBS

An oral GH secretagogue (GHS), LUM-201, stimulates GHSR-1a receptor to enhance endogenous GH pulsatile release. In moderate iPGHD, pulses of GH are found but at reduced levels, resulting in decreased IGF-1 and poor growth. The impact of LUM-201 on GH profiles during treatment of such children has not been reported.Objective: To characterize GH profiles, defined by deconvolution analysis, based on GH concentration in a time series and its...

hrp0097rfc4.6 | Growth and syndromes (to include Turner syndrome) | ESPE2023

Results from the PROPEL 2 dose-finding study: oral infigratinib leads to significant increases in height velocity with good tolerability in children with achondroplasia

Savarirayan Ravi , Maria De Bergua Josep , Arundel Paul , Pierre Salles Jean , Saraff Vrinda , Delgado Borja , Leiva-Gea Antonio , McDevitt Helen , Nicolino Marc , Rossi Massimiliano , Salcedo Maria , Cormier-Daire Valerie , Skae Mars , Kannu Peter , B. Bober Michael , Phillips III John , Saal Howard , Harmatz Paul , Burren Christine , Candler Toby , Cho Terry , Muslimova Elena , Weng Richard , Raj Supriya , Hoover-Fong Julie , Irving Melita , Rogoff Daniela

Background: Achondroplasia (ACH), the most common short-limbed skeletal dysplasia, is characterized by impaired endochondral ossification resulting from gain-of-function pathogenic variants in the fibroblast growth factor receptor 3 (FGFR3) gene, a negative regulator of endochondral bone growth. People with ACH are at risk for several significant co-morbidities, including brainstem compression due to foramen magnum stenosis, sleep-disordered breathing, chronic...

hrp0097p1-86 | Fetal, Neonatal Endocrinology and Metabolism | ESPE2023

Measurements of Growth Hormone using dried blood spots in preterm neonates: reference values and longitudinal evaluation.

Federico Giacchetti , Orsenigo Chiara , Vizzari Giulia , Tarricone Silvia , Vantaggiato Chiara , Rodari Giulia , Napolitano Filomena , Sangiorgio Andrea , Morniroli Daniela , Colombo Lorenzo , Profka Eriselda , Collini Valentina , Risio Alessandro , Lorella Giannì Maria , Arosio Maura , Mantovani Giovanna , Mosca Fabio , Ceriotti Ferruccio , Vidali Matteo , Giavoli Claudia

Background and aim: Congenital growth hormone deficiency (cGHD) is a rare but life-threatening condition whose diagnosis is challenging in the absence of reliable reference values, both in healthy neonates and in preterm ones. We recently estimated GH reference interval in 1036 healthy, at-term newborns (HN) form dried blood spot samples using a previously validated analytical method.Aim: of this study is to provide valu...

hrp0094p2-295 | Growth and syndromes (to include Turner syndrome) | ESPE2021

An Italian survey on GH stimulation tests and their adverse side effects.

Salvatoni Alessandro , Agosti Massimo , Aversa Tommaso , Azzolini Sara , Bozzola Mauro , Calcaterra Valeria , Cardinale Giuliana Marcella , Caruso Manuela , Cavarzere Paolo , Cherubini Valentino , Ciccone Sara , Dipasquale Laura , Driul Daniela , Faienza Maria Felicia , FORINO Concetta , Grandone Anna , Guzzetti Chiara , Iezzi Maria Laura , Iughetti Lorenzo , Loche Sandro , Maghnie Mohamad , Mameli Chiara , Mancioppi Valentina , Matarazzo Patrizia , Messini Beatrice , Parpagnoli Maria , Carolina Salerno Maria , Tornese Gianluca , Trettene Adolfo Andrea , Vannelli Silvia , Zucchini Stefano , Delvecchio Maurizio ,

Introduction: The diagnosis of GHD requires the coexistence of anamnestic, auxological and laboratory data. The latter are burdened by the poor accuracy and adverse effects of the stimulation tests. A recent european audit (Horm Res Paediatr 2019;92(3): 150-156) on GH diagnostic reported as preferred tests in Italy Insulin tolerance test (ITT), glucagon, clonidine, arginine and Arg-GHRH. We conducted a survey to explore which of them are most used in It...

hrp0095rfc1.5 | Thyroid | ESPE2022

“Screening for congenital hypothyroidism in preterm newborns: Thyroid Stimulating Hormone (TSH) percentiles for weight and gestational age and congenital hypothyroidism features”

Gerdi Tuli , Jessica Munarin , Kristela Topalli , Daniele Tessaris , Patrizia Matarazzo , Luisa De Sanctis

Background: Preterm newborns (PN) are at risk of developing congenital hypothyroidism (CH) with a high reported incidence (1:300 vs 1:2000 for at term newborns). The study's objective was to determine the TSH percentiles at neonatal screening (NS) in PN and to analyze the incidence of permanent and transient CH in this population.Materials and Methods: PN born in the Piedmont Region of Italy in the period 2019-2021 ...

hrp0095p2-43 | Bone, Growth Plate and Mineral Metabolism | ESPE2022

Clinical-molecular assistance pathway for primary bone fragility: a pediatric monocentric experience

Tessaris Daniele , Gavello Federica , Bonino Elisa , Tuli Gerdi , Matarazzo Patrizia , Deaglio Silvia , de Sanctis Luisa

Bone fragility is a more typical condition of old age, linked to physiological aging. In pediatric age, on the contrary, it represents a rare problem, but more often has an underlying primary cause. This condition manifests itself in most cases with recurrent or abnormal fractures and bone deformities, with a limitation of mobility, bone pain and consequent reduction in the quality of life of the child. The great difficulty for the clinician consists in reaching a correct diag...

hrp0092p1-20 | Bone, Growth Plate and Mineral Metabolism | ESPE2019

Long-term Teriparatide (rhPTH) Treatment in Children with Syndromic Hypoparathyroidism

Buganza Raffaele , Tuli Gerdi , Matarazzo Patrizia , Tessaris Daniele , De Sanctis Luisa

Background: Hypoparathyroidism is characterized by absence or inadequately low circulating concentrations of parathyroid hormone, resulting in hypocalcaemia, hyperphosphataemia and elevated fractional excretion of calcium in the urine. The use of activated vitamin D analogues and calcium supplements are recommended as the primary therapy. To avoid vitamin D and calcium side effects, subcutaneous recombinant human parathormone [rhPTH (1-34)] has been proposed f...

hrp0092p1-107 | Pituitary, Neuroendocrinology and Puberty | ESPE2019

Secular Trend of Age at Menarche and Stature in Tuscan Girls: A Retrospective Study in The Birth Cohort 1995-2003

Ferrari Vittorio , De Masi Salvatore , Ricci Franco , Ciofi Daniele , Stagi Stefano

Introduction: Developed countries have shown, among the 20th century, a time trend towards a younger age at menarche. Tanner described an anticipation of 3 months every decade. In the last two decades of twenty century we have observed an apparent stabilization of menarche age in most of Western countries.Objective: analyze average age of menarche in Tuscany girls and compare our results with those in literatu...

hrp0092p1-400 | Pituitary, Neuroendocrinology and Puberty (2) | ESPE2019

Plasma Copeptin Distribution in the Pediatric Age: A Useful Diagnostic Tool for AVP-Related Disorders

Tuli Gerdi , Tessaris Daniele , Buganza Raffaele , Matarazzo Patrizia , De Sanctis Luisa

Introduction: Copeptin is a stable AVP surrogate, secreted in equimolar relationship, who has been proposed for the diagnosis of AVP-related hypo and hypernatremic disorders, i.e. the syndrome of inappropriate ADH secretions (SIADH), the cerebral/renal salt wasting syndrome (C/RSW) and diabetes insipidus (DI). Few data exist about the normal ranges for plasma copeptin levels in the pediatric age, reported between 2.4-8.6 pmol/L. The aim of this study is to rep...

hrp0092p3-30 | Bone, Growth Plate and Mineral Metabolism | ESPE2019

ENPP1 Hypophosphatemic Rickets in a 3.6 Years Old Italian Child

Tessaris Daniele , Abrigo Enrica , Tuli Gerdi , Matarazzo Patrizia , de Sanctis Luisa

Introduction: Although vitamin D deficit is the most common cause of rickets there are many rare genetically transmitted forms as hypophosphatemic rickets, a family of hereditary diseases characterized by low phosphorous plasma levels and resistance to 25OH-vitamin D replacement.Case report: This is the case of a 3.6 year-old Italian child sent from the General Pediatrician, for rickets suspicion. Silent personal history...