hrp0097p2-246 | Late Breaking | ESPE2023

Results from a Multi-Stakeholder Meeting on Medical Devices in Paediatric Type I Diabetes

Biester Torben , Reschke Felix , Danne Thomas , Julien Marc , Lusar Irja , Cheng Katharine , Cavaller-Bellaubi Maria , Katz Michelle , Niemoeller Elisabeth , Renard Eric , Sturny Maren , Geertsma Robert , Vassal Gilles

Objectives: To discuss all challenges involved with providing children (including the very young) and adolescents with diabetes (CwD) with the latest appropriate technology, such as automated insulin delivery systems (AIDs), to manage their blood glucose and help improve their quality of life and suggest ways in which access to new types of devices available to adults can be improved for children with T1D.Methods: In con...

hrp0084fc2.3 | Bone & Mineral Metabolism | ESPE2015

High Success of a Next Generation Sequencing Panel for the Molecular Diagnosis of Rare Skeletal Dysplasias

Barreza Jimena , Rivera-Pedroza Carlos I , Sentchordi-Montane Lucia , Vallespin Elena , Montano Victoria E F , Mansilla Elena , Belinchon Alberta , Benito-Sanz Sara , del Pozo Angela , Ibanez Kristina , Gonzalez-Casado Isabel , Guillen-Navarro Encarna , Prieto Pablo , del Pozo Jaime Sanchez , Cruz-Rojo Jaime , Galan Enrique , Lapunzina Pablo , Garcia-Minaur Sixto , Santos-Simarro Fernando , Heath Karen E

Background: A total of 456 skeletal dysplasias have been classified by molecular, biochemical and/or radiological criteria, into 40 groups. Despite this, the precise, final diagnosis is often difficult due to the high phenotypic and genotypic variability.Objective: To improve the molecular and clinical diagnosis of skeletal dysplasias using a custom-designed next-generation sequencing (NGS) panel.Method: A total of 56 skeletal dysp...

hrp0082p1-d3-47 | Bone (1) | ESPE2014

Relation Between CNP Signaling Pathway and the Effect of Combined Treatment with GnRHa and rhGH on the Linear Growth in Mid/Late Pubertal Girls at Great Bone Ages with CPP or EFP

M A Hua-mei , S U Zhe , L I Yin-ya

Objectives: To evaluate the effect of combined treatment with GnRH analogue (GnRHa) and recombinant human GH (rhGH) on the linear growth in mid/late pubertal girls at great bone ages with central precocious puberty (CPP) or early and fast puberty (EFP). To investigate the relation between C-type natriuretic peptide (CNP) signaling pathway and GH’s effect on linear growth in these girls. Methods 22 girls were diagnosed as CPP or EFP, whose bone ages were older than 11.5 ye...

hrp0082p2-d1-457 | Growth | ESPE2014

Relation Between CNP and the Effect of Combined Treatment With GnRHa and GH on the Linear Growth in Mid/Late Pubertal Girls with Central Precocious Puberty or Early and Fast Puberty at Great Bone Ages

Hua-mei M A , Zhe S U , Yin-ya L I

Background: It’s well known that GnRH analogue (GnRHa) could not improve the final height of mid/late pubertal girls with central precocious puberty (CPP) or early and fast puberty (EFP) for their low growth potential.Objectives: To evaluate the effect of combined treatment with GnRHa and GH on the linear growth in mid/late pubertal girls with CPP/EFP at great bone ages. To investigate the relation between C-type natriuretic peptide (CNP) and GH&#14...

hrp0084p3-650 | Bone | ESPE2015

Prevalence of Vitamin D Deficiency in Sickle Cell Anaemic Children in Jos, Nigeria

Abok Ibrahim I , Mukuwhana Rensom , Konrad Katja , Okolo Selina

Background: Children with SCA are six times likely to be vitamin D deficient. The prevalence of VDD in SCA is 65–100% (USA, Jeddah, Spain, England). Reasons for these include: recurrent illness, hospitalization, Increase resting energy expenditure, poor appetite, inadequate food intake, increased energy & micronutrient needs and probably excessive body covering. VDD in SCA is associated with increasing co morbidities. However, there are no studies from Nigeria the cou...

hrp0094p2-372 | Pituitary, neuroendocrinology and puberty | ESPE2021

The impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on the UK National Hypothalamic-pituitary Axis Tumour (HPAT) multidisciplinary meeting

Bosch i Ara Laura , Spoudeas Helen , Wei Gan Hoong ,

Background: The HPAT multi-disciplinary meeting (MDT) was set up in 2011 with the aim to improve collaboration with other hospitals treating children with rare paediatric suprasellar brain tumours. It is a monthly remote meeting conducted virtually.Objective: To evaluate the impact of COVID19 pandemic by comparing the number of meetings, cases (news/previously discussed), diagnosis, attendees, specialties, centres and ou...

hrp0084p2-225 | Bone | ESPE2015

Early Detection of Increased Bone Turnover among Children and Adolescents with Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus

Wahab Amina Abdel , Sharkawy Sonia El , Attia Fadia , Amin Mona

Background: Most organs including bone are affected in type 2 Diabetes (T1D) mechanisms. The exact mechanism of bone derangement is still unknown.Aim of work: i) Assessment of Pyridinoline crosslinks as a bone resorption marker and alkaline phosphatase as a bone formation marker in T1D in children & adolescents. ii) To determine the effect of glycemic control and disease duration on bone turnover.Subjects and methods: 39 T1D pa...

hrp0084p3-787 | DSD | ESPE2015

Identical Twins Raised as Sister and Brother

Willig Rolf Peter

Background: Disorders of sex development (DSD) can be caused by many hormonal and genetic defects. One rare condition is a mutation of the SRY-gene disturbing normal sex differentiation. Identical twins with this disorder of varying degree are presented to learn how difficult social sex assignment may be in such a case.Case presentation: Identical 46, XY twins were born in 1985 from non consanguineous, healthy parents of German origin. T...

hrp0089fc10.6 | Late Breaking | ESPE2018

Primary Ovarian Insufficiency Incidence Rate and ETIOLOGY AMONG ISRAELI ADOLESCENTS between the Years 2000–2016 – A Multi-Center Study

Gruber Noah , Kugler Shir , de Vries Liat , Brener Avivit , Zung Amnon , Eyal Ori , Rachmiel Marianna , Koren Ilana , Tenenbaum-Rakover Yardena , Hershkovitz Eli , Landau Zohar , Oren Meirav , Eliakim Alon , Zangen David , German Alina , Majdoub Hussein , Mazor-Aronovitch Kineret , Modan-Moses Dalit , Yeshayahu Yonatan , Naugolni Larisa , Levy-Shraga Yael , Ben-Ami Michal , Brill Gherta , Levy-Khademi Floris , Avnon-Ziv Carmit , Tiosano Dov , Harel Shira , Kedem Einat , Segev-Becker Anat , Shoenfeld Yehuda , Pinhas-Hamiel Orit

Introduction: Primary ovarian Insufficiency (POI) occurring in youth is a devastating condition. POI is characterized by at least 4 months of disordered menses in association with menopausal follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) levels. The most common causes of POI in adolescence are iatrogenic and chromosomal abnormalities. Data are scarce regarding the incidence of POI in adolescents.Objectives: We aimed to estimate the incidence and the distribution of ...

hrp0086p1-p190 | Diabetes P1 | ESPE2016

The Association of HLA Class II, CTLA-4 and PTPN22 Genetic Polymorphisms and β-Cell Autoantibodies in Development of Type I Diabetes in Patients with Autoimmune Thyroid Disease

Putarek Natasa Rojnic , Grubic Zorana , Grcevic Danka , Kusec Vesna , Knezevic-Cuca Jadranka , Krnic Nevena , Uroic Anita Spehar , Baretic Maja , Dumic Miroslav

Background: Co-occurrence of type 1 diabetes (T1D) and autoimmune thyroid disease (AITD) denote variant of autoimmune polyglandular syndrome type 3 (APS3v). Thyroid autoimmunity in T1D was widely studied, but a few studies examined β-cell autoimmunity among AITD patients. Several susceptibility genes for APS3v have been identified: HLA class II, CTLA-4 and PTPN22 gene.Objective and hypotheses: To investigate β-cell autoimmunity and genetic poly...