hrp0097p1-470 | Fat, Metabolism and Obesity | ESPE2023

Evaluation of the Frequency and Time Course of Side Effects Asscociated With Metformin Use In Obese Adolescents As Related to Weight Loss: A Prospective Single-Centre Observational Study

Mısırlı Özdemir Ebru , Dağdeviren Çakır Aydilek , Bilge Özakçe Mehmet , Uçar Ahmet

Background: Metformin is a well-known biguanide approved for treatment of Type2 Diabetes. Metformin is not considered as an anti-obesity drug despite its common off-label use. Currently, there are no data regarding the profile of metformin related gastrointestinal side effects (MRGSE) in obese adolescents.Aim: To identify the frequency and time course of MRGSE in obese adolescents and assess the presence of any associati...

hrp0092p1-79 | GH and IGFs | ESPE2019

The experience of Pain in Children with Growth Hormone Deficiency and Psychosocial Correlates: Preliminary Data from a Longitudinal Prospective Study

Bettini Alessandra , Teodori Caterina , Maffei Francesca , Ciofi Daniele , Stagi Stefano

Background: Pain represents one of the most stressful experiences for children undergoing medical therapies (Kortesluoma, 2008), but is under represented in literature for what concerns pediatric endocrinology. Children consider Injections one of the most painful, frighteningand distressing procedures (Fassler, 1985). The treatment for patients with Growth Hormone Deficiency requires daily subcutaneous injection, performed by parents or patients themselves. Th...

hrp0092p3-43 | Bone, Growth Plate and Mineral Metabolism | ESPE2019

About a Case of Neonatal Hypocalcemia

Belli Gilda , Cecconi Antonella , Romano Silvia , Ciofi Daniele , Stagi Stefano

Background: Neonatal hypocalcemia is a common disorder, occurring more often in premature, low birth weight and asphyxiated infants, as in infants born to mothers with diabetes. Nevertheless its aetiology is heterogeneous ranging from iatrogenic, idiopathic and inherited metabolic abnormalities. Among these, Autosomal Dominant Hypocalcemia (ADH) is a rare syndrome characterized by the presence of inappropriately low concentration of circulating parathyroid hor...

hrp0095p2-3 | Adrenals and HPA Axis | ESPE2022

A Rare Cause of Peripheral Precocious Puberty

Çakır Gündoğan Seçil , Kılınç Uğurlu Aylin , Özdemir Gökçe Ayşe , Özyörük Derya , Yardımcı Gönül , Kasap Yusuf , Karakuş Esra , Sarı Neriman , Seçil Ekşioğlu Ayşe , Ölçücüoğlu Erkan , Boyraz Mehmet

Introduction: Peripheral precocious puberty is a non-gonadotropin-dependent early pubertal development. Exogenous intake of sex steroids, gonadal or adrenal pathologies, ectopic hCG-secreting lesions play a role in the etiology. Adrenal tumors is a rare cause of heterosexual precocious puberty.Case: An eight-year-old female patient was admitted with the complaints of genital hair growth and breast enlargement. The patien...

hrp0095rfc4.5 | Fat, Metabolism and Obesity | ESPE2022

Cerebral perfusion following childhood-onset craniopharyngioma and the relationship with metabolic rate

Elsworth Rebecca L. , Naeem Nimra , Hawton Katherine , Narayan Kruthika , Elson Ruth , Taylor-Miller Tashunka , Lithander Fiona E. , Hamilton-Shield Julian P. , Crowne Elizabeth C. , Hinton Elanor C.

Background: Craniopharyngioma is a non-malignant embryonic tumour in the pituitary-hypothalamic area, associated with hypothalamic obesity. Dysfunctional parasympathetic nervous system activity has been proposed as one mechanism underlying alterations in energy metabolism. Arterial spin labelling (ASL) is a non-invasive MRI technique that quantifies brain tissue perfusion as a proxy for functional activity. Here, we measure cerebral perfusion in patients with ...

hrp0095p1-206 | Adrenals and HPA Axis | ESPE2022

Primary adrenal insufficiency in a patient with biallelic QRSL1 mutations

Dursun Fatma , Maras Genc Hulya , Mine Yılmaz Ayşe , Tas Ibrahim , Eser Metin , Pehlivanoglu Cemile , Karademir Yilmaz Betul , Guran Tulay

Background: Biallelic QRSL1 mutations cause mitochondrial “combined oxidative phosphorylation deficiency-40” (COXPD40). COXPD40 has been reported invariably lethal in infancy. Adrenal insufficiency was weakly reported and investigated among seven previously reported patients with COXPD40.Objective: We report clinical, biochemical, molecular, and functional characteristics of a patient with adrenal in...

hrp0095p1-23 | Bone, Growth Plate and Mineral Metabolism | ESPE2022

Comparison of adult height prediction models against the average height of the Mexican population.

Gabriela Chávez-Vázquez Ana , Klünder-Klünder Miguel , Guadalupe Garibay-Nieto Nayely , López-González Desirée , Liliana Miranda-Lora América

Background: Adult height prediction models (AHP) were designed several decades ago based on the Caucasian population, hence they are not adapted to our population’s characteristics and secular changes. Technological advances have improved the accuracy of bone age (BA) reading through automated analysis, which has been incorporated into new AHP models, but have not been evaluated in the Mexican population.Objective:...

hrp0095p1-398 | Thyroid | ESPE2022

Unusually Enlarged Ovaries Associated with Severe Hypothyroidism - Van Wyk and Grumbach Syndrome Case Report

Cvetković Dimitrije , Todorović Slađana , Milenković Tatjana , Mitrović Katarina , Vuković Rade , Panić Zarić Sanja , Savić Đorđe , Mijović Tanja , Smolović Dijana , Tončev Jovana

Introduction: Since 1960, enlarged polycystic ovaries associated with hypothyroidism, delayed bone age and precocious puberty are recognized as Van Wyk and Grumbach syndrome. Although it is rare entity, it should be considered in differential diagnosis of the enlarged polycystic ovaries.Case: An eleven-year-old girl was presented with sudden onset of abdominal pain and vomiting. A large mass with multiple cysts was seen ...

hrp0095p2-203 | Multisystem Endocrine Disorders | ESPE2022

A Case of SHOX Deletion Due to Isodicentric Y Chromosome Anomaly with Multiple Endocrine Disorders

Orman Burçe , Karacan Küçükali Gülin , Guleray Lafcı Naz , Özkaya Dönmez Beyhan , Savaş Erdeve Şenay , Çetinkaya Semra

Introduction: Isodicentric-Ychromosome;has phenotypic findings such as gonadal dysgenesis, short stature, Turner syndrome in girls, infertility in boys, and insufficient virilization. Here, a case with growth retardation, short statureand infertility findings, and isodicentric-Ychromosomal anomaly(in addition to tuberosclerosis) who underwent endocrine follow-up due to obesity will be presented.Case: The patient, who was...

hrp0092fc2.5 | Bone, Growth Plate and Mineral Metabolism Session 1 | ESPE2019

Age and Gender-Specific Reference Data for High-Resolution Magnetic Resonance Based Musculoskeletal Parameters in Healthy Children and Young People

Elsharkasi Huda M. , Chen ¹Suet C. , Steell Lewis , Joseph Shuko , Abdalrahman Naiemh , Johnston Blair , Foster John E. , Wong Sze C. , Ahmed S. Faisal

Background: The need to understand the relationship between bone, muscle, and fat within the bone-muscle unit has recently gained great prominence. Although high resolution (HR) MRI is a non-invasive imaging modality that can provide this information, there is limited expertise in children and young people.Objectives: To establish MRI-based normative data for bone, bone marrow adiposity and muscle adiposity in children a...