hrp0097p2-140 | Adrenals and HPA Axis | ESPE2023

Testicular Adrenal Rest Tumors (TARTs) as presenting symptom of CAH due to CYP11A1deficiency.

Bakker-van Waarde Willie , Claahsen-van der Grinten Hedi

Background: TARTs mostly occur in congenital adrenal hyperplasia due to 21-hydroxylase deficiency, but were described in other forms of CAH. Elevated ACTH levels, may play a role in TARTs development. Here we describe the first child with undetected CYP11A1 deficiency who presented with TART.Case description: An 11 year old boy noticed left sided scrotal enlargement, without further complaints. Ultrasound showed a hydroc...

hrp0084fc8.1 | Obesity - Basic | ESPE2015

DLK1 Expression in Adipose Tissue Following Fetal Growth Restriction: Relation to Visceral Fat Expansion and Catch-Up Growth in Wistar Rats

Carreras-Badosa Gemma , Remesar Xavier , Prats-Puig Anna , Diaz-Roldan Ferran , Platero-Gutierrez Estibaliz , Martinez-Calcerrada Jose-Maria , de Zegher Francis , Ibanez Lourdes , Bassols Judit , Lopez-Bermejo Abel

Background: DLK1 (PREF1) is a key inhibitor of adipogenesis and adipocyte differentiation. Adipose tissue expansion depends on adequate adipocyte differentiation. However, whether lower DLK1 expression facilitates adipose tissue expansion following fetal growth restriction is so far unknown.Objective and hypotheses: To study the expression of DLK1 in the adipose tissue of prenatally growth-restricted rats and its relat...

hrp0092p1-46 | Fat, Metabolism and Obesity | ESPE2019

How to Recognize Underlying Somatic Causes of Paediatric Obesity? Performance of the Diagnostic Recommendations of the Endocrine Society Guideline and Suggestions for Improvement

Abawi Ozair , Kleinendorst Lotte , van der Voorn Bibian , Brandsma Annelies , van Rossum Elisabeth , van Haelst Mieke , van den Akker Erica

Background: Underlying causes of obesity are thought to be rare even in specialized paediatric endocrinology clinics. However, evidence is limited. The Endocrine Society (ES) guideline for paediatric obesity makes the following diagnostic recommendations: endocrine evaluation in presence of reduced growth velocity, evaluation of cerebral obesity in presence of CNS injury, re-evaluation of drug choice in patients using antipsychotics. Genetic testing is recomme...

hrp0089mte5.1 | Gonadal function in congenital adrenal hyperplasia (CAH) | ESPE2018

Gonadal Function in Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia (CAH)

Claahsen - van der Grinten Hedi

Congenital adrenal hyperplasia (CAH) is a group of rare congenital disorders of the adrenal cortex due to a defect in one of the enzymes involved in steroid synthesis leading to cortisol deficiency and overproduction of adrenal androgens. In the most severe forms CAH is a life threatening disease due to the risk of Addisonian and salt wasting crisis. In the last 50 years diagnostics and treatment improved significantly. Patients are treated with lifelong replacement of glucoco...

hrp0084p2-366 | Fat | ESPE2015

Homozygous Mutation in FBN1 Gene In-Patient with Prader–Willi Syndrome: Variant Marfan Syndrome?

van den Boom-Rijk Yvonne , Kempers Marlies , van der Sanden Ria Nijhuis , van Alfen-van der Velden Janielle

Background: Prader–Willi syndrome (PWS) is caused by absence of expression of imprinted genes on the paternal chromosome 15 (15q11.2–q13) due to a paternal deletion, maternal uniparental disomy 15 and rarely an imprinting defect. The clinical signs of PWS are hypotonia, muscle weakness, excessive eating, morbid obesity, delayed global development, hypogonadism, and short stature. Marfan syndrome is caused by mutations in the FBN1 gene, located on chromosome ...

hrp0095p1-516 | Growth and Syndromes | ESPE2022

Ovarian hilus cell hyperplasia: a rare cause of progressive virilization in a girl with Turner syndrome in the absence of Y chromosomal material

van der ZwanY.G. , Spath M.A. , van Setten P.A. , van der Velden J.

Introduction: Turner syndrome is a relatively common chromosomal abnormality affecting 1:2000 girls. Virilization can occur in girls with Turner syndrome which is in most cases associated with the presence of an Y chromosome. Mosaicism is found in 25% of the karyotypes, in 6% of those the Y chromosome is present. This could lead to development of androgen producing gonadoblastoma/dysgerminoma. Active screening to search for Y chromosomal material is included i...

hrp0092p1-223 | Growth and Syndromes (to include Turner Syndrome) (1) | ESPE2019

Tall Stature and Macrodactyly of the Great Toes Due to a Novel Mutation in the Natriuretic Peptide Receptor-2 Gene

Lauffer Peter , van Duyvenvoorde Hemine , van Haeringen Arie , van der Kaay Danielle

Background: Mutations in the gene encoding the natriuretic peptide receptor-2 gene (NPR2) are responsible for monogenic growth disorders. Loss-of-function variants cause extreme short stature and skeletal dysplasia. Gain-of-function mutations cause tall stature with - in some cases - macrodactyly of the great toes, a Marfanoid habitus, arachnodactyly and scoliosis. We describe a novel gain-of-function mutation in exon 8 of NPR2 in a family wi...

hrp0084wg3.5 | DSD | ESPE2015


Kohler Birgit , Arlt Wiebke , Bouvattier Claire , de la Perriere Aude Brac , Gaye Claire-Lise , Claahsen-van der Grinten Hedi , Cohen-Kettenis Peggy , Nordenstrom Anna , Pienkowski Catherine , Richter-Unruh Annette , Slowikowska-Hilczer Jolanta , Paris Francoise , Szarras-Capnik Maria , Reisch Nicole , Thyen Ute , Wiesemann Claudia

DSD-LIFE is a comprehensive clinical outcome study investigating medical, surgical, psychosocial, and ethical issues to improve treatment and care of patients with the different diagnoses included in the umbrella term disorders/differences of sex development (DSD). The multidisciplinary DSD-LIFE consortium consists of 15 experienced European scientists in the areas endocrinology, psychology, surgery, gynaecology, urology, and ethics. In 2013 the study protocol and the online d...

hrp0094p1-89 | Pituitary A | ESPE2021

The Pituitary Tumour Module: Developing a Condition Specific Module within the European Registries for Rare Endocrine Conditions (EuRRECa)

Priego Zurita Ana Luisa , Appelman-Dijkstra Natasha , Biermasz Nienke , Bryce Jillian , Burman Pia , Castano Luis , Dattani Mehul T. , Dekkers Olaf M. , Gan Hoong-Wei , Gaztambide Sonia , Katugampola Harshini , Lasolle Helene , Muller Hermann L. , Raverot Gerald , Rica Itxaso , van Beuzekom Charlotte N. , Vries Friso de , Najafabadi Amir H. Zamanipoor , Ahmed S. Faisal , Pereira Alberto M. ,

Introduction: The European Registries for Rare Endocrine Conditions (EuRRECa) project aims to support the needs of the endocrine and bone community by facilitating the collaboration between patients, health care professionals and researchers across Europe and beyond. It is a project funded by the European Union’s health programme and is the affiliated registry of the European Reference Network for Rare Endocrine Conditions (Endo-ERN). It consists of two r...

hrp0097fc3.1 | Fat, metabolism and obesity 1 | ESPE2023

Early childhood height and weight development in children with monogenic obesity: A European multicenter cohort study

Zorn Stefanie , de Groot Corjan , Brandt Stephanie , von Schnurbein Julia , Abawi Ozair , Bounds Rebecca , Ruck Lisa , Guijoa Blanca , A. Martos-Moreno Gabriel , Nicaise Clarisse , Courbage Sophie , Dubern Béatrice , Poitou Christine , Clément Karine , Argente Jesús , Kühnen Peter , Farooqi Sadaf , Wabitsch Martin , van den Akker Erica

Introduction: Monogenic defects in the leptin-melanocortin pathway result in hyperphagia and severe, early-onset obesity. Knowledge of the natural history of anthropometric parameters in patients with monogenic obesity is essential for diagnosis. However, reliable data on early childhood weight and height development in affected patients are lacking. This study aimed to evaluate the history of height, weight, and BMI development in early childhood in a Europea...