hrp0084p2-167 | Adrenals | ESPE2015

Hyponatraemia Secondary to Exudative Eczema

Viseras Irene Pilar Fernandez , Ajzensztejn Michal

Background: Classically adrenal insufficiency presents with hyponatraemia and hyperkalaemia, however the differential may be of alternative origin. Atopic dermatitis is a common inflammatory skin disease of infancy and childhood. In severe cases, the exudation from wet lesions can produce serious complications such as infection+very rarely electrolytes abnormalities as seen in this case.Case report: A 6-month-old female infant was referred for endocrine ...

hrp0084p3-768 | Diabetes | ESPE2015

The Missing Link in Neonatal Diabetes

Viseras Irene Pilar Fernandez , Ajzensztejn Michal

Background: Neonatal diabetes mellitus (NDM) presents within 6months of life, is either permanent (PDM) or transient (TND). The incidence is 400 000/live births. Monogenic accounts for the majority of cases. We describe the case of what appears to be a familiar NDM with no current known cause.Case report: EM presented at 3 weeks old. She was born at term, IUGR (2.3 kg) with one day history of diarrhoea, vomiting and anorexia. There was no history of poly...

hrp0084p3-801 | DSD | ESPE2015

Pseudo-Precocious Puberty in Androgen Insensitivity Syndrome Secondary to a Prepubertal Oestrogen Producing Sertoli Cell Tumour

Warman Diana Monica , Berensztein Esperanza , Marino Roxana , Ramirez Pablo , Costanzo Mariana , Maceiras Mercedes , Rivarola Marco A , Belgorosky Alicia

Background: Androgen insensitivity syndrome (AIS) is an X-linked hereditary disease with AR gene loss-of-function mutations in 46,XY patients. They undergoes poor development of secondary sex characteristics, except for breast development at puberty. AIS patients are prone to develop germ cell cancer, even though with lower incidence than in dysgenetic gonads secondary to defects in organogenesis.Case presentation: We described a 3-years-old gir...

hrp0095p1-556 | Pituitary, Neuroendocrinology and Puberty | ESPE2022

Surprisingly high frequency of pituitary stalk thickening in pediatric patients during COVID-19 pandemic in Chile.

Zepeda Diego , Peña Fernanda , Pablo Fernandez Jose , Okuma Cecilia , Naudy Cristian , J Guarda Francisco , Isabel Hernandez Maria

Introduction: Pituitary stalk thickening (PST) is a rare condition in pediatric patients. As there are few studies published in pediatric population, the definition has been difficult to establish. The etiologies involved in PST can be divided in neoplastic, congenital, inflammatory/infectious or autoimmune diseases. In children the most frequent causes are neoplastic, followed by congenital lesions. The inflammatory/infectious and autoimmune diseases are rare...

hrp0082p1-d3-133 | Fat Metabolism & Obesity (2) | ESPE2014

Can We Predict the Risk of Obesity?

de Arriba Antonio , Pascual Javier , de Francisco Mario , Ferrer Marta , Martinez Ignacio , Labarta Jose Ignacio , Ferrandez Angel

Background: Recognizing the risk of developing obesity is essential to implement preventive measures to avoid the increasing prevalence of obesity in adulthood.Objective: To evaluate predictive factors that may be associated with overweight and obesity in early adulthood.Method: A regression analysis of different variables of body composition in a normal population have been done. The sample consisted of 122 boys and 120 girls foll...

hrp0084p3-1040 | Growth | ESPE2015

Psychomotor Development in Children Born Small for Gestational Age During Early Infancy

Puga Beatriz , Olivan Maria J , Galve Zenaida , Rite Segundo , de Arriba Antonio , Ferrer Marta , Labarta Jose Ignacio , Ferrandez Angel

Background: Neurocognitive retardation is one of the most important consequences that small for gestational age (SGA) children may suffer although conflicting results have been published.Objective and hypotheses: The aim of this study was to study psychomotor development (PD) in children born SGA during the first two years of life in order to identify children at risk as early as possible.Method: 108 cases borh SGA have been studie...

hrp0089p3-p140 | Fat, Metabolism and Obesity P3 | ESPE2018

Hepatic Steatosis and its Relationship with the Metabolic Syndrome

Angeles Santos Mata Maria , Pilar Fernandez Viseras Irene

Introduction: Hepatic steatosis(HS) is a frequent finding in obese children. Insulin resistance, hypertriglyceridemia and abdominal circumference (AC) are known risk factors, similar to Metabolic Syndrome (MS), but the precise pathophysyology remains unexplained.Objectives: To analyze the prevalence of HS as identified by ultrasound as well as acanthosis Nigricans (AN) in two groups of obese patients; with or without presence of MS; by studying anthropom...

hrp0094p2-229 | Fat, metabolism and obesity | ESPE2021

Influence of the basal metabolic profile on the evolution of the pediatric patient with obesity

Diez-Lopez Ignacio , Fernandez Belen , Lorente Isabel , Sarasua-Miranda Ainhoa ,

Objective: To study how basal metabolism influences the somatometric evolution of the child and adolescent population with obesity in a pediatric endocrinology clinic; multichannel impedance study, TANITA BF 430.Results: 100 randomly selected patients from a database with 1400 records were studied. Most of the patients who come to these consultations for obesity are girls, between 8 and 11 years old. The group of boys at...

hrp0089p3-p083 | Diabetes & Insulin P3 | ESPE2018

Real–world Clinical Evolution of Type 1 Diabetes Patients on Twenty Years

Vergaz Amparo Gonzalez , Cuartero Beatriz Garcia , Salado Laura Sanchez , Escudero Veronica Sanchez , Lacalle Concepcion Garcia , Fernandez Marta Fernandez

Introduction: Type 1 diabetes mellitus (T1DM) is a chronic disease with important complications.Objective: Describe clinical characteristics, metabolic control and comorbidities of our pediatric diabetes population.Methods: T1DM patients diagnosed from 1996–2016 were included. Celiac and thyroid disease screening were analized.Clinical and biochemical data were compared during evolution. SPSS.21 for statistical study.<p cl...

hrp0092p1-129 | Sex Differentiation, Gonads and Gynaecology or Sex Endocrinology | ESPE2019

Molecular Diagnosis of Patients with 46,XY Differences in Sex Development in A Single Tertiary Center

Touzon Maria Sol , garrido Natalia Perez , Ramirez Pablo , Marino Roxana , Berensztein Esperanza , Costanzo Mariana , Guercio Gabriela , Rivarola Marco Aurelio , Belgorosky Alicia

Disorders/differences in sex development (DSD) are defined as congenital conditions in which development of chromosomal, gonadal or anatomical sex is atypical. 46,XY DSD include defects in androgen synthesis or action or complete (CGD)/partial (PGD) gonadal dysgenesis. The aim of this study was to characterize the molecular genetic diagnosis of individuals with 46,XY DSD followed at Garrahan Pediatric Hospital.Medical records of 140 patients (P) followed...