hrp0086rfc6.7 | Syndromes: Mechanisms and Management | ESPE2016

Characteristics of Responders and Poor-responders to Increlex® Therapy – Data from Children Enrolled in the European Increlex® Growth Forum Database (EU-IGFD)

Bang Peter , Polak Michel , Woelfle Joachim , Perrot Valerie , Sert Caroline

Background: The post-authorization registry, EU-IGFD, was initiated in Dec-2008 to collect data in children with growth failure receiving Increlex® (Mecasermin [rDNA Origin] Injection).Objective and hypotheses: To report patient characteristics, safety and effectiveness data in poor-responders (i.e. with change in year 1 Height SDS <0.3).Method: European, multicentre, open-label, observational study; eCRF data collection.<...

hrp0086p1-p564 | Perinatal Endocrinology P1 | ESPE2016

Long-Term Effects of Differences in Fetal Environment: Endocrine Influences on Cognitive Function and Personality in Teen Monozygotic Twins

Wimmer Lioba , Woelfle Joachim , Schulte Sandra , Bartmann Peter , Gohlke Bettina

Background: Low birth weight and unfavourable intrauterine conditions are associated with long-term effects on life.Objective and hypotheses: In a longitudinal study, we followed genetically identical twins with intra-twin birth-weight (bw) differences due to twin–twin transfusion syndrome from birth until after puberty. We propose that differences in birth weight lead to differences in hormone levels with effects on personality and cognitive functi...

hrp0082p1-d3-161 | Growth (2) | ESPE2014

Safety and Effectiveness of Increlex® Therapy in Children Enrolled in the Increlex® Growth Forum Database in Europe: 4 Years Interim Results

Polak Michel , Woelfle Joachim , Bang Peter , Sicsic Aude , Fiorentino Bruno

Background: The post-authorization registry, European Increlex® (Mecasermin (rDNA Origin) injection) growth forum database (EU-IGFD) was initiated in Dec 2008 to collect data on children with growth failure treated with Increlex®.Objective: To report 4-year safety and effectiveness data.Methods: Multicenter, open-label observational study, eCRF data collection.Results: As of 30...

hrp0082p3-d2-857 | Growth (3) | ESPE2014

Differences in Personality of Monozygotic Twins can be Predicted by Difference in Birth Weight in Teen Monozygotic Twins

Wimmer Lioba , Woelfle Joachim , Bartmann Peter , Schulte Sandra , Gohlke Bettina

Background: Low birth weight and unfavourable intrauterine conditions are associated with long-term effects on life. The influence of intrauterine conditions on personality might be underestimated.Objective and hypotheses: In a longitudinal study we followed genetically identical twins with intra-twin birth-weight (bw) differences due to twin–twin transfusion syndrome (ttts) from birth until puberty.Method: 23 pairs of monozyg...

hrp0084p2-420 | GH &amp; IGF | ESPE2015

Hypoglycaemic Adverse Events Reported in Children Enrolled in the European Increlex® Growth Forum Database in Europe (5-Year Interim Data)

Woelfle Joachim , Polak Michel , Bang Peter , Houchard Aude , Sert Caroline

Background: The post-authorisation registry, European Increlex® (mecasermin (rDNA origin) injection) Growth European Increlex Growth Forum Database (EU-IGFD), initiated in December 2008, collects safety and efficacy data in children receiving Increlex® for growth failure. Hypoglycaemia has been reported as a common adverse event (AE) during any IGF1 replacement therapy in randomised clinical trials, and is therefore of interest in real-life sett...

hrp0084p2-499 | Perinatal | ESPE2015

Postnatal Catch-Down Growth is not Associated with Disturbances in Metabolic Parameters in Large-for-Gestational-Age Infants at the Age of 8 Years

Peters Julia , Woelfle Joachim , Joergens Susanne , Bartmann Peter , Gohlke Bettina

Background: Children born small-for-gestational-age (SGA) especially when they experience rapid catch-up growth have an increased risk for obesity and metabolic disturbances later in life.Aims and objectives: Little is known about the effect of catch-down (c-d) growth and its effect on metabolic parameters in children born large-for-gestational-age (LGA).Patients and methods: 101 pre-pubertal children with a birth-weight and/or len...

hrp0095fc10.3 | GH and IGFs | ESPE2022

Near final height in 62 twin pairs with twin-to-twin transfusion syndrome is not associated with the GHRd3 genotype

Schreiner Felix , Schulte Sandra , Kasner Charlotte , Bartmann Peter , Woelfle Joachim , Bettina Gohlke

Background: Alterations of pre- and early postnatal growth can have long lasting impact on adult height, body composition and metabolic health throughout life. In monozygotic twins discordant for prenatal growth due to twin-to-twin transfusion syndrome (TTTS), we previously demonstrated lower cord blood IGF-I concentrations and earlier pubertal maturation, indicative of prenatal programming of endocrine systems, to be linked to reduced final height of the form...

hrp0095p1-313 | Growth and Syndromes | ESPE2022

Pathway to assess severe primary IGF-1 deficiency diagnosis in a real-life setting: data from the Global Increlex® Registry

Bang Peter , Polak Michel , Bossowski Artur , De Schepper Jean , Sert Caroline , Perrot Valérie , Woelfle Joachim

Background: Severe primary insulin-like growth factor-1 deficiency (SPIGFD) is a rare condition for which replacement therapy with recombinant human insulin-like growth factor-1 (rhIGF 1; mecasermin [Increlex®]) is approved for treatment in Europe and the USA. SPIGFD is defined as a height standard deviation score (HtSDS) ≤-3, and baseline IGF-1 <2.5th percentile (European indication) or ≤-3 SDS (USA indication) for age and gender, desp...

hrp0092p1-212 | GH and IGFs (1) | ESPE2019

Hypoglycaemia Adverse Events in SPIGFD: Association with Patient Diagnosis, Age, Time-Course and Dosage of Mecasermin: 10-year Data from the European Increlex® Growth Forum Database in Europe (EU-IGFD)

Woelfle Joachim , Polak Michel , Bang Peter , Perrot Valérie , Sert Caroline

Background: In Europe, Increlex® (mecasermin) is approved for treatment of growth failure in children with severe primary insulin-like growth factor-1 deficiency (SPIGFD). We present 10-year data (up to October 2018) from the European Increlex® Growth Forum Database (EU-IGFD) registry (NCT00903110) on the frequency, predictive factors, and the potential impact of hypoglycaemia on efficacy outcomes....

hrp0092p1-214 | GH and IGFs (1) | ESPE2019

The European Increlex® Growth Forum Database (EU-IGFD) Registry: Do Treatment Practices Differ Between European Countries?

Bang Peter , Polak Michel , Woelfle Joachim , Perrot Valérie , Sert Caroline

Background: In the European Union, Increlex® (mecasermin) is approved for the treatment of growth failure in children with severe primary insulin-like growth factor-1 deficiency (SPIGFD).Methods: The European Increlex® Growth Forum Database (EU-IGFD) registry (NCT00903110) is an ongoing, multicentre, open-label, observational study monitoring the safety and efficacy of mecasermin in childr...