hrp0092p1-220 | GH and IGFs (1) | ESPE2019

Real-World Data From Electronic Monitoring of Adherence to Growth Hormone Treatment in Children with Growth Disorders: A Descriptive Analysis

Koledova Ekaterina , Tornincasa Vincenzo , van Dommelen Paula

Poor adherence to long-term growth hormone (GH) treatment can lead to suboptimal clinical outcomes. The easypod™ connect eHealth platform enables healthcare professionals to obtain an accurate picture of real-world adherence by allowing patients to transmit adherence data to a database. Our aims were to assess adherence to r-hGH (Saizen, Merck KGaA, Darmstadt, Germany) treatment with the easypod connect platform in children from treatment start to 48 months and to investi...

hrp0092p1-359 | GH and IGFs (2) | ESPE2019

Insulin-Like Growth Factor 2 in Pediatric Gliomas: Expression, Intracellular Localization and Association with Clinical Outcome

Clément Florencia , Martin Ayelen , Venara Marcela , Fernández María Celia , Lombardi Mercedes García , Bergadá Ignacio , Pennisi Patricia

Background and Aim: Gliomas are the most frequent solid tumors in pediatric population. The IGF system of ligands and receptors are known to play an important role in both normal and neoplastic growth. In a previous work we have reported the quantitation of some components of the IGFs system in SNC pediatric tumours (IGF-1, IGF-2, IGF-1R, IR), being IGF-2 expression the most variable among all the genes studied.Our aim w...

hrp0092p2-132 | Fat, Metabolism and Obesity | ESPE2019

Association Between TSH and Metabolic Syndrome in Obese Children and Adolescents

Guzzetti Chiara , Ibba Anastasia , Casula Letizia , Casano Simona , Loche Sandro

Introduction: Hyperthyrotropinemia is common in patients with obesity and has been hypothesized that high TSH could be associated with an adverse metabolic profile. Few studies have been performed in pediatric population and the results are controversial.Objective: Aim of the study was to evaluate the association between TSH and metabolic syndrome (MS) in a large group of obese children and adolescents.<p class="abst...

hrp0092p2-194 | Growth and Syndromes (to include Turner Syndrome) | ESPE2019

Growth Hormone Treatment Adherence in Patients from an Emerging Economy Country: 1-Year Real-World Data from the Easypod™ Connect Ehealth Platform

Calliari Luis Eduardo , Barquero Paula , Sato Cleber , Koledova Ekaterina

Previous studies have shown that poor adherence to recombinant human growth hormone (r-hGH; Saizen®) therapy is associated with decreased efficacy outcomes and increased healthcare costs. Easypod™ is the only electronic injection device that enables continuous monitoring of adherence to treatment. Early recognition of non-adherence is essential in the management of long-term outcomes of r-hGH therapy. This analysis aimed to evaluate adherence to r-hGH therapy adminis...

hrp0092p3-39 | Bone, Growth Plate and Mineral Metabolism | ESPE2019

Uncommon Association of Hypoparathyroidism and Rendu-Osler Syndrome

Iancu Mirela , Albu Alice , Patrascu Irina , Nicolaescu Irina , Prisacari Alina

Rendu-Osler-Weber syndrome (also called Hereditary Haemorrhagic Teleangiectasia) is an autosomal dominant disorder that results from multisystem vascular dysplasia. HHT syndrome has been described in association with autoimmune disorders, such as Hashimoto thyroiditis, lupus erythematosus, vitiligo, anti-phospholipidic syndrome and pernicious anaemia.We present the case of a 6 year old girl with Rendu-Osler-Weber syndrome who was referred for endocrinolo...

hrp0092p3-43 | Bone, Growth Plate and Mineral Metabolism | ESPE2019

About a Case of Neonatal Hypocalcemia

Belli Gilda , Cecconi Antonella , Romano Silvia , Ciofi Daniele , Stagi Stefano

Background: Neonatal hypocalcemia is a common disorder, occurring more often in premature, low birth weight and asphyxiated infants, as in infants born to mothers with diabetes. Nevertheless its aetiology is heterogeneous ranging from iatrogenic, idiopathic and inherited metabolic abnormalities. Among these, Autosomal Dominant Hypocalcemia (ADH) is a rare syndrome characterized by the presence of inappropriately low concentration of circulating parathyroid hor...

hrp0092p3-137 | Fetal, Neonatal Endocrinology and Metabolism (to include Hypoglycaemia) | ESPE2019

Case Report: A neonate with Prolonged Hypoglycemia

Chetcha Adele Bodieu , Njiandock Cecilia Fomenky

Background: Transient hyperinsulinism (HI) is a condition characterized by high insulin level, low FFA level in a context of severe hypoglycemia in neonate. Our objective is to present a case of a transient hypoglycemia in a newborn. Evaluation and management of this condition is discussed.Case presentation: A 14days old term baby was diagnosed with bilateral bronchopneumonia. He received antibiotics and nasal drop. On d...

hrp0089rfc9.3 | Pituitary, Neuroendocrinology and Puberty 1 | ESPE2018

What is the Best Parameter to Decide the Initial Dose of Depot Leuprolide Acetate in Girls with Idiopathic Central Precocious Puberty?

Vuralli Dogus , Alikasifoglu Ayfer , Iyigun Irem , Canoruc Dicle , Ozon Alev , Gonc Nazli , Kandemir Nurgun

Introduction: Formulations and doses of GnRH analogues used to treat idiopathic central precocious puberty (iCPP) may vary with clinician preference or local approvals. Aim of this study is to define factors that affect initial depot leuprolide acetate (LA) dose which suppress hypothalamo-pituitary-gonad (HPG) axis in girls with iCPP.Methods: A total of 220 girls receiving LA for iCPP were included. LA is started in the dose of 3.75 mg/28 days, and suppr...

hrp0089p1-p016 | Adrenals and HPA Axis P1 | ESPE2018

Recurrent Hypoglycemia in a Preschooler Girl with Overgrowth: Isolated ACTH-Deficiency with a Novel TPIT Mutation

Abali Zehra Yavas , Yesil Gozde , Kirkgoz Tarik , Kaygusuz Sare Betul , Turan Serap , Bereket Abdullah , Guran Tulay

Objective: Congenital isolated ACTH deficiency (IAD) is a rare autosomal recessive disorder that is characterised by low levels of plasma ACTH and cortisol with normal pituitary structure and hormones. Clinical presentation can occur in the neonatal period, as well as later in childhood. Here, we report a patient with IAD due to a novel TPIT mutation.Case: A 48/12 years old girl presented with loss of concioussness and found to be hypoglycemic...

hrp0089p2-p085 | Diabetes &amp; Insulin P2 | ESPE2018

The Efficacy of Tri-ponderal Mass Index and Body Mass Index in Estimating Insulin Resistance, Hyperlipidemia and Impaired Liver Enzymes During Childhood and Adolescents

Akcan Nese , Obyed Moaaz , Salem Jana , Bundak Ruveyde

Body mass index (BMI) is used to diagnose obesity in children and adolescents. Recently, the tri-ponderal mass index (TMI) has been reported to be nearly stable throughout adolescence and estimate body fat levels more accurately than BMI especially in adolescents. Aim: To compare the efficacy of TMI and BMI in forecasting of insulin resistance, hyperlipidemia and impaired liver enzymes.Method: One hundred and forty-two overweight or obes...