hrp0089p2-p076 | Diabetes & Insulin P2 | ESPE2018

Novel Gata6-Mutation in a Boy with Neonatal Diabetes and Diaphragmatic Hernia

Gaisl Odile Christin , Konrad Daniel , Steindl Katharina , Lang-Muritano Mariarosaria

Background: Onset of diabetes in the neonatal period with additional malformations e.g. congenital heart defects should always be suspicious for an underlying genetic disorder. For example, GATA6-mutations were identified in children with congenital heart defects and neonatal diabetes. The latter may be due to pancreas agenesis. Herein we present a novel GATA6-mutation in a boy with transient neonatal diabetes, diaphragmatic hernia, congenital heart defect and early onset scol...

hrp0089p1-p125 | Fat, Metabolism and Obesity P1 | ESPE2018

M2 Macrophage Markers are Enriched in Human Deep Neck Adipose Tissue and Do Not Correlate with UCP1 Expression

Tews Daniel , Haggenmueller Benedikt , Wabitsch Martin , Fischer-Posovszky Pamela

Background: Secretion of catecholamines by adipose tissue M2 macrophages was recently proposed as a molecular mechanism leading to activation of brown adipose tissue and heat generation in mice. However, published data are conflicting and it is not clear whether this pathway might play a role in humans. To shed light on this, we studied macrophage polarization in human white and brown adipose tissue and related it to thermogenic gene expression.Methods: ...

hrp0086fc15.6 | Late Breaking | ESPE2016

Type 1 Diabetes Associated Serum Insulin-Like Growth Factor I (IGF-I) Reference Values in Children and Adolescents

Oberg Daniel , Salemyr Jenny , Ortqvist Eva , Juul Anders , Bang Peter

Background: The disturbance of the GH-IGF-axis in type 1 diabetes (T1DM) with low circulating IGF-I, GH hypersecretion, and hyperinsulinemia, which may be associated with high tissue IGF-I, have implications on long-term vascular complications.Objective and hypotheses: To establish disease, sex and age related serum IGF-I reference values for children with T1DM and test the hypothesis that IGF-I SDS is lower in T1DM than in healthy controls and negativel...

hrp0084p2-488 | Hypo | ESPE2015

Unexplained Altered States of Consciousness in a Girl

Graf Stefanie , Gerster Karine , Kroiss Sabine , Konrad Daniel , Schonle Eugen

Background: In children, congenital hyperinsulinism is the most common cause for endogenous hyperinsulinaemic hypoglycaemia (HH). Beyond infancy other diagnoses may be considered, such as insulinoma, an insulin-secreting neuroendocrine tumour (NET) arising mostly from the pancreas. The latter is a rare cause of HH in children. The estimated incidence of insulinoma is 1:250’000 person-years of all age groups with a median age at diagnosis of 47 years. Herein, we report an ...

hrp0084p2-537 | Puberty | ESPE2015

Increased Ambulatory Blood Pressure in Adolescents with Gender Dysphoria Treated with Gonadotropin- Releasing Hormone Analogues

Klink Daniel , Bokenkamp Arend , Atsma Eline , Rotteveel Joost

Background: Adolescents with gender dysphoria (GD) are treated with gonadotropin-releasing hormone analogues (GnRHa) to prevent the development of characteristics of the undesired sex. Subsequently, sex steroids of the desired sex, cross sex hormones (CSH) are added. GnRHa treatment is generally considered to be safe in the treatment of precocious puberty in children. However, we observed that some adolescents with GD developed hypertension during GnRHa monotherapy (Klink D <e...

hrp0094p1-10 | Adrenal A | ESPE2021

Glucose regulation in children with primary adrenal insufficiency: preliminary data.

Park Julie , Hawcutt Daniel , Shantsila Helen , Lip Gregory , Blair Joanne

Background: During treatment of adrenal insufficiency (AI) with hydrocortisone (HC), cortisol concentrations are supra-physiological following doses, and low before doses. We speculated that this cortisol profile may result in periods of hyperglycaemia and hypoglycaemia. We describe glucose profiles in the first 18 children recruited to a study of metabolic and cardiovascular profiles in AI. Methods: Children with primar...

hrp0094p2-35 | Adrenals and HPA Axis | ESPE2021

Assessment of blood pressure and carotid intima media thickness (CIMT) in children with primary adrenal insufficiency

Park Julie , Shantsila Helen , Hawcutt Daniel , Lip Gregory , Blair Joanne ,

Background: Increased risk of cardiovascular disease and increased subclinical atherosclerosis have been reported in children with primary adrenal insufficiency (AI), including those with congenital adrenal hyperplasia (CAH), when compared to healthy children. Carotid intima media thickness (CIMT) can be used as an early marker of cardiovascular risk. The severity of adverse metabolic profile has been related to the total hydrocortisone dose and duration of tr...

hrp0097p1-571 | Sex Differentiation, Gonads and Gynaecology, and Sex Endocrinology | ESPE2023

Early and long-term gender-affirming treatment does not alter final height in transgender youth

Ciancia Silvia , Klink Daniel , Craen Margarita , Cools Martine

Keywords: transgender, GnRH agonists, gender affirming hormones, final height, growth, pubertyBackground: Trans boys (TB) and trans girls (TG) who start medical gender-affirming treatment at Tanner stage 2-3 undergo early puberty suppression (ePS) with Gonadotropin-Releasing Hormone agonists (GnRHa) for several years and subsequently receive gender-affirming hormones (GAH), around 15-16 years. This treatment clearly inte...

hrp0092p1-214 | GH and IGFs (1) | ESPE2019

The European Increlex® Growth Forum Database (EU-IGFD) Registry: Do Treatment Practices Differ Between European Countries?

Bang Peter , Polak Michel , Woelfle Joachim , Perrot Valérie , Sert Caroline

Background: In the European Union, Increlex® (mecasermin) is approved for the treatment of growth failure in children with severe primary insulin-like growth factor-1 deficiency (SPIGFD).Methods: The European Increlex® Growth Forum Database (EU-IGFD) registry (NCT00903110) is an ongoing, multicentre, open-label, observational study monitoring the safety and efficacy of mecasermin in childr...

hrp0084p2-519 | Pituitary | ESPE2015

Eating Behaviour, Weight Problems and Eating Disorders in 101 Long-Term Survivors of Childhood-Onset Craniopharyngioma

Hoffmann Anika , Sterkenburg Anthe S , Gebhardt Ursel , Muller Hermann L

Background: As a result of hypothalamic involvement and/or treatment-related hypothalamic damage, up to 75% of childhood craniopharyngioma patients develop hypothalamic obesity.outcome is important for optimization of treatment.Method: Eating behaviour was analysed in 101 survivors of childhood craniopharyngioma, recruited from 1980 to 2001 in the HIT-Endo multicentre study, and in 85 BMI-matched healthy controls using the Inventory for eating behavior a...