hrp0097p2-148 | Pituitary, Neuroendocrinology and Puberty | ESPE2023

Diagnostic dilemma in an adolescent boy with hypopituitarism – pituitary apoplexy or Rathke cleft cyst?

La Grasta Sabolić Lavinia , Kovačević Ana , Požgaj Šepec Marija , Smoljan Mia

Background: Pituitary apoplexy (PA) is a rare clinical emergency in pediatric population. In patients with apoplexy-like symptoms, clinical and imaging features of PA, caused by hemorrhage in a pre-existing macroadenoma, are sometimes difficult to distinguish from Rathke cleft cyst (RCC).Case presentation: A 14.5-year-old boy, with an uneventful past medical history except for mild COVID-19 infection six months earlier, ...

hrp0097p1-93 | Fetal, Neonatal Endocrinology and Metabolism | ESPE2023

Incidence and etiology of congenital hyperinsulinism in Slovakia

Lobotkova Denisa , Minova Martina , Ferenczova Juliana , Dankovcikova Adriana , Sevecova Maria , Tarnokova Simona , Huckova Miroslava , Skopkova Martina , Gasperikova Daniela , Stanik Juraj

Background: Congenital hyperinsulinism (CHI) is the most common cause of the persistent hypoglycemia in children and occurs in approximately 1 in 50,000 live births. Genetic testing provides information on the pancreatic histological subtype (i.e. focal vs diffuse) and determines further management and prognosis of the patients. At least 11 known monogenic forms and several syndromes have been associated with CHI. Mutations in ABCC8 and KCNJ11 genes coding pot...

hrp0095p1-51 | Diabetes and Insulin | ESPE2022

Health-related quality of life and metabolic control in children and young patients with type 1 diabetes and in their parents before and after the COVID-19 lockdown.

Predieri Barbara , Bruzzi Patrizia , Candia Francesco , Caccamo Paola , Sandoni Marcello , Stefanelli Francesca , Pugliese Marisa , Lucaccioni Laura , F. Madeo Simona , Iughetti Lorenzo

Introduction: Italy was the first EU country to be affected by COVID-19 outbreak. The sudden change in everyday life was challenging for children and young people (CYP) who rely heavily on peer connections for emotional and social support. Concerns for consequences in CYP with type 1 diabetes (T1D) rose.Objectives: To compare the diabetes-specific health-related quality of life (D-HRQOL) of CYP with T1D and their parents...

hrp0089p2-p307 | Pituitary, Neuroendocrinology and Puberty P2 | ESPE2018

The Effect of GnRH-Analogue Therapy on the Quality of Life of Patients with Central Precocious Puberty and Their Families

Lucaccioni Laura , Pugliese Marisa , Manzotti Elena , Bruzzi Patrizia , Righi Beatrice , Poluzzi Silvia , Madeo Simona F , Bigi Elena , Predieri Barbara , Iughetti Lorenzo

Introduction: Quality of life (QoL) is a multidimensional indicator including several functions and represents an important evaluator of patientÂ’s health, especially in chronic diseases. Treatment with aGnRH in Central Precocious Puberty (CPP) is source of stress for patients and families. The aim of our study is to evaluate QoL and levels of therapy-related stress in patients with CPP and in their families during and after treatment.Material and me...

hrp0092p1-85 | Growth and Syndromes (to include Turner Syndrome) | ESPE2019

Bone Mineral Density is Normal in Prepubertal Patients with Turner Syndrome when Corrected by Height/age

Dallago Renata Thomazini , Santos Allan Oliveira , Marmo Denise Barbieri , Guerra-Júnior Gil , Morcillo André Moreno , Lemos-Marini Sofia Helena Valente

Introduction: Turner's syndrome (TS) is associated with several manifestations the most frequent being short stature and hypogonadism. Some authors (Nadeem, 2012; Bakalov, 2008) reported that individuals with TS have increased risk of fractures, but the etiology and mechanism of bone fragility have not been yet fully elucidated and may be exacerbated by hormonal factors (Cintron, 2017; Soucek, 2015). Bone densitometry (BD) through the emission of double en...

hrp0082lbp-d3-1009 | (1) | ESPE2014

Family Studies of CYP21A2 Gene Identify Different Haplotypes for Nonclassical 21-Hydroxylase Deficiency in Brazilian Population

de Paula Michelatto Debora , Grimaldi Larissa Magalhaes , Alpiste Marcel Costa , Baptista Maria Tereza Matias , Guerra-Junior Gil , Valente de Lemos-Marini Sofia Helena , Palandi de Mello Maricilda

Background: Congenital adrenal hyperplasia, one of the most frequent autosome recessive disorders, is caused by defects in steroidogenic enzymes involved in the cortisol biosynthesis. Approximately 95% of cases are caused by a deficiency of the 21-hydroxylase enzyme. Its deficiency leads to androgen excess, consequently, to virilization and rapid somatic growth with accelerated skeletal maturation. Mutations in CYP21A2 are responsible for different forms of 21-hydroxylase defi...

hrp0084fc14.5 | Puberty | ESPE2015

Polybrominated Diphenyl Ethers (PBDEs) and Timing of Puberty in Girls

Deodati Annalisa , Sallemi Alessia , Maranghi Francesca , Busani Luca , Cambiaso Paola , Mancini Francesca , Scire Giuseppe , Spadoni Gian Luigi , Marini Romana , Baldari Francesca , Tassinari Roberta , Cianfarani Stefano

Background: Polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs) are widely used as flame retardants and have shown endocrine disruption properties in experimental studies. Preliminary studies in animal models have suggested a link between exposure to PBDE and alterations of puberty and reproduction.Objective and hypotheses: To investigate the association between the exposure to PBDEs and alterations of puberty in girls, referred for idiopathic premature thelarche (IP...

hrp0082p2-d1-294 | Bone | ESPE2014

Determinants of Vitamin D Levels in Children and Adolescents with Down Syndrome

Stagi Stefano , Lapi Elisabetta , Scalini Perla , Greco Paolo Del , Ricci Franco , Marino Achille , de Martino Maurizio , Seminara Salvatore

Background: Down syndrome (DS) is the most common genetic (chromosomal) mental retardation syndrome. In these patients, several environmental and hormonal factors contribute to low bone mineral density (BMD), among these factors, vitamin D may play a significant role in the health of patients with DS. However, poor studies have evaluated 25-hydroxy cholecalciferol (25(OH)D) levels in DS.Objective and hypotheses: The purpose of this study was to assess se...

hrp0097rfc3.4 | Fat, metabolism and obesity 1 | ESPE2023

Effect of maternal diet and breastfeeding on growth and distribution of adiposity from birth up to 12 months: data from the European LIFE-MILCH project

Righi Beatrice , Alberghi Francesca , Fontana Marta , Pelosi Annalisa , Davolio Emanuela , Rotteglia Cecilia , Catellani Cecilia , Sartori Chiara , Shulhai Anna-Mariia , Buia Veronica , Maria Papini Anna , Fanos Vassilios , Palanza Paola , E Street Maria

The ongoing European LIFE-MILCH project(, focuses on detecting Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals in mothers, in breast and formula milk and in urine of mothers and infants up to 12 months of age studying relationships with neurodevelopment, growth, distribution of adiposity, pubertal stages to establish a risk assessment model to prepare safety guidelines. In this study we have evaluated the effects of maternal diet during and after pregnancy, and of duration of ...

hrp0097p1-371 | Sex Differentiation, Gonads and Gynaecology, and Sex Endocrinology | ESPE2023

Effect of maternal diet on pubertal stages and ano-genital distance from birth up to 12 months: data from the European LIFE-MILCH project

Alberghi Francesca , Fontana Marta , Righi Beatrice , Shulhai Anna-Mariia , Davolio Emanuela , Rotteglia Cecilia , Pelosi Annalisa , Catellani Cecilia , Sartori Chiara , Buia Veronica , Maria Papini Anna , Fanos Vassilios , Palanza Paola , E. Street Maria

The ongoing European LIFE-MILCH project (, focuses on detecting Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals in mothers, in breast and formula milk and in urine of mothers and infants up to 12 months of age studying relationships with neurodevelopment, growth, distribution of adiposity, pubertal stages, and ano-genital distance (AGD) to establish a risk assessment model to prepare safety guidelines. In this study we evaluated the effects of maternal diet during and after pr...