hrp0089p3-p142 | Fat, Metabolism and Obesity P3 | ESPE2018

Osse Registry for Patients with Lipodystrophy Run by the European Consortium of Lipodystrophy (ECLip)

von Schnurbein Julia , Schaaf Jannik , Cecarini Giovanni , Vantyghem Marie-Christine , Vatier Camille , Nagel Gabriele , Araujo-Vilar David , Wabitsch Martin

Introduction: The term lipodystrophy describes a rare disease subdivided into a heterogenous group of even rarer subforms. The rarity of this disease makes research in this area extremely difficult and international co-operation is mandatory to accumulate data sets of sufficient size. The European Consortium of Lipodystrophy (ECLip) consisting of an association of European experts in the field of lipodystrophy has therefore decided to set up a registry for patients with lipody...

hrp0086fc13.2 | Management of Obesity | ESPE2016

Measurement of Immunofunctional Leptin to Detect Patients with Functional Leptin Deficiency

Wabitsch Martin , Pridzun Lutz , Ranke Michael , Flehmig Bertram , Fischer-Posovszky Pamela , Moss Anja , Schaab Michael , von Schnurbein Julia , Kratzsch Jurgen

Background: Recently, patients with severe obesity have been described due to functional leptin deficiency. This new entity is characterized by high immunoreactive levels of circulating leptin (Lep), but a reduced bioactivity of the hormone due to defective receptor binding (N Engl J Med 2015;372:48–54). Since these patients can be successfully treated with human recombinant leptin (metreleptin), a diagnostic tool to detect functional leptin deficiency is needed.<p cl...

hrp0082p1-d3-84 | Diabetes (2) | ESPE2014

Children and Adolescents with Type 1 Diabetes have Higher Plasma Visfatin Levels than Healthy Controls

Hontzsch Julia , Jasser-Nitsche Hildegard , Grillitsch Marlene , Suppan Elisabeth , Weinhandl Gudrun , Riedl Regina , Barowitsch Christine , Borkenstein Martin , Frohlich-Reiterer Elke

Background: The aim of this study was to examine plasma visfatin levels in pediatric patients with type 1 diabetes (T1D). Visfatin, a novel adipokine, is predominantly secreted by visceral adipose tissue and seems to have insulin-mimetic effects. It has not been studied in children and adolescents with type 1 diabetes (T1D) yet.Objectives: We studied 124 subjects; 62 patients with T1D: 31 girls, mean age 13.7±3.7 years; mean duration of diabetes 5.9...

hrp0095p1-396 | Thyroid | ESPE2022

A rare cause of acquired von Willebrand factor deficiency: Primary hypothyroidism due to autoimmune thyroiditis

Dağdeviren Çakır Aydilek , Yıldız Yıldırmak Zeynep , Eren Simge , Mısırlı Özdemir Ebru , Özdemir Mustafa , Ucar Ahmet

In children, autoimmune thyroiditis is often diagnosed with signs and symptoms such as goiter, short stature, and constipation. Delayed diagnosis of hypothyroidism may result in atypical signs and symptoms at presentation, depending on the severity of hypothyroidism. Von Willebrand disease (vWD) is the most common bleeding disorder caused by the quantitative or qualitative deficiency of von Willebrand factor (vWF). Acquired vWD (avWD) is a disorder characterized by low levels ...

hrp0082p1-d1-104 | Fat Metabolism &amp; Obesity | ESPE2014

Coexistence of Elevated Chitinase 3-Like Protein 1 and von Willebrand Levels in Prepubertal Obese Children

Kyrgios Ioannis , Stylianou Charilaos , Kotanidou Eleni , Galli-Tsinopoulou Assimina

Introduction: Obesity as a chronic inflammatory disease is associated with impaired prothrombotic state leading to atherothrombosis. A variety of prothrombotic factors have been implicated in the pathophysiology of this phenomenon, especially the von Willebrand factor (vWF) produced in endothelium, megakaryocytes and subendothelial connective tissue. The aim of this study was to investigate any possible association between the new inflammatory marker chitinase 3-like protein 1...

hrp0097p2-36 | Pituitary, Neuroendocrinology and Puberty | ESPE2023

Unusual presentation of pheochromocytoma (PCC) and paraganglioma (PGL) in two sisters with von Hippel Lindau disease (VHL)

Vieites Ana , J. Benítez Amanda , Eugenia Rodríguez María , Bignon Horacio , Sansó Gabriela

Introduction: Von Hippel-Lindau disease(VHL) is an autosomal dominantly inherited tumor syndrome that predisposes to development benign and malignant tumors. The prevalence of VHL disease is one in 36,000, and the penetrance is higher than 90%. PCC occur in up to 20% of VHL patients. Classically, it is characterized by having an adrenal location, mostly bilateral and being derived from the sympathetic nervous system, resulting in the releases of catecholamines...

hrp0092rfc11.5 | Pituitary, Neuroendocrinology and Puberty Session 2 | ESPE2019

IGF-1 Serum Concentrations and Growth in Children with Congenital Leptin Deficiency (CLD) Before and After Replacement Therapy with Metreleptin

Beghini Marianna , von Schnurbein Julia , Körber Ingrid , Brandt Stephanie , Kohlsdorf Katja , Vollbach Heike , Lennerz Belinda , Denzer Christian , Wabitsch Martin

Background: Leptin, primarily secreted by adipocytes, is a pivotal signal of the body's energy status and exhibits pleiotropic effects. Homozygous mutations in the leptin gene which result in defective synthesis, release or bioactivity, cause intense hyperphagia and early-onset severe obesity, along with multiple metabolic, hormonal, and immunological abnormalities. In vitro and animal model studies suggest that leptin plays a role in linear growth. So far...

hrp0089rfc6.4 | Fat, Metabolism and Obesity | ESPE2018

Functionality and Phenotypic Characteristics of Mutations in the Human Leptin Receptor

Nunziata Adriana , Funcke Jan-Bernd , Borck Guntram , von Schnurbein Julia , Lennerz Belinda , Moepps Barbara , Gierschik Peter , Fischer-Posovszky Pamela , Wabitsch Martin

Objective: Merge and standardize the scarce data on molecular and phenotypic findings of mutations in the human leptin receptor (LEPR) gene causing a rare form of severe early-onset obesity.Methods: We summarized functional and phenotypic traits of LEPR mutations reported in the literature in a structured and comprehensive manner. Additional data was obtained from 6 subjects of our outpatient clinic not reported so far. Functionality of mutations was ass...

hrp0089p2-p141 | Fat, Metabolism and Obesity P2 | ESPE2018

Associations between Total Leptin, Bio-inactive Leptin, Soluble Leptin Receptor and Anthropometrics in Children with Severe Early-onset Obesity (SEOO) – the German-Polish Study (EOL-GPS)

Zachurzok Agnieszka , Malecka-Tendera Ewa , Petriczko Elzbieta , Mazur Artur , Pridzun Lutz , Flehmig Bertram , Schnurbein Julia von , Ranke Michael B. , Wabitsch Martin , Brandt Stephanie

Background: Severe early-onset obesity (SEOO) in children is more frequently observed in subjects with genetic disorders of which those of leptin pathway can be analyzed biochemically and genetically.Objectives: The aim of the study was to investigate anthropometrics and leptin parameters, specifically searching for bio-inactive leptin, in children with SEOO.Methods: Study cohort includes children ...

hrp0084fc8.4 | Obesity - Basic | ESPE2015

Severe Early-Onset Obesity Caused By Bioinactive Leptin due to a N103K Mutation

Wabitsch Martin , Funcke Jan-Bernd , von Schnurbein Julia , Denzer Friederike , Lahr Georgia , Denzer Christian , Moss Anja , Debatin Klaus-Michael , Gierschik Peter , Farooqi Sadaf , Moepps Barbara , Fischer-Posovszky Pamela

Background: Early-onset severe obesity due to leptin deficiency typically results from a defect of leptin production or secretion due to mutations in the leptin gene. Recently we described a new form of leptin deficiency caused by bioinactivity of the hormone and associated with high circulating leptin levels (New England Journal of Medicine 2015 372 48–54).Method: Serum leptin was measured by ELISA. The leptin gene was seq...