hrp0094p2-131 | Diabetes and insulin | ESPE2021

Comparison between hybrid diabetes (HD) and type 2 diabetes (T2DM) in children; Patient`s characteristics at diagnosis: a retrospective observational study.

Hamed Noor , Soliman Ashraf , Alyafei Fawzia , Elawwa Ahmed , Alaaraj Nada , Ahmed Shayma ,

The “Hybrid Diabetes (HD)” is a new term that emerged in the last few years to describe diabetes with combined features of type 1 and type 2 diabetes. The etiology behind hybrid diabetes is not well understood, and clinical characteristics for these unique patients were not described before. Differentiating HD from other forms of diabetes will lead to a better understanding of the disease process and course, as well as knowing the most appropriate management plan to ...

hrp0094p2-241 | Fetal, neonatal endocrinology and metabolism (to include hypoglycaemia) | ESPE2021

Incidence of early neonatal hypoglycemia and some related risk factors in Qatar. A cohort study over two years (2018 and 2019)

Soliman Ashraf , Ali Hamdy , Alaaraj Nada , Alyafei Fawzia , Hamed Noor , Ahmed Shaymaa ,

Objective: The objective of this study is to determine the incidence of early neonatal hypoglycemia and to confirm potential risk factors.Study design: The study was conducted at a tertiary Medical Center in Qatar. between January 2018 and December 2019. First blood glucose concentrations of all infants admitted to the nursery were measured using a "point of care" analyzer (Accu-Chek). We recorded risk factors for hypoglycemia su...

hrp0094p2-291 | Growth and syndromes (to include Turner syndrome) | ESPE2021

Linear Growth and Weight gain in Infants with Significant Neonatal Hypoglycemia during the first two years of age: Comparison of infants of Diabetic Mothers (IDM) versus infants of non-diabetic mothers (INDM) with transient hyperinsulinemia (non-ketotic hypoglycemia)

Soliman Ashraf , Alaaraj Nada , Itani Maya , Jour Celine , Alyafei Fawzia , Hamed Noor , Alneimy Fatma , Ali Hamdy ,

Objective: Infants born to mothers with glucose intolerance are at an increased risk of having growth abnormalities at birth and postnatally. This study evaluated the growth pattern of IDMs from birth to the age of 2 years.Research Design and Methods: Anthropometric measures (z scores) from birth, 2,4.6,12,18 and 2 years were measured in 60 IDM and 40 infants of non-diabetic mothers who presented with significant neonatal hypoglycemia (p...

hrp0097p1-409 | Adrenals and HPA Axis | ESPE2023

Hydrocortisone (HC) versus Prednisone(P) Therapy in treating Children with Classic Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia (CAH): Impact on statural growth weight gain and metabolic criteria

El Sayed Shayma , Soliman Ashraf , Hamed Noor , Ahmed Shayma , Alyafei Fawzia , Alaaraj Nada

Introduction: Debate still exists about the safety of long-term use of prednisone (P) versus hydrocortisone (HC) for treating children with congenital adrenal hyperplasia -21OH D (CAH).Aim: To investigate the linear growth and weigh gain as well as metabolic component in children with CAH who were treated with either HC or P since early infancy for 5 years or more.Methods: Data of ...

hrp0097p1-39 | Diabetes and Insulin | ESPE2023

Prevalence of Insulin-induced Lipohypertrophy (LD) in children and Adolescents with Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus in relation to important risk factors: Review of literature in the past 15 years in 11 countries

Soliman Ashraf , De Sanctis Vincenzo , Alaaraj Nada , Ahmed Shayma , Hamed Noor , Alyafei Fawzia

Abstract: Epidemiological and clinical data on LD in children and adolescents with T1DM are growing since 2010 because of the introduction of new insulin analogs and the use of insulin pumps (CSII). Many risk factors predispose to the occurrence of LD.Objectives and Methods: We performed an electronic search in PubMed, Google scholar and Web of Sciences to evaluate the global prevalence and possible risk factors of LD in...

hrp0097p1-242 | Diabetes and Insulin | ESPE2023

Prevalence of Insulin-induced Lipohypertrophy (LD) in Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus (T1DM): CSII versus MDIT and Children versus adults.: Review of literature in the past 15 years in 10 countries.

Soliman Ashraf , De Sanctis Vincenzo , Ahmed Shayma , Hamed Noor , Alyafei Fawzia , Alaaraj Nada

Lipohypertrophy (LD) represents the most common cutaneous complication of insulin therapy worldwide. Epidemiological and clinical data on LD in children and adolescents with T1DM are growing since 2010 because of the introduction of new insulin analogs and the use of insulin pumps (CSII).Objectives and Methods: We performed an electronic search in PubMed, Google scholar and Web of Sciences to evaluate the global prevalence and possible r...

hrp0097p1-501 | GH and IGFs | ESPE2023

The Predictive Value of using IGF1/Growth Hormone Peak Ratio on growth parameters in Children with Growth Hormone Deficiency (GHD) before and after GH treatment.

Soliman Ashraf , Alyafei Fawzia , Alaaraj Nada , Hamed Noor , Ahmed Shayma , Elsiddig Sohair , Eldarsy Nagwa

Introduction: GH stimulates the production of IGF1; however, their metabolic effects are different. GH has lipolytic and anti-insulin actions while IGF1 has insulin-like actions.Objectives: To investigate the value of using the IGF1/GH peak ratio in relation to the anthropometric data of children with growth hormone deficiency (GHD) before and after a year of GH therapy.Patients and Methods...

hrp0097p1-117 | Growth and Syndromes | ESPE2023

Evaluating the Beneficial Role of Nutritional Intervention (NI) Trials in Improving Growth in Children with Beta Thalassemia Major (BTM)

Soliman Ashraf , Ahmed Shyama , Alaaraj Nada , Alyafei Fawzia , Hamed Noor , Itani Maya

Introduction: Patients with thalassemia have a high prevalence of malnutrition and low body mass index (BMI), and nutritional intervention studies are scarce.Aim: We performed an electronic search in PubMed, Google Scholar, and Web of Sciences to review nutritional intervention studies and their possible beneficial effect on children and adults with BTM.Results: 17 controlled and/o...

hrp0097p1-308 | Growth and Syndromes | ESPE2023

Birth Size and Postnatal Growth in Infants with Solitary Kidney: Does the disease affect Growth?

Soliman Ashraf , Elbaba Mustafa , Mehta Shital , Hamed Noor , Alaaraj Nada , Alyafei Fawzia , Ahmed Shayma

Introduction: Infants with solitary functioning kidney (SFK) may be prone to develop growth problems, which are not well represented in the literature.Objectives: The aim of this study was to evaluate birth size and postnatal growth in infants with SFK.Patients and Methods: We measured the weight, Weight SDS (WAZ), length SDS (LAZ), and weight for length SDS (WLZ) at birth and ever...

hrp0097p1-525 | Growth and Syndromes | ESPE2023

Human milk insulin-like growth factor-1 (HMIGF1) and its effects on Infantile and Childhood Growth

Soliman Ashraf , Alyafei Fawzia , Alaaraj Nada , Hamed Noor , Ahmed Shayma , Soliman Nada , Shaat Mona , Adel Ashraf

Introduction: Accumulating evidence indicates various but significant effects of human breast milk IGF1 (HMIGF1) on infantile linear growth and weight gain.Objectives and Methods: We performed electronic literature systematic review using PubMed, Google Scholar, and Web of Sciences with the aim to provide an update on various effects of HMIGF1 on infantile and childhood growth. We reviewed 12 studies (n= 941 inf...