hrp0095p1-275 | Fat, Metabolism and Obesity | ESPE2022

Cardio-metabolic health in Danish children aged 7-10 years conceived after assisted reproductive technology

Laub Asserhøj Louise , Mizrak Ikram , Sophie Lebech Kjaer Anna , Dalsgaard Clausen Tine , Greisen Gorm , Main Katharina , Lav Madsen Per , Pinborg Anja , Beck Jensen Rikke

Background: Children conceived after assisted reproductive technology (ART) with frozen embryo transfer (FET) are more often born large-for-gestational age (LGA) while children born after fresh embryo transfer (fresh-ET) are at risk of being small-for-gestational age (SGA). LGA or SGA children are at increased risk of obesity, diabetes and cardiovascular disease later in life. The long-term cardio-metabolic health of children born after ART is scarcely explore...

hrp0084p2-330 | Fat | ESPE2015

Abdominal fat Distribution Measured by Magnetic Resonance Imaging in 197 Children Aged 10–15 Years – Correlation to Anthropometry and Dual X-Ray Absorptiometry

Tinggaard Jeanette , Hagen Casper P , Mouritsen Annette , Mieritz Mikkel G , Wohlfahrt-Veje Christine , Fallentin Eva , Larsen Rasmus , Christensen Anders N , Jensen Rikke B , Juul Anders , Main Katharina

Background: Obesity in childhood is defined by age- and sex-specific BMI cut-off values. However, BMI does not disclose the distribution of fat mass. Increased abdominal adipose tissue is associated with a higher risk of cardio-metabolic disease in adulthood. Thus, precise measurements of abdominal adipose tissue in children may enable early prevention of disease.Objective and hypotheses: To validate measurements of abdominal adipose tissue by anthropome...

hrp0092t4 | Top 20 Poster | ESPE2019

Use of Stored Serum in the Study of Time Trends and Geographical Differences in Exposure of Pregnant Women to Phthalates

Henriksen Louise , Mathiesen Barbara , Assens Maria , Krause Marianna , Skakkebæk Niels Erik , Juul Anders , Andersson Anna-Maria , Hart Roger , Newnham John , Keelan Jeffrey , Main Katharina , Pennell Craig , Frederiksen Hanne

Background: There is increasing evidence from epidemiological studies that some man-made chemicals present in the environment can disrupt endocrine homeostasis in exposed humans. Exposure during foetal life to e.g. phthalates has been linked to adverse effects on testicular and ovarian development, thyroid homeostasis and growth in postnatal life. Exposure to phthalates fluctuates not only from day to day but also over time which poses a major challenge for ex...

hrp0089p3-p196 | GH & IGFs P3 | ESPE2018

Main Discrepancies between Predicted and Observed Growth Responses with iGRO in Children Treated with GHr in Spain

Palma Cristina Mora , Martin Nerea Itza , Fernandez Julio Guerrero , Fresno Luis Salamanca , Bonis Ana Coral Barreda , Casado Isabel Gonzalez

Introduction: Growth prediction algorithms (i.e. iGRO), provide an estimate of a patients’ likely growth in the first year, and subsequent years, of GH treatment at a given dose, taking into account the patient’s combination of physical characteristics. Comparing a patient’s actual growth with their predicted growth after the first year of GH treatment, it is possible to determine whether the patient is responding to GH as expected (Index of responsiveness; IoR)...

hrp0089p1-p176 | Growth & Syndromes P1 | ESPE2018

Growth Plate Disorders are the Main Cause of Severe Familiar Short Stature in Children Classified and Treated with Growth Hormone as SGA or GHD

Plachy Lukaš , Strakova Veronika , Elblova Lenka , Dušatkova Petra , Obermannova Barbora , Šnajderova Marta , Kolouškova Stanislava , Zemkova Dana , Šumnik Zdeněk , Lebl Jan , Průhova Štěpanka

Introduction: Familiar short stature (FSS) is a common variant of growth with heterogeneous etiology. Children with FSS are often excluded from further check-up and treatment. However, significant number of children with FSS comply even with the European criteria for growth hormone (GH) therapy – patients with SHOX-deficiency, growth hormone deficiency (GHD) or these born short for gestational age (SGA). The aim of the study was to identify genetic etiology of short statu...

hrp0095p2-207 | Multisystem Endocrine Disorders | ESPE2022

Bisphenol A (BPA): A Hidden Enemy

Grau Gema , Andrade Fernando , Vela Amaya , López Oceja Raquel , Rica Itxaso

Introduction: Endocrino disruptors (EDs) are substances that interfere with hormonal function. The long list of EDs includes multiple natural compounds and numerous synthetic chemicals such as bisphenol A (BPA). BPA is present in plastics used in common products (Packaging, bottles, toys, digital media, etc). Several studies have shown its ability to alter the regulation of developmentally relevant genes, inhibit the synthesis of sex hormones and induce the pr...

hrp0094p2-186 | Fat, metabolism and obesity | ESPE2021

Diagnostic accuracy of Tri-Ponderal mass index (kg/m3) for identifying glucose intolerance in obese children and adolescents.

Arciniegas Larry , Mogas Eduard , Tomasini Rosangela , Fabregas Ana , Clemente Maria , Yeste Diego ,

Introduction: The identification of obese patients with increased susceptibility and risk for glucose intolerance and type 2 diabetes requires an oral glucose tolerance test (OGTT). Reference values for Body mass index (BMI) and Tri-Ponderal mass index (TMI) according to age and sex of healthy children in Spain without malnutrition or obesity have recently been published (*). TMI values remain very uniform in both boys and girls from the age of 8 to 18 years, ...

hrp0089rfc4.4 | GH & IGFs | ESPE2018

A Longitudinal Study on miRNAs Circulating Levels in a Cohort of SGA and AGA Subjects, Evaluated During Childhood and Young Adulthood

Inzaghi Elena , Kistner Anna , Deodati Annalisa , Germani Daniela , Legnevall Lena , Vanpee Mireille , Berinder Katarina , Cianfarani Stefano

Background: Low birth weight is associated with increased cardio-metabolic diseases in adulthood. Specific circulating miRNA seem to be predictive of cardio-metabolic risk.Objective: Our aim was to investigate the circulating levels of mir-122, mir-16, mir-126, and mir-486 in a cohort of SGA and AGA subjects, evaluated longitudinally in childhood and early adulthood.Method: Anthropometric and biochemical-metabolic evaluations were ...

hrp0082p2-d2-471 | Growth (1) | ESPE2014

When and Why Should We Investigate the SRCAP Gene in Cases of Short Stature?

Lucas Luiza Silveira , Boycott Kym M , Nikkel Sarah M , Lucas Elizabeth Lemos Silveira

Background: The heterozygous mutation in the SRCAP gene (611421) on chromosome 16p11.2 causes a rare genetic disorder named Floating–Harbor syndrome (FHS). The clinical diagnosis of FHS is characterized by a triad of short stature with significantly delayed bone age; expressive language delay, usually in the presence of normal motor development; and a triangular face with prominent nose and deep-set eyes.Objective: To investigate the presence of SRC...

hrp0092p1-156 | Adrenals and HPA Axis (1) | ESPE2019

Prospective, Open-Label, Long-Term Follow-Up of Neonates and Young Children with Adrenal Insufficiency Treated with Hydrocortisone Granules

Neumann Uta , Braune Katarina , Whitaker Martin , Wiegand Susanna , Krude Heiko , Porter John , Digweed Dena , Voet Bernard , Ross Richard , Blankenstein Oliver

Introduction: Children with congenital adrenal hyperplasia (CAH) and adrenal insufficiency (AI) rely on lifelong hormone replacement with hydrocortisone (HC). Alkindi® is the first HC licensed for children from birth to 18 years with AI, available in small doses of 0.5, 1, 2 and 5mg required for the needs of neonates, infants and children.Objectives: Primary: long-term safety of Alkindi®; Secondary: long-term d...