hrp0095p1-581 | Sex Differentiation, Gonads and Gynaecology, and Sex Endocrinology | ESPE2022

A case series of granulosa cell tumors of the ovary

Giuca Diandra , Dumitru Niculina , Scurtu Cristian , Vladoiu Suzana , Dumitrica Alina , Boboc Madalina , Procopiuc Camelia , Gherlan Iuliana

Introduction: Granulosa cell tumors (GSTs) of ovary are very rare, usually large gonadic neoplasms arising from the mesenchyme and sex cords. The main clinical appearance of the juvenile GCTs is represented of signs of excessive estrogen (Precocious puberty - 75% of cases) or testosterone secretion (rare).Aim: To present the different clinical presentation and outcome in a case series of a rare tumor patients.<p clas...

hrp0092p1-82 | GH and IGFs | ESPE2019

Positive Impact on Adherence Through Educational Activities of the Argentina´s Patient Support Program in Children with low Adherence to Treatment with Recombinant Growth Hormone (easypod applicator)

Assefi Aria Reza , Chareca Cinthia , Roca Fernanda , Rubstein Adrian , Ayala Luciana Celis , Von Schulz Hausmann Cristian

Background: One of the main concerns in patients with growth disorders is to achieve optimal adherence to growth hormone (GH) treatment. For this it is important to identify patients with low adherence to treatment and to evaluate actions to improve it.The Merck Patient Support Program (PSP) carried out educational actions aimed at patients with low adherence and their parents, to raise their awareness of the importance of good adherence...

hrp0089p3-p318 | Pituitary, Neuroendocrinology and Puberty P3 | ESPE2018

SIG (Special Interest Group)-ENDOPED/RUTE (Brazil): Seven Years Integrating Pediatric Endocrinology Centers throughout the Country

Arrais Ricardo Fernando , Alves Cresio Aragao Dantas , Junior Gil Guerra , Castro Luiz Claudio Goncalves , Filho Geraldo Miranda Graca , Kopacek Cristiane , Damiani Durval , Junior Raphael Del Roio Liberatore , Punales Marcia Khaled

Introduction: Telemedicine, or the use of CIT (Communication and Information Technology) to deliver and/or share medical remote assistance and knowledge, is of paramount importance, mainly in large countries, with social and economic disparities, as Brazil, by means of teleconferences, webconferences, webcasts and use of a wide range of interactive technologies, helping activities of assistance and professional health education. One of the activities provided by our RUTE (Univ...

hrp0086p1-p337 | Gonads &amp; DSD P1 | ESPE2016

46,XY Partial Gonadal Dysgenesis Caused by an Xp21.2 Interstitial Duplication that Does not Encompass the NR0B1 Gene

dos Santos Ana Paula , Piveta Cristiane dos Santos Cruz , de Andrade Juliana Gabriel Ribeiro , Fabbri Helena Campos , Lopes Vera Lucia Gil da Silva , Junior Gil Guerra , Guerra Andrea Trevas Maciel , Mello Maricilda Palandi

Background: A portion of 160 kb on Xp21.2 is defined as dosage sensitive sex reversal, including NR0B1, which is considered the most likely candidate gene involved in XY gonadal dysgenesis if overexpressed. The excess of NR0B1 gene product seems to disturb testicular development by down regulating NR5A1, WT1, and SOX9. Xp duplication causes insufficient SRY expression leading to testis development failure. However, NR0B1 si...

hrp0086lbp10 | (1) | ESPE2016

Molecular Analysis of AR, SRD5A2, NR5A1 and HSD17B3 Genes in a Brazilian 46,XY DSD Cohort

Petroli Reginaldo Jose , Lessa Victor Jose Correia , Vieira Larissa Clara , de Calais Flavia Leme , Fabbri Helena Campos , Henriques Taciane Barbosa , dos Santos Cruz Piveta Cristiane , do Nascimento Diogo Lucas Lima , de Mello Maricilda Palandi , Monlleo Isabella Lopes

Background: Disorders of Sex Development (DSD) comprise several phenotypes due to dysfunction in genes involved in human sexual determination and differentiation. The most frequent aetiologies among 46,XY DSD are androgen insensitivity syndrome and 5-alpha-reductase type 2 deficiency due mutations in AR and SRD5A2 genes, respectively.Objective and hypotheses: The purpose of this study was to investigate mutations in AR and ...

hrp0084p3-717 | Diabetes | ESPE2015

Seip-Berardinelli Syndrome in a Patient Referred by Low Weight Gain

Kopacek Cristiane , Beltrao Luciana Amorim , Guimaraes Victoria Bernardes , Trombetta Julia Santana , Lliguin Karen Lizeth Puma , Rosa Rosana Cardoso Manique , de Mattos Vinicius Freitas , Graziadio Carla , Zen Paulo Ricardo Gazzola , Rosa Rafael Fabiano Machado

Background: Seip-Berardinelli syndrome is a rare form of congenital lipodystrophy.Objective and hypothesis: To report a patient later diagnosed with Seip-Berardinelli syndrome referred initially for evaluation due to low weight gain.Population and/or methods: We performed the report of the case along with a literature review.Results: The patient was referred due to low weight gain. She was the second daughter...

hrp0084p3-1016 | Growth | ESPE2015

Autosomal Recessive Omodysplasia: A Rare Cause of Disproportionate Short Stature

Kopacek Cristiane , Beltrao Luciana Amorim , Guimaraes Victoria Bernardes , Trombetta Julia Santana , Lliguin Karen Lizeth Puma , de Souza Vinicius , Haubert Gessica , da Cunha Andre Campos , Zen Paulo Ricardo Gazzola , Rosa Rafael Fabiano Machado

Background: Autosomal recessive omodysplasia is considered a rare skeletal dysplasia characterized by severe micromelia with shortening and distal tapering of the humeri and femora.Objective and hypothesis: To report the prenatal findings of a patient with autosomal recessive omodysplasia, a rare condition characterized by disproportionate short stature.Population and/or methods: We performed a description of the case along with a ...

hrp0089p1-p039 | Bone, Growth Plate &amp; Mineral Metabolism P1 | ESPE2018

3-epi-25 Serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D3 Concentrations in Chilean Children between 5 and 8 Years

Arancibia Monica , Seiltgens Cristian , Poggi Helena , Allende Fidel , Solari Sandra , Peredo Soledad , Trincado Claudia , Garcia Hernan , Moore Rosario , Dapremont Ivonne , Andrade Daniela , Sifaqui Sofia , Ossa Jt , Campino Carmen , Carvajal Cristian , Fardella Carlos , Baudrand Rene , Sanchez Ximena , Martinez-Aguayo Alejandro

Background: The C3 epimer of 25-hydroxi-vitamin D3 (Epi25OHD3) is present in the pediatric and adult population and varies according to age. If it measurement is clinically relevant and should be considered to classify Vitamin D status is still unknown.Objective: To measure 25OHD3, 25-hydroxy-Vitamin D2 (25OHD2) and Epi25OHD3 and to compare them with PTH and calcemia.Method: Subjects: Children between 5 and 8 years of age born very...

hrp0095p1-556 | Pituitary, Neuroendocrinology and Puberty | ESPE2022

Surprisingly high frequency of pituitary stalk thickening in pediatric patients during COVID-19 pandemic in Chile.

Zepeda Diego , Peña Fernanda , Pablo Fernandez Jose , Okuma Cecilia , Naudy Cristian , J Guarda Francisco , Isabel Hernandez Maria

Introduction: Pituitary stalk thickening (PST) is a rare condition in pediatric patients. As there are few studies published in pediatric population, the definition has been difficult to establish. The etiologies involved in PST can be divided in neoplastic, congenital, inflammatory/infectious or autoimmune diseases. In children the most frequent causes are neoplastic, followed by congenital lesions. The inflammatory/infectious and autoimmune diseases are rare...

hrp0092p2-167 | GH and IGFs | ESPE2019

Adherence and Long-Term Outcomes of Therapy in Pediatric Subjects in Argentina using Easypod™ Electromechanical Device for Growth Hormone Treatment: The Phase IV Multicentre Easypod™ Connect Observational Study (ECOS)

Chareca Cinthia D , Belgorosky Alicia , Chiarpenello Javier , Colombi Lia , Pasqualini Titania , Von Schulz Hausmann Cristian , Assefi Aria , miras mirta

The Easypod™ Connect Observational Study (ECOS) assessed real-time adherence in patients from 24 countries who were receiving recombinant human growth hormone (r-hGH; Saizen®) via easypod™, which is an electronic injection device. Overall, ECOS showed mean adherence was maintained at ~80% for up to 3 years. Here, we assess the adherence to r-hGH administered via easypod™ in the Argentinian cohort of patients from ECOS (NCT01582334).<p class="ab...