hrp0097p1-56 | Fat, Metabolism and Obesity | ESPE2023

Lipoma slice cultures as a new model to examine the effects of PI3K inhibitors on lipid accumulation

Maria Merz Lea , Kallendrusch Sonja , Winter Karsten , Klöting Nora , Krause Kerstin , Le Duc Diana , Kiess Wieland , Garten Antje

Introduction: PTEN hamartoma tumor syndrome (PHTS) is a rare genetic disorder caused by germline mutations in the tumor suppressor gene Phosphatase and tensin homologue (PTEN), a negative regulator of the phosphoinositide-3 kinase (PI3K)/AKT/ mechanistic target of rapamycin (mTOR) pathway. Children with PHTS frequently develop adipose tissue overgrowth, so called lipomas that can lead to loss of organ function due to displacing lipoma growth. Currently, except...

hrp0095fc4.5 | Fat, Metabolism and Obesity | ESPE2022

Pten knockout in osteoprogenitor cells leads to loss of adipose tissue

Kolbig Florentien , Lorenz Judith , Roth Lisa , Lindhorst Andreas , Thor Doreen , Le Duc Diana , Gericke Martin , Kiess Wieland , Klöting Nora , Krause Kerstin , Garten Antje

Background and Aim: Pediatric patients with germline mutations in the phosphatase and tensin homolog (Pten) gene frequently develop aberrant adipose tissue growth called lipomas. In severe cases, recurrent lipoma formation can have adverse effects on organ function and quality of life. Due to the lack of understanding the basis of lipoma development, no systemic treatment options are available. We therefore aimed to characterize an already described lipoma bea...

hrp0089p1-p138 | Fetal, Neonatal Endocrinology and Metabolism P1 | ESPE2018

Measurement of Estradiol and Testosterone in Umbilical Cord Blood by Gas Chromatography-Tandem Mass Spectrometry (GC-MS/MS); Comparisons with Radioimmunoassay (RIA)

Allvin Kerstin , Dahlgren Jovanna , Andersson Mats X , Ankarberg-Lindgren Carina

Background: We have previously shown radioimmunoassay (RIA) and gas chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry (GC-MS/MS) to be comparable when analyzing estradiol and testosterone concentrations in prepubertal and pubertal children. However, the reliability for steroid hormone determination with RIA in umbilical cord blood is not known. In general, older studies using RIA show higher values of testosterone, than more recent ones using MS/MS.Patients and me...

hrp0082p3-d1-884 | Perinatal and Neonatal Endocrinology | ESPE2014

Gender Differences in Sex Steroids and IGF1 at Birth and at 5 Years of Age

Allvin Kerstin , Karlsson Ann-Katrine , Ankarberg-Lindgren Carina , Dahlgren Jovanna

Background: Gender differences in sex steroids and IGF1 are well known from pubertal years into adulthood. Few studies report data from pre-school years.Objective and hypotheses: To study gender specific changes in sex steroids and IGF1 at birth and at 5 years of age and correlate these with auxological measurements. There are gender differences in IGF1 levels due to differences in sex steroids already at birth and during pre-school years.<p class="a...

hrp0084p1-115 | Puberty | ESPE2015

Clinical Guidance on 17β-Oestradiol and LH Serum Levels in Girls with Premature Thelarche Based on Clinical Outcome of 129 Girls Aged up to 4 Year with Premature Thelarche in West Sweden

Osterbrand Martin , Alvin Kerstin , Fors Hans , Norjavaara Ensio

Background: Simple clinical investigations to differ harmless premature thelarche (PT) from pubertal precocity and other pathological conditions are needed as PT is a common condition in girls under the age of 3–4 year.Objective and hypotheses: Since 17β-oestradiol (17β-E2) is the major driver of breast development, the hypothesis is, that it is possible to define an upper serum 17β-oestradiol (17β-E2) level for harmless PT in gi...

hrp0084p3-725 | Diabetes | ESPE2015

Frequent and Prolonged Daytime Hypoglycemia in Diabetic Children Detected by Continuous Glucose Monitoring: A Problem of Hypoglycaemia Unawareness?

Bachmann Sara , Metzger Kerstin , Hess Melanie , Zumsteg Urs

Background: Hypoglycaemia represents a common issue in diabetic children, and the achievement of good metabolic control together with the avoidance of hypoglycemia remains a tightrope walk. As hypoglycaemia is not always recognised, data about hypoglycemia frequency are limited.Aims: We previously reported about nocturnal hypoglycaemia in diabetic children. This study now focusses on the frequency and duration of hypoglycemia at daytime and risk factors ...

hrp0097fc14.3 | Late Breaking | ESPE2023

Deconvolution Analysis: GH secretagogue (LUM-201) enhances growth in individuals with moderate idiopathic Pediatric Growth Hormone Deficiency (iPGHD) by enhancing endogenous GH secretion and increasing IGF-1

Cassorla MD Fernando , Román MD Rossana , Linn Johnson PhD Michael , Avila RN Alejandra , Iñiguez MD German , Baier MD Ingrid , Said RN Daniela , Bruchey PhD Aleksandra , Smith MS Christopher , L. Brinks PhD Erik , C. McKew PhD John , B. Karpf MD David , O. Thorner MD Michael , DSc MBBS

An oral GH secretagogue (GHS), LUM-201, stimulates GHSR-1a receptor to enhance endogenous GH pulsatile release. In moderate iPGHD, pulses of GH are found but at reduced levels, resulting in decreased IGF-1 and poor growth. The impact of LUM-201 on GH profiles during treatment of such children has not been reported.Objective: To characterize GH profiles, defined by deconvolution analysis, based on GH concentration in a time series and its...

hrp0092con1.2 | Does Obesity Need Tertiary Care Provision? | ESPE2019

Does Obesity Need Tertiary Care Provision? – Against !

Kiess Wieland

In view of the high prevalence of obesity in childhood and adolescence treatments of obesity in young ages represent a major burden to the health care systems around the world. However, still treatments are ineffective largely, and little is being done to organize effective prevention and to enhance societal understanding of the complex etiology of the disease. In more developed and industrialized countries, and that is in all of Europe and in North America as well as in Austr...

hrp0092yi1.2 | (1) | ESPE2019

Early Life Events and Postnatal Effects from Infancy to Childhood

Kiess Wieland

Early life events can profoundly affect an individual's metabolic phenotype, inducing adaptive responses that may be protective in utero but potentially disadvantageous for long-term health. Indeed, environmental cues during sensitive windows of development may result in altered growth and lead to an increased risk of cardiovascular and metabolic alterations later in life. In this talk, I will discuss several models of exposure to early life events, which were the top...

hrp0095p1-282 | Fat, Metabolism and Obesity | ESPE2022

Significant improvement in dietary behaviors and quality of life among adolescents with obesity in the COVID19 lockdown through telehealth

Struckmeyer Nora , Biester Torben , Weiner Chantal , Sadeghian Evelin , Guntermann Cathrin , Galuschka Laura , Reck Kisa , Weiskorn Jantje , Kapitzke Kerstin , Lange Karin , Danne Thomas , Reschke Felix

Background: COVID19 Lockdown resulted in an extreme change in daily lifestyle with a significant increase in weight and loss of quality of life, as well as an increase in the risk of secondary health conditions even in young people. One reason for this is a fatal change in the nutritional situation, especially among adolescents. Convincing models to counter this problem are missing so far. Multiprofessional training programs could reveal an outstanding effect ...