hrp0086p2-p854 | Syndromes: Mechanisms and Management P2 | ESPE2016

Growth Pattern, Response to GH Treatment and the Effects of Pubertal Spurt on Final Height in Patients Affected by RASopathies

Tamburrino Federica , Scarano Emanuela , Perri Annamaria , Casto Celeste , Maltoni Giulio , Mazzanti Laura

Background: Reduced growth is a common feature in RASopathies. Poor data are available about pubertal spurt and the effect on final height (FH) in patients with these disorders.Objective and hypotheses: To study growth, body proportions, pubertal pattern, and FH including subject treated with GH-therapy for proven GH deficiency.Method: We analized growth trend and body proportions in 88 patients affected by RASopathies with molecul...

hrp0082p1-d1-59 | Diabetes | ESPE2014

A Randomized, Crossover Pilot Study Comparing Glycemic Control and Satisfaction with an Indwelling Catheter (I-PORT Advance) for Insulin Administration in Children and Adolescents with Type 1 Diabetes on Basal-Bolus Treatment

Maltoni Giulio , Martini Anna Lisa , Rollo Alessandra , Perri Annamaria , Zucchini Stefano

Background: Intensive insulin treatment allows a good metabolic control and prevents long-term complications. Basal-bolus regimen is the best treatment for children with type 1 diabetes T1D but requires several insulin injections a day. The needle-fear and discomfort felt by the child and parents/caregivers for insulin administration is one of the main obstacle to good compliance.Objective and hypotheses: To compare glycemic control and satisfaction with...

hrp0084p3-712 | Diabetes | ESPE2015

A Novel Compound Heterozygous Mutation in an Adolescent with Insulin-dependent Diabetes: A Case Report of Wolfram Syndrome

Maltoni Giulio , Mantovani Vilma , Zucchini Stefano , Cristalli Carlotta Pia , Minardi Raffaella , Mazzanti Laura

Background: Wolfram syndrome (WS) is an autosomal recessive neurodegenerative disorder characterized by non-autoimmune diabetes mellitus and progressive optic atrophy. WS includes other possible disorders, such as diabetes insipidus, sensorineural deafness, genitourinary tract problems, neurological or psychiatric disorders and others.Case presentation: A 12-years-old boy presented with glicosuria and shortly developed insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus...

hrp0084p2-480 | Growth | ESPE2015

In Vitro Functional Characterization Of IGFALS Gene Variants Found In ALS Deficient or Idiopathic Short Stature (ISS) Children

Martucci Lucia , Scaglia Paula , Karabatas Liliana , Rey Rodolfo , Domene Horacio , Domene Sabina , Jasper Hector

Background: ALS deficient (ALS-D) patients present severe IGFI and IGFBP3 deficiencies and variable degree of growth retardation. Heterozygous carriers for IGFALS variants, ALS-D relatives or a subset of ISS children, have levels of IGFI, IGFBP3 and ALS intermediate between ALS-D and wildtype (WT) subjects. This supports that IGFALS gene variants may affect ALS synthesis, secretion and/or function and could be responsible for the observed phenotype.<p cla...

hrp0094p2-292 | Growth and syndromes (to include Turner syndrome) | ESPE2021

Timing of infancy-childhood growth spurt in healthy Turkish children

Sharifova Sabina , Turan Hande , Tarcin Gurkan , Sharifli Samir , Gur Emel , Ercan Oya ,

Aim: The onset of the infancy-childhood growth spurt (IC spurt) is identical with the onset of the childhood component of the infancy-childhood-puberty growth model. The aim of this study was to determine the timing of IC spurt and to investigate the factors affecting it in healthy children.Materials and Methods: The files of 231 healthy children who were followed up regularly (at 0, 2, 4, 6, 12, 15, 18, 24, 30 and 36 months) at the Ista...

hrp0084p1-32 | Diabetes | ESPE2015

Aetiological Diagnosis of Diabetes in Italian Diabetic Children and Adolescents

Delvecchio Maurizio , Salzano Giuseppina , Mozzillo Enza , Frontino Giulio , Patera Ippolita Patrizia , Toni Sonia , Rabbone Ivana , Cherubini Valentino , Tumini Stefano , D'Annunzio Giuseppe , Iughetti Lorenzo , Maltoni Giulio , Cauvin Vittoria , Marigliano Marco , Barbetti Fabrizio

Background: Type 1 diabetes (T1D) is the most frequent etiology in Italian diabetic children and adolescents. Data on type 2 (T2D) and monogenic diabetes (MD) prevalence are scanty.Objective and hypotheses: To estimate the prevalence of T1D, T2D, secondary diabetes, and MD in a pediatric population of Italian diabetic patients.Method: Data on 3,076 patients (diabetes onset January 2007–December 2012, age at diagnosis <18 y...

hrp0095p1-325 | Growth and Syndromes | ESPE2022

ERF mutation in a patient with Noonan-like phenotype, type 1 diabetes mellitus and epilepsy

Schiavariello Concetta , Tamburrino Federica , Piazza Francesca , Perri Annamaria , Maltoni Giulio , Rossi Cesare , Pession Andrea , Mazzanti Laura , Scarano Emanuela

ERF protein is a major binding target of ERK1/2 kinases, key effectors of the RAS–MEK–ERK signaling cascade. ERF has a role as a negative transcriptional regulator of RAS/MAPK mitogenic pathway (1) and, in theory, a loss-of-function mutation (LOF) in ERF could cause a Rasopathy phenotype. To date, LOF variants of ERF have been reported in 45 individuals with craniosynostosis but without a Noonan-like phenotype. There is only one case report describing a patient wit...

hrp0095p1-139 | Multisystem Endocrine Disorders | ESPE2022

“Cushing’s syndrome in a girl with Carney Complex: a case report”

Rivetti Giulio , Caterina Luongo , Aiello Francesca , Miraglia Del Giudice Emanuele , Marzuillo Pierluigi , Di Iorio Giovanni , Pellino Valeria , Grandone Anna

Background: Carney complex (CNC) is a rare autosomal dominant multiple endocrine neoplasia and lentiginosis syndrome, characterized by abnormal cutaneous and mucosal pigmentation, myxomas of the heart, skin, breast and other non-endocrine tumors. CNC is principally caused by loss-of-function mutations of PRKAR1A gene located at 17q22-24 coding for the regulatory subunit type I alpha of protein kinase A (PKA) gene. Cushing’s syndrome is a rare disorder in...

hrp0089p2-p033 | Adrenals and HPA Axis P2 | ESPE2018

Quantitative Ultrasound Evaluation in a Cohort of 43 Young Adults with Classical CAH due to 21-Hydroxylase Deficiency (21OHD): Is Bone Mineral Quality Impaired?

Baronio Federico , Balsamo Antonio , Ortolano Rita , Massaccesi Nicoletta , Bettocchi Ilaria , Zioutas Maximiliano , Maltoni Giulio , Zucchini Stefano , Cassio Alessandra

Background: In young adults patients (pts) with CAH due to 21OHD few and conflicting data have been reported on bone mineral quality (BMQ) evaluated by quantitative ultrasound (QUS).Objective and hypotheses: To evaluate the bone mineral status by QUS variables assessed at proximal phalanges of the hand in a cohort of young adults with classical CAH due to 21OHD and the possible associations with their clinical and metabolic features.<p class="abstext...

hrp0082p2-d1-590 | Thyroid | ESPE2014

Thyroid Disorders in Siblings of CH Patients with Thyroid Dysgenesis

Cassio Alessandra , Ruscio Valentina Di , Baronio Federico , Bettocchi Ilaria , Cantasano Antonella , Bal Milva Orquidea , Balsamo Antonio , Maltoni Giulio , Mazzanti Laura

Background: Thyroid dysgenesis has been considered a sporadic disease, but recent observations suggested a possible genetic basis.Objective and hypotheses: The aim of our report is to evaluate the incidence of hormonal and ultrasound thyroid anomalies in siblings of CH patients with thyroid dysgenesis.Method: In Emilia-Romagna Region (Italy) 328 CH infants were diagnosed by neonatal screening between January 2000 and December 2012....