hrp0095p1-151 | Pituitary, Neuroendocrinology and Puberty | ESPE2022

The effect of a GnRH analogue injection on the circulating levels of kisspeptin-1 in girls with suspected central precocious puberty

Rodanaki Maria , Rask Eva , Lodefalk Maria

Introduction: Kisspeptin stimulates the gonadotropin releasing hormone (GnRH) neurons in hypothalamus initiating puberty. However, it is not known whether GnRH inhibits kisspeptin secretion by negative feedback and whether there are any associations between circulating levels of kisspeptin and other hormones, like ghrelin, important for the onset of puberty.Methods: Thirteen girls with suspected central precocious pubert...

hrp0092p2-201 | Growth and Syndromes (to include Turner Syndrome) | ESPE2019

Papillary Thyroid Cancer in a 17-Years Old Girl with a Late-Diagnosed Turner Syndrome

Pankratova Maria , Brovin Dmitriy , Kareva Maria

Background: Papillary thyroid cancer has been described in three patients with Turner syndrome (TS) who received growth hormone therapy (Cabanas P, 2005; Bautembach-Minkowska J, 2018). We are presenting a case of papillary thyroid cancer in a girl with a late-diagnosed Turner syndrome who has not received any hormonal therapy up to 17 years.Clinical case: A girl was diagnosed with TS syndrome (karyotype 45XO/46X i(X)q) a...

hrp0089rfc5.3 | Thyroid | ESPE2018

Incidence and Treatment Outcome of Childhood Thyrotoxicosis

Rodanaki Maria , Lodefalk Maria , AEman Jan

Aim: To study the incidence of childhood thyrotoxicosis in five counties in central Sweden during 1990–2009 and to study the treatment outcome.Methods: Children below the age of 16 years diagnosed with thyrotoxicosis during the 20-years period and living in the study area were identified retrospectively. Data on the total number of children below 16 years of age living in the area during the study period was collected from the National Board of Stat...

hrp0089p2-p311 | Pituitary, Neuroendocrinology and Puberty P2 | ESPE2018

Incidence of Delayed Puberty in Adolescents. A Population-Based Study in a County in Central Sweden

Rodanaki Maria , Rask Eva , Lodefalk Maria

Introduction: Delayed puberty is defined as the absence of physical signs of puberty by the age of 14 years in boys and 13 years in girls. According to this definition, the prevalence of delayed puberty would be 2%, if the ages of pubertal onset were normally distributed in the population. However, the prevalence or incidence of delayed puberty has not been described before, as far as we know. Our aim was to study the incidence of delayed puberty in central Sweden.<p class...

hrp0094p1-86 | Pituitary A | ESPE2021

Adding a protease inhibitor to sampling tubes increases the acylated ghrelin and decreases the desacylated ghrelin levels in girls.

Rodanaki Maria , Rask Eva , Lodefalk Maria ,

Introduction: Ghrelin is a growth hormone-releasing acylated peptide stimulating the appetite, mainly produced in the stomach, and with an important role in pubertal development (1). Two ghrelin forms have been described, acylated (AG) and desacylated (DAG), but it is debated whether DAG is an active hormone or a degradation product of AG (2). Our aim was to evaluate the effects of adding the protease inhibitor 4-(2-aminoethyl) benzenesufonyl fluoride hydrochl...

hrp0094fc7.1 | Fetal Endocrinology and Multisystem Disorders | ESPE2021

The Use Of e-REC For Capturing The Occurrence Of COVID-19 Infections In People With Rare Endocrine Conditions

Bryce Jillian , Di Guisto Vicki , Ali Salma R. , Alexandraki Krystallenia , Badiu Corin , Baronio Federico , Biermasz Nienke R. , Brandi Maria Luisa , Castinetti Frederic , Ceccato Filippo , Chifu Irina-Oana , Cools Martine , Danne Thomas , Druce Maralyn , Esposito Daniela , Falhammar Henrik , Fugazzola Laura , Gan Hoong-Wei , Giordano Roberta , Isidori Andrea M. , Johannsson Gudmundur , Karavitaki Niki , Linglart Agnes , Luger Anton , Maffei Pietro , Marazuela Monica , Jaksic Vladka Pandzic , Paschou Stavroula A. , Persani Luca , Domingo Manuel Puig , Reisch Nicole , Schalin-Jantti Camilla , Akker van den Erica L.T. , Vassiliadi Dimitra , Young Jacques , Appelman-Dijkstra Natasha , Grozinsky-Glasberg Simona , Pereira Alberto M. , Ahmed S. Faisal ,

Introduction: Following the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic in early spring 2020, there was a need to identify the burden of this infection on people with rare endocrine conditions. The European Registries For Rare Endocrine Conditions (EuRRECa) was launched in 2018 in collaboration with Endo-ERN, ESPE and ESE to support the needs of the wider endocrine community. The project consists of an e-reporting (e-REC) platform that allows monthly reporting of new clini...

hrp0095p2-202 | Multisystem Endocrine Disorders | ESPE2022

AgRP neurons mediate sex differences in response to the activity-based anorexia model

Consolata Miletta Maria

Anorexia nervosa (AN) is a multifaceted and debilitating illness characterized by self-induced starvation, persistent anxiety about weight gain, preoccupation with body image, and maladaptive food choices. It is characterized by the disruption in homeostatic energy balance mechanisms and the persistence of homeostatic hunger is overridden by dysfunctional self-regulatory and reward pathways that drive food aversion and severely restrict food intake. Epidemiological studies hav...

hrp0092p2-124 | Fat, Metabolism and Obesity | ESPE2019

Markers of Bone Metabolism in Obese Children and Adolescents

Kovalenko Tatiana , Larionova Maria

Relevance: Evaluation of bone metabolism is a new scientific direction in the study of the long-term effects of childhood obesity.Objective: To study markers of bone metabolism in children and adolescents with obesity.Materials and Methods: 74 children with overweight and obesity in accordance with the WHO criteria and 25 healthy children with an average age of 15.4[11.6;19.2] year...

hrp0082s2.2 | Endocrine Cancer Syndromes: An Update | ESPE2014

MEN1 in Children and Adolescents

Brandi Maria Luisa

Background: MEN1 is an autosomal dominant disorder that is due to mutations in the tumor suppressor gene MEN1, which encodes a 610-amino acid protein, menin. MEN1 is characterized by the occurrence of parathyroid, pancreatic islet, and anterior pituitary tumors. The prognosis for MEN1 patients might be improved by presymptomatic tumor detection and undertaking treatment specific for MEN1 tumors.Objective and Hypotheses: Genetics is increasingly becoming ...

hrp0082p3-d3-689 | Bone (2) | ESPE2014

Vitamin D Levels in Short Prepubertal Children Born Small for Gestational Age

Korpal-Szczyrska Maria

Background: Adequate vitamin D level is essential for optimal child’s growth. Small for Gestational Age (SGA) is a common cause of short stature in childhood. Being born SGA is associated with a risk of developing insulin resistance.Objective and hypotheses: The aim of the study was to evaluate serum vitamin D levels in short children born SGA and appropriate for gestational age (AGA) and to assess their relationship with insulin sensitivity.<p ...