hrp0095p1-151 | Pituitary, Neuroendocrinology and Puberty | ESPE2022

The effect of a GnRH analogue injection on the circulating levels of kisspeptin-1 in girls with suspected central precocious puberty

Rodanaki Maria , Rask Eva , Lodefalk Maria

Introduction: Kisspeptin stimulates the gonadotropin releasing hormone (GnRH) neurons in hypothalamus initiating puberty. However, it is not known whether GnRH inhibits kisspeptin secretion by negative feedback and whether there are any associations between circulating levels of kisspeptin and other hormones, like ghrelin, important for the onset of puberty.Methods: Thirteen girls with suspected central precocious pubert...

hrp0092p2-201 | Growth and Syndromes (to include Turner Syndrome) | ESPE2019

Papillary Thyroid Cancer in a 17-Years Old Girl with a Late-Diagnosed Turner Syndrome

Pankratova Maria , Brovin Dmitriy , Kareva Maria

Background: Papillary thyroid cancer has been described in three patients with Turner syndrome (TS) who received growth hormone therapy (Cabanas P, 2005; Bautembach-Minkowska J, 2018). We are presenting a case of papillary thyroid cancer in a girl with a late-diagnosed Turner syndrome who has not received any hormonal therapy up to 17 years.Clinical case: A girl was diagnosed with TS syndrome (karyotype 45XO/46X i(X)q) a...

hrp0089rfc5.3 | Thyroid | ESPE2018

Incidence and Treatment Outcome of Childhood Thyrotoxicosis

Rodanaki Maria , Lodefalk Maria , AEman Jan

Aim: To study the incidence of childhood thyrotoxicosis in five counties in central Sweden during 1990–2009 and to study the treatment outcome.Methods: Children below the age of 16 years diagnosed with thyrotoxicosis during the 20-years period and living in the study area were identified retrospectively. Data on the total number of children below 16 years of age living in the area during the study period was collected from the National Board of Stat...

hrp0089p2-p311 | Pituitary, Neuroendocrinology and Puberty P2 | ESPE2018

Incidence of Delayed Puberty in Adolescents. A Population-Based Study in a County in Central Sweden

Rodanaki Maria , Rask Eva , Lodefalk Maria

Introduction: Delayed puberty is defined as the absence of physical signs of puberty by the age of 14 years in boys and 13 years in girls. According to this definition, the prevalence of delayed puberty would be 2%, if the ages of pubertal onset were normally distributed in the population. However, the prevalence or incidence of delayed puberty has not been described before, as far as we know. Our aim was to study the incidence of delayed puberty in central Sweden.<p class...

hrp0094p1-86 | Pituitary A | ESPE2021

Adding a protease inhibitor to sampling tubes increases the acylated ghrelin and decreases the desacylated ghrelin levels in girls.

Rodanaki Maria , Rask Eva , Lodefalk Maria ,

Introduction: Ghrelin is a growth hormone-releasing acylated peptide stimulating the appetite, mainly produced in the stomach, and with an important role in pubertal development (1). Two ghrelin forms have been described, acylated (AG) and desacylated (DAG), but it is debated whether DAG is an active hormone or a degradation product of AG (2). Our aim was to evaluate the effects of adding the protease inhibitor 4-(2-aminoethyl) benzenesufonyl fluoride hydrochl...

hrp0092rfc13.3 | Adrenals and HP Axis | ESPE2019

Establishment of Reference Intervals for Hair Cortisol in Healthy Children Aged 0-18 Years Using Mass Spectrometric Analysis

de Kruijff Ineke , Noppe Gerard , Kieviet Noera , Choenni Vandhana , Lambregtse-van den Berg Mijke , Begijn Dominique , Tromp Ellen , Dorst Kristien , van Rossum Elisabeth , de Rijke Yolanda , van den Akker Erica

Background: Human scalp hair is a valuable matrix for determining long-term cortisol concentrations, with wide-spread applicability in clinical care as well as research. However, pediatric reference intervals are lacking.The aim of this study is to establish age-adjusted reference intervals for hair cortisol in children aged 0-18 years and to gain insight into hair-growth velocity in children up to 2 years old.Methods: A...

hrp0084p3-899 | Fat | ESPE2015

The Influence of Physical Activity and Physical Fitness in the Metabolic Profile and Microcirculation of Eutrophic, Overweight and Obese Children 5–12 Years of Age

da Penha Jociene Terra , Gazolla Fernanda Mussi , Carvalho Cecilia Noronha de Miranda , Madeira Isabel Rey , Rodrigues Jr Flavio , Machado Elisabeth de Amorim , Sicuro Fernando Lencastre , Farinatti Paulo de Tarso Veras , Collett-Solberg Paulo Ferrez

Background: Obesity is a worldwide epidemic affecting adults and children. Social changes throughout history have contributed to modifications in nutrition and physical activity levels. These changes in lifestyle affected health, increasing the number of metabolic and cardiovascular diseases. Obese children already have a low grade systemic inflammation as well as markers of increased cardiovascular risk. The endothelial function is an important and early marker of atheroscler...

hrp0094p1-114 | Fat, Metabolism and Obesity B | ESPE2021

EuRRECa Registry Genetic Obesity Survey Results

Shaikh Guftar , Akker Erica van den , Bryce Jillian , Ali Salma , Amin Rakesh , Cools Martine , Dattani Mehul , Grugni Graziano , Khairi Ranna El , Persani Luca , Peters Catherine , Rossum Elisabeth van , Waele Kathleen De , Gan Hoong-Wei , Ahmed Faisal ,

Introduction: The diagnosis and treatment of patients with rare diseases is often difficult as most clinicians do not encounter them. Therefore, centralization and collaboration between centers of expertise is necessary. European Reference Networks (ERN’s) such as RareEndoERN provide a platform for this, with one of its main thematic groups having a specific focus on rare growth and obesity disorders. Genetic obesity encompasses a heterogeneous group of c...

hrp0094p2-122 | Diabetes and insulin | ESPE2021

Parental insulin resistance is associated with unhealthy lifestyle behaviours independently of body mass index in children: The Feel4Diabetes study

Gonzalez-Gil Esther M. , Gimenez-Legarre Natalia , Cardon Greet , Mavrogianni Christina , Kivela Jemina , Iotova Violeta , Tankova Tsvetalina , Imre Rurik , Liatis Stavros , Makrilakis Konstantinos , Schwarz Peter , Timpel Patrick , Dupont Elisabeth , Couck Pedro , Manios Yannis , Moreno Luis ,

Introduction and aim: Parental health is associated with children’s health and lifestyles. Thus, the aim of the present study was to assess lifestyle behaviours of children from parents with insulin resistance (IR) and at risk of type 2 diabetes.Methods: 2117 European parents from six countries included in the Feel4Diabetes-study measured in 2015 and identified as being at risk for diabetes with the FINDRISC questio...

hrp0097lb5 | Late Breaking | ESPE2023

Clinical phenotyping of patients with genetic obesity

S. Welling Mila , Mohseni Mostafa , E.H. Meeusen Renate , R. Boon Mariëtte , J. de Groot Cornelis , M. van Haelst Mieke , A. Visser Jenny , L.T. van den Akker Erica , F.C. van Rossum Elisabeth

Introduction: In rare cases of obesity, genetic defects lead to hyperphagia and severe early-onset obesity. Genetic testing in patients with a suspected genetic obesity phenotype is important, as it can lead to patient-tailored treatment advice. For children, the Endocrine Society (ES) recommends genetic testing in children with early-onset of obesity (<5 years) and hyperphagia. It is unclear whether these recommendations can also be used in adult obesity c...