hrp0082p2-d3-501 | Perinatal and Neonatal Endocrinology | ESPE2014

Kabuki 47,XXY Syndrome: a Case Report

Pedicelli Stefania , Marini Romana , Ciccone Sara , Cambiaso Paola , Digilio Maria Cristina , Bizzarri Carla , Cappa Marco

Background: Klinefelter syndrome is the most common sex chromosome disorder (prevalence: 1/600 newborn males), characterized by at least one extra X chromosome. If the diagnosis is not made prenatally, the disorder can remain unknown until pubertal or adult age. Kabuki syndrome, instead, is a rare, dysmorphic syndrome (1:32 000 newborn) characterized by distinctive facial features, multiple anomalies, and mental retardation. About 50–80% of cases are due to de novo</e...

hrp0082p2-d2-521 | Pituitary (1) | ESPE2014

Association of Pituicytoma and Cushing’s Disease: a Rare Pediatric Case

Ciccone Sara , Cambiaso Paola , Longo Daniela , Marini Romana , Pedicelli Stefania , Deodati Annalisa , Galassi Stefania , Cappa Marco

Background: Pituicytoma is a very low-grade glioma that originate in the neurohypophisis and infundibulum.Objective and hypotheses: Describe diagnosis and treatment of associated pituicytoma and ACTH-secreting adenoma in a 6-year-old girl.Method: Case report and literature review.Results: We report the case of a 6-year-old presented with growth failure and associated weight gain, premature pubarche, and hyper...

hrp0084p2-292 | Diabetes | ESPE2015

Incidence of Type 1 Diabetes in Children Under 15-Years-Old in Navarre (Spain) between 1980 and 2014

Zarikian Sada , Chueca Maria , Berrade Sara , Burillo Elisabet , Cambra Koldo , Galbete Arkaitz , Forga LLuis , Oyarzabal Mirentxu

Background: The incidence of childhood T1DM is rising worldwide. The incidence varies based upon geography, age, gender, genetic susceptibility, ethnicity, environmental risk factors or differences in features and quality registers, ranging from 0.1 to 65 per 100 000 children younger than the age of 15 years. In Spain, the incidence is high (20.6) but fluctuates among Autonomous Communities.Objective and hypotheses: Study the epidemiological data in pati...

hrp0084p2-380 | Fat | ESPE2015

Insulin Resistance and Abnormal Glucose Tolerance After Paediatric Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation in Blood Cancer Survivors

Ciccone Sara , Bizzarri Carla , Pinto Rita Maria , Brescia Letizia Pomponia , Locatelli Franco , Cappa Marco

Background: Patients who had undergone hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (HSCT) during childhood have been reported to have a higher risk of early metabolic syndrome (MS) and diabetes mellitus (DM) with a consequent increased risk of cardiovascular disease. Previous studies reported a cumulative incidence of abnormal glucose tolerance of 11.6% at 5 years from HSCT and of 69.3% at 10 years and a prevalence of MS of 32% at 4 years from HSCT.Objective...

hrp0084p3-721 | Diabetes | ESPE2015

GAD Antibodies Negative Type 1 Diabetes and Dravet Syndrome

Ciccone Sara , Marini Romana , Fusco Lucia , Terracciano Alessandra , Schiaffini Riccardo , Cappa Marco

Background: An association between type 1 diabetes mellitus (T1DM) and idiopathic generalized epilepsy is reported. Some authors suggest an autoimmune mechanism mediated by antibodies to glutamic-acid-decarboxylase (GAD), that is an enzyme involved in the synthesis of the neurotransmitter GABA. Dravet syndrome (DS) is a rare, severe epilepsy disorder characterized by febrile hemiclonic seizures or generalized status epilepticus starting at 6 months of age. In classical DS, a d...

hrp0084p3-931 | GH &amp; IGF | ESPE2015

5-Year Response to GH in Children with Noonan Syndrome and GH Deficiency: Our Experience and Review of the Literature

Meazza Cristina , Zavras Niki , Pilotta Alba , Gertosio Chiara , Pagani Sara , Tinelli Carmine , Bozzola Mauro

Background: Noonan syndrome (NS) is an autosomal dominant disorder characterized by specific features including short stature, distinctive facial dysmorphic features, congenital heart defects, hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, skeletal anomalies and webbing of the neck. Molecular screening has shown that the majority of individuals with NS have a mutation in the PTPN11 gene. Noonan syndrome children may show an impaired GH/IGF axis. Moreover, recombinant human GH (rhGH) has been sh...

hrp0084p3-1172 | Thyroid | ESPE2015

Central Hypothyroidism and GH Deficiency in a Boy with Williams–Beuren Syndrome

Ciccone Sara , Fumarola Adriana , Bigoni Stefania , Bonifacci Valentina , Marrella Elisa Maria Gabriella , Buldrini Barbara , Host Cristina

Background: Thyroid disorders (subclinical hypothyroidism and structural abnormalities) are common in Williams syndrome (WS) patients.Objective and hypotheses: Central hypothyroidism and GH deficiency (GHD) in a WS patient are discussed.Method: Case report and literature review.Results: A 5-month-old male was admitted to our hospital because of growth failure since the 3rd month, mild dysmorphisms, micropenis...

hrp0084p3-1237 | Turner | ESPE2015

Clinical Features and Genetic Considerations of Turner Syndrome: A Review of Our Cases

Berrade Sara , Chueca Maria , Zarikian Sada , Mosquera Arantxa , Ulibarrena Noelia , Sola Alberto , Garcia Cristina , Oyarzabal Mirentxu

Background: Turner syndrome (TS) involves a partial or complete loss of an X chromosome. TS patients have an increased susceptibility to various disorders.Objective and hypotheses: To describe the clinical presentation, genotype and follow-up of TS patients controlled in the Pediatric endocrinology department of our hospital.Method: Retrospective study of patients diagnosed with TS at the ‘Navarra Hospital’ between 1980&#...

hrp0094p2-74 | Bone, growth plate and mineral metabolism | ESPE2021

Primary hyperparathyroidism due to a deletion of the CDC73 gene.

de Beldjenna Liliana Mejia , Garcia Castano Alejandro , Gomez Conde Sara , Castano Luis ,

Introduction: Primary hyperparathyroidism (PHPT), often caused by a single adenoma (80%–85%) or hyperplasia or adenomas involving multiple glands, is the major cause of hypercalcemia. PHPT is common and occurs in individuals of all ages, but its prevalence is lower in young adults. Parathyroid tumors and PHPT can be caused by germline (hereditary PHPT) or somatic mutations of tumor suppressor genes (e.g., multiple endocrine neoplasia type 1 and CDC73) and...

hrp0094p2-103 | Diabetes and insulin | ESPE2021

Diabetes in a child with infantile onset multisystem neurological, endocrine and pancreatic disease (IMNEPD)

Becker Marianne , Seneca Sara , Schierloh Ulrike , Witsch Michael , de Beaufort Carine , Scalais Emmanuel ,

IMNEPD is a mitochondrial disease caused by homozygous mutations in the PTRH2 gene, a nuclear gene coding for a primary mitochondrial protein. IMNEPD was first described in 2014. So far only 3 other case reports have been published, reporting on a total of 15 patients. We report on two affected siblings of whom the girl developed an antibody negative diabetes at 13 years of age with typical symptoms (polyuria, polydipsia, weight loss of 1,5 kg), and without diabetic k...