hrp0092p1-370 | GH and IGFs (2) | ESPE2019

Challenges Experienced in Delivering Growth Hormone Therapy in Children's with Prader Willi Syndrome in Birmingham Children's Hospital.

Kollurage D Udeni Anuruddhika , Barrett Tim , Jayamanne B D W , Krone Ruth

Prader Willi Syndrome (PWS) is a rare neuro-genetic disorder inherited as a result of lack of expression in 15q11-13 gene and 70% are paternally inherited. Characteristic features are dysmorphism, behavioural problems, infantile hypotonia, short stature, hypothalamic dysfunction, hyperphagia and morbid obesity. The long-term morbidity and mortality depend on hypothalamic dysfunction and obesity. While multidisciplinary care is essential, growth hormone (GH) is a recognized...

hrp0084p3-637 | Autoimmune | ESPE2015

About a Case of Basedow-Graves’ Disease in a Infant

Bassaid M A , Bouriche K , Senouci D , Mazari W , Kaddour F Hadj , Ghellai F , Bendjelloul A , Medjahdi A , Berber N , Bendeddouche A S

Background: A disease of the immune system, responsible for 95% of cases of hyperthyroidism in children is very rare at this age, it affects one child in 10 million.Presentation: Khadija 3 year old girl admitted for goiter, no goitrogenic substances No drug Shot, No Inbreeding, goiter paternal aunt, The trouble was in the beginning 1 year a height and weight advance:+1 DS weight, height+3.2 DS, weakness, weight loss, Profuse sweating, tachycardia, irrita...

hrp0084p2-518 | Pituitary | ESPE2015

A Novel Single Nucleotide Variation Contributing to the Expression of Isolated Hypogonadotropic Hypogonadism

Khattab Ahmed , Zhou Cuiqi , New Maria , Melmed Shlomo

Background: The molecular genetics of isolated hypogonadotropic hypogonadism (IHH) has been a subject of interest and recent discoveries. Multiple genetic variants with x-linked and autosomal inheritance are involved in the regulation of the hypothalamic pituitary gonadal axis.Objective and hypotheses: We undertook an extensive genetic evaluation to elucidate a possible genetic aetiology in two brothers with clinical and biochemical evidence of IHH. We h...

hrp0094fc1.6 | Adrenal | ESPE2021

Tumor DNA methylation profiling as a prognostic marker for pediatric patients with adrenocortical tumors

Bueno Ana Carolina , da Silva Rui M P , Stecchini Monica F. , Gutierrez Junier M , Cardinalli Izilda A , Scrideli Carlos A , Junqueira Thais , Molina Carlos A F , Ramalho Fernando S , Tucci Silvio , Coeli-Lacchini Fernanda B , Moreira Ayrton C , Ramalho Leandra N Z , Brandalise Silvia R , Yunes Jose A , de Castro Margaret , Vencio Ricardo Z N , Antonini Sonir R ,

Abnormal DNA methylation contributes to tumor progression and is emerging as a prognostic marker in several types of cancers. To investigate whether DNA methylation is associated with pediatric adrenocortical tumor (pACT) presentation and patient prognosis, we analyzed the methylation profile of 57 tumors (MethylationEPIC BeadChip Array-Illumina) and patients’ clinicopathological features and outcome. The study comprehended 40 girls and 17 boys, with median age at diagnos...

hrp0095p2-104 | Fat, Metabolism and Obesity | ESPE2022

Leptinemia and cardiometabolic risk factors in genetic obesity syndromic in children : Prader Willi and Bardet Biedl

Touzani Asmae , Drai Jocelyne , Balafrej Amina , Gaouzi Ahmed , Chabraoui Layachi

Obesity is a state of imbalance between food intake and energy expenditure leading to a positive energy balance. This condition may be due to the existence of a genetic syndrome: the Prader-Willi syndrome (PWS) is the genetic cause the most common obesity and Laurence-Moon Bardet-Biedl syndrome (BBS), autosomal recessive.Objectives: Our objective is to compare the cardio-metabolic risk factors in children with obesity gene to those of ch...

hrp0095p1-378 | Sex Differentiation, Gonads and Gynaecology, and Sex Endocrinology | ESPE2022

Assessment Of External Genitalia Change Over Time In Boys With XY Disorder Of Sex Development (DSD)

Alimussina Malika , Kraria Loubna , McGowan Ruth , Steven Mairi , Lee Boma , Flett Martyn , O’Toole Stuart , Faisal Ahmed S

Introduction: The external masculinisation score (EMS) has been utilised as an objective numerical description of the external genitalia in undermasculinised patients with DSD in several studies. However, data on longitudinal change in EMS in the routine clinical setting are lacking.Objectives: To determine the longitudinal change in EMS and its determinants in a cohort of boys with XY DSD in one specialist centre.<p...

hrp0089p1-p031 | Bone, Growth Plate &amp; Mineral Metabolism P1 | ESPE2018

Systematic Screening Using DXA Lateral Vertebral Morphometry is Associated with a High Prevalence of Vertebral Fractures in Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy: Results from ScOT-DMD Study

Joseph Shuko , Shepherd Sheila , Marco Marina Di , Dunne Jennifer , McMillan Martin , Horrocks Iain , Ahmed S Faisal , Wong Sze Choong

Background: The prevalence of vertebral fractures (VF) in Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy (DMD) is currently unknown as systematic spine imaging is rarely performed.Objective: To determine the prevalence of VF in DMD and factors associated with VF.Method: A prospective study utilising systematic screening with DXA vertebral fracture assessment (VFA) was performed in all 47 eligible boys. 6/47 were excluded due to spinal instrumentation...

hrp0089p1-p233 | Sex Differentiation, Gonads and Gynaecology or Sex Endocrinology P1 | ESPE2018

Phenotypic and Genetic Assessment of Boys with a Suspected XY Disorder of Sex Development

Alimussina Malika , Diver Louise A , McNeilly Jane D , Lucas-Herald Angela K , Tobias Edward S , McGowan Ruth , Faisal Ahmed Syed

Introduction: Among Disorders of Sex Development (DSDs), XY DSD, represents the most challenging group in terms of identifying a diagnosis.Objectives: The aim of the study was to determine the prevalence of biochemical and molecular genetic tests in a cohort of boys with XY DSD and to collate the phenotypes of patients with results of laboratory investigations and presence of associated abnormalities.Methods: New and existing cases...

hrp0086p2-p160 | Bone &amp; Mineral Metabolism P2 | ESPE2016

Fractures in Children with Type 1 Diabetes are Associated with Poorer Bone Mineral Status and Glycaemic Control

Chen Suet Ching , Shepherd Sheila , McMillan Martin , McNeilly Jane D , Robertson Kenneth J , Wong Sze Choong , Ahmed S Faisal

Background: Type 1 Diabetes (T1D) is associated with increased fracture risk.Aim: Understand the association between glycaemic control and bone health in children with T1D.Method: Children (n, 32) with T1D and a median (range) age of 13.7 years (10.4,16.4), were recruited to study bone mineral content (TB & LS) and body composition by DXA. All data were corrected for size. Vitamin D, Bone alkaline phosphatase (BAP) and...

hrp0094p1-110 | Adrenal B | ESPE2021

Current Management Of Acute Adrenal Insufficiency Related Adverse Events In Children- Results Of An International Survey Of Specialist Centres

Ali Salma R. , Bryce Jillian , Krone Nils P. , Grinten eHedi L. Claahsen-van der , Ahmed S. Faisal ,

Background: >There is a wide variation in the reported rate of acute adrenal insufficiency (AI) related adverse events (sick day episodes and adrenal crises) between centres.Objective: Evaluate the level of consensus on the criteria that should be considered ‘essential’ for defining and managing adverse events associated with acute AI in children.Methods: Three groups of ...