hrp0092rfc13.2 | Adrenals and HP Axis | ESPE2019

Development of Novel Non-Invasive Strategies for Monitoring of Treatment Control in Patients with Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia

Bacila Irina-Alexandra , Adaway Jo , Hawley James , Mahdi Sundus , Acerini Carlo L , Krone Ruth , Patel Leena , Alvi Sabah , Randell Tabitha , Gevers Evelien , Dattani Mehul , Cheetham Timothy , Kyriakou Andreas , Schiffer Lina , Ryan Fiona , Crowne Elizabeth , Davies Justin H , Ahmed S Faisal , Keevil Brian , Krone Nils P

Introduction: Glucocorticoid treatment remains a challenging aspect in the management of congenital adrenal hyperplasia (CAH). Current strategies for monitoring treatment are suboptimal and rely largely on frequent blood tests, which are traumatising in children and young persons (CYP). Recent evidence indicates a crucial role of 11-oxygenatedC19 androgens in the pathogenesis of CAH.Aim: To explore the use of 11-oxygenat...

hrp0095p1-101 | GH and IGFs | ESPE2022

A rare heterozygous IGFI variant causing impaired IGF-I cleavage and postnatal growth failure: a novel disease mechanism with insights into IGF-I physiology

Cottrell Emily , Andrews Afiya , Williams Jack , Chatterjee Sumana , Edate Sujata , A. Metherell Louise , Hwa Vivian , L. Storr Helen

Background: Pathogenic IGFI gene mutations causing childhood growth failure are rare. Only 5 autosomal recessive mutations, one IGFI copy number variant and 2 heterozygous frameshift mutations are reported. Heterozygous missense IGFI mutations have not previously been described.Objectives: To identify and functionally characterise a novel missense IGFI variant in a patient with postnat...

hrp0094p1-179 | Growth Hormone and IGFs B | ESPE2021

Novel dominant negative GH receptor variants provide important insights into GH receptor physiology

Andrews Afiya , Cottrell Emily , Maharaj Avinaash , Ladha Tasneem , Williams Jack , Metherell Louise A , McCormick Peter J , Storr Helen L ,

Background: Growth hormone insensitivity (GHI) encompasses normal/elevated growth hormone (GH), low IGF-I levels and growth restriction. Non-classical/mild-moderate GHI is an emerging entity which is poorly characterised, and, in many subjects, the underlying cause is unclear. Heterozygous dominant negative (DN) variants located in the intracellular/transmembrane domain of the GH receptor (GHR) cause a ‘non-classical’ GHI phenotype.<p class="abst...

hrp0094p2-287 | Growth and syndromes (to include Turner syndrome) | ESPE2021

Novel LZTR1 mutations in subjects with features of Noonan Syndrome and GH insensitivity negatively regulate GH-induced IGF-I production and hyperactivate GH-induced ERK1/2 activation in response to GH in vitro

Chatterjee Sumana , Romeo Bertola Debora , Agwu Chizo , Maharaj Avinaash , Williams Jack , Cottrell Emily , Shapiro Lucy , Andrews Afiya , Savage Martin O. , Gaston-Massuet Carles , Metherell Louise A. , Storr Helen L. ,

Background: Noonan Syndrome (NS) can overlap clinically and biochemically with growth hormone insensitivity [GHI; short stature (SS), low IGF-I and normal/elevated GH levels]. Mutations in multiple genes regulating RAS/MAPK pathway have been identified in NS including LZTR1 variants. Function of LZTR1 is poorly understood and its role in growth retardation is unknown.Objectives: To functionally characte...

hrp0089p1-p232 | Sex Differentiation, Gonads and Gynaecology or Sex Endocrinology P1 | ESPE2018

Gonadectomy for Adults with DSD Conditions in the International Disorders of Sex Development Registry

Lucas-Herald Angela K , Kyriakou Andreas , Bryce Jillian , Rodie Martina , Acerini Carlo , Arlt Wiebke , Balsamo Antonio , Baronico Federico , Bertelloni Silvano , Brooke Antonia , Claahsen van der Grinten Hedi , Cools Martine , Darendeliler Feyza , Davies Justin H , Desloovere An , Ellaithi Mona , Fica Simona , Gawlik Aneta , Guran Tulay , Hannema Sabine , Hiort Olaf , Holterhus Paul-Martin , Iotova Violeta , Jennane Farida , Lachlan Katherine , Li Dejun , Lisa Lidka , Mazen Inas , Mladenov Wilchelm , Mohnike Klaus , Nedelea Lavinia , Niedziela Marek , Nordenstrom Anna , Poyrazoglu Sukran , Rey Rodolfo , Tadokoro-Cuccaro Rieko , Weintrob Naomi , Faisal Ahmed Syed

Introduction: Depending on the underlying diagnosis, Disorders of Sex Development (DSD) can be associated with an increased risk of germ cell cancers. To date, however, knowledge regarding the indications and timing of gonadectomy is lacking.Methods: The International-DSD (I-DSD) Registry was interrogated for anonymised information regarding the diagnosis, karyotype, sex of rearing and timing of gonadectomy, if undertaken, of all individuals of any karyo...

hrp0094mte4 | Cystic Fibrosis-related diabetes | ESPE2021

Cystic Fibrosis-related diabetes

Kelly Andrea ,

Emerging in childhood and becoming increasingly prevalent to affect 40-50% of adults with cystic fibrosis (CF), CF-related diabetes (CFRD) is a common co-morbidity with the potential to negatively impact nutritional status, pulmonary function, and survival. Stymying interventions to preserve beta-cell function, the mechanisms underlying the progressive insulin secretion defects responsible for CFRD are poorly delineated. This meet-the-professor session will use case-based pres...

hrp0089p3-p018 | Adrenals and HPA Axis P3 | ESPE2018

Adequate Interpretation of Cortisol Levels in Children

Chueca Maria J , Villarreal Maria , Andres Carlos , Berrade Sara , Dura Teodoro , Nova Luiz-Miguel , Rodriguez Pablo

Adrenocortical tumours are a rare disease in the paediatric population, with a higher prevalence in children under 5 years. The aetiology is partially known; in some cases it is related to mutations in the tumour suppressor gene p53 (TP 53). The classical symptoms of the Cushing syndrome are not usually present in children, so we should suspect this disease in children and teenagers with obesity or with slow growth velocity.Methods: We report a case of a...

hrp0094p2-263 | Growth hormone and IGFs | ESPE2021

Pituitary gland volume measured by Magnetic Resonance Imaging as diagnostic predictor of persistent Childhood-onset growth hormone deficiency

Corredor-Andres Beatriz , Walton-Betancourth Sandra , Brain Caroline , Butler Gary , Hindmarsh Peter , Dattani Mehul ,

Introduction: Pituitary imaging is important for the evaluation of hypothalamo-pituitary axis defects in patients diagnosed with childhood-onset growth hormone deficiency (CO-GHD). Published evidence shows that there is a close relationship between structural changes in the pituitary gland and growth hormone deficiency.Aim: To evaluate the relationship between clinical, laboratory and magnetic resonance imaging of the pi...

hrp0094p2-281 | Growth and syndromes (to include Turner syndrome) | ESPE2021

Endocrinological assessment in patients with fanconi anemia

Corredor-Andres Beatriz , Martin-Rivada Alvaro , Zubicaray Josune , Barrios Vicente , Sevilla Julian , Argente Jesus ,

Introduction: Fanconi anemia (FA) is a rare genetic disease that presents with aplastic anemia. Around 60% have short stature (SST), with a mean height of -2.2 SD. However, studies assessing the etiology of SST not having reached relevant conclusions.Aim: Our aim was to evaluate the clinical features and endocrine status in relationship to SST in patients with FA.Methods and Patients: A cross-secti...

hrp0097p1-239 | Diabetes and Insulin | ESPE2023

Epidemiology of Type 1 Diabetes among children under 15 years of age in Navarre (Northern Spain) between 2012-2022

J. Chueca Maria , Berrade Sara , Andres Carlos , Elcano Leire , Bello Paula , Burillo Elisabet

The incidence of TIDM varies greatly between different countries and regions. In Navarre, located in the north of Spain, at the western end of the Pyrenees, there has been a clear increase in the incidence of TIDM, from 13,5 cases per 100000 in the decade 1990-2000 to 20,1 cases per 100000 between 2006-2011. We wonder if this upward trend has continued in recent years. Our hospital is a reference center for Pediatric Endocrinology in Navarre.Obje...