hrp0089p2-p240 | Growth & Syndromes P2 | ESPE2018

The Validation of an Automated Bone Age Assessment in Girls with Turner Syndrome – A Pilot Study

Soucek Ondrej , Lebl Jan , Maratova Klara , Zemkova Dana , Sumnik Zdenek

Background: Bone age evaluation is a basic tool to manage the treatment of girls with Turner syndrome (TS). The current standard of care is to involve an experienced medical staff to use the Tanner Whitehouse 3 (TW3) or Greulich-Pyle (GP) method for manual evaluation of the bone age. As this is time consuming and may be partially influenced by the evaluator’s skills, automated systems may prove more efficient.Objective and hypothesis: The aim of thi...

hrp0084p2-303 | DSD | ESPE2015

Multiple Malformations Extending the Phenotypic Spectrum of Antley–Bixler Syndrome in a Patient with P450 Oxidoreductase Deficiency due to Two Novel Mutations of the POR Gene

Janchevska Aleksandra , Idkowiak Jan , Caredda Elisabeta , Hurst Jane , Dattani Mehul T , Arlt Wiebke , Spoudeas Helen A

Background: P450 oxidoreductase deficiency (PORD) is characterised by glucocorticoid and sex steroid deficiency and skeletal malformations, resembling Antley–Bixler syndrome (ABS, MIM 124015), a skeletal malformaton phenotype also present in patients with fibroblast growth factor receptor 2 mutations (FGFR2, MIM 176943). While genetic testing confirms both conditions, establishing the exact diagnosis on clinical grounds can be challenging.Objective ...

hrp0094p1-44 | Sex Endocrinology and Gonads A | ESPE2021

Adolescents and young adult men with non-syndromic hypospadias: testicular function and in-depth genetic screening

Tack Lloyd , Spinoit Anne-Francoise , Riedl Stefan , Springer Alexander , Tonnhofer Ursula , Hiess Manuela , Weninger Julia , Mahmoud Ahmed , Tilleman Kelly , Laecke Erik Van , Hoebeke Piet , Juul Anders , Albrethsen Jakob , De Baere Elfride , Verdin Hannah , Cools Martine ,

Background: Hypospadias affects approximately 1/200 newborn males. Based on the testicular dysgenesis syndrome hypothesis, some may be suspected of having persistent testicular dysfunction later in life. Few clinical data currently support this hypothesis.Methods: Cross-sectional assessment of hypospadias cases (n = 193) and controls (n = 50), aged 16-21 years, recruited at Ghent University Hospital and...

hrp0086p1-p254 | Diabetes P1 | ESPE2016

A Case-Control Search of Environmental (E) Factors for Childhood Type 1 Diabetes (T1D) Using Lifeline Questionnaires in the ISIS-Diab Cohort

Balazard Felix , Le Fur Sophie , Biau Gerard , Valleron Alain-Jacques , Bougneres Pierre

Background: The rapidly increasing T1D incidence in European children suggests the recent emergence or extension of predisposing E factors, or the decrease of protective E factors acting during pregnancy, infancy or early childhood. E research has preferentially focused on specific candidate factors, such as hygiene hypothesis, enteroviruses, alimentation, in cohort or case-control studies. The risk of bias is a major concern in E studies.Objectives: To ...

hrp0092fc2.6 | Bone, Growth Plate and Mineral Metabolism Session 1 | ESPE2019

Validation of a New Version of BoneXpert Bone Age in Children with Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia (CAH), Precocious Puberty (PP), Growth Hormone Deficiency (GHD), Turner Syndrome (TS), and other Short Stature Diagnoses

Thodberg Hans Henrik , Martin David D

Background: The BoneXpert method for automated determination of bone age from hand X-rays is based on machine learning, so it lends itself naturally to be improved by adding more training data and using better learning algorithms. Currently, version 2 is running in 145 hospitals across Europe, and a new version 3 is rolled out in 2019.Objective and Hypotheses: The aim was to validate version 3 against manual ratings in r...

hrp0095p1-23 | Bone, Growth Plate and Mineral Metabolism | ESPE2022

Comparison of adult height prediction models against the average height of the Mexican population.

Gabriela Chávez-Vázquez Ana , Klünder-Klünder Miguel , Guadalupe Garibay-Nieto Nayely , López-González Desirée , Liliana Miranda-Lora América

Background: Adult height prediction models (AHP) were designed several decades ago based on the Caucasian population, hence they are not adapted to our population’s characteristics and secular changes. Technological advances have improved the accuracy of bone age (BA) reading through automated analysis, which has been incorporated into new AHP models, but have not been evaluated in the Mexican population.Objective:...

hrp0082p2-d2-472 | Growth (1) | ESPE2014

Body Proportions Estimated by Photometry

Gerver Willem Jan , Brecheisen Ralph , Penders Bas , Straetemans Saartje

Background: The growth process that transforms a newborn into an adult implies that there is not only an increase in height but above all a constant change in body proportions. Knowledge of the body proportions gives insight into the natural process of maturation and any disturbance can be used as a diagnostic tool.Objective and hypotheses: Manual measurement of body dimensions is a highly time-consuming procedure requiring a variety of measurement tools...

hrp0084p1-140 | Turner & Puberty | ESPE2015

Impaired Motor Function in Turner Syndrome: What is the Relationship to Performal Intelligence Scores?

Taskin Betul , Verhaak Chris , Essink Marlou , Kempers Marlies , Vinck Anja , Sanden Ria Nijhuis-van der , Velden Janielle van Alfen-van der

Background: Although motor performance is often impaired in patients with Turner syndrome, the exact prevalence of motor problems is unknown. Detailed studies on specific motor profiles are lacking and the exact relationship between performal IQ and motor function is unknown.Aims and objectives: 1. To describe motor performance in our population of children and adolescents with Turner syndrome including the differentiation in specific motor skill domains...

hrp0094p2-295 | Growth and syndromes (to include Turner syndrome) | ESPE2021

An Italian survey on GH stimulation tests and their adverse side effects.

Salvatoni Alessandro , Agosti Massimo , Aversa Tommaso , Azzolini Sara , Bozzola Mauro , Calcaterra Valeria , Cardinale Giuliana Marcella , Caruso Manuela , Cavarzere Paolo , Cherubini Valentino , Ciccone Sara , Dipasquale Laura , Driul Daniela , Faienza Maria Felicia , FORINO Concetta , Grandone Anna , Guzzetti Chiara , Iezzi Maria Laura , Iughetti Lorenzo , Loche Sandro , Maghnie Mohamad , Mameli Chiara , Mancioppi Valentina , Matarazzo Patrizia , Messini Beatrice , Parpagnoli Maria , Carolina Salerno Maria , Tornese Gianluca , Trettene Adolfo Andrea , Vannelli Silvia , Zucchini Stefano , Delvecchio Maurizio ,

Introduction: The diagnosis of GHD requires the coexistence of anamnestic, auxological and laboratory data. The latter are burdened by the poor accuracy and adverse effects of the stimulation tests. A recent european audit (Horm Res Paediatr 2019;92(3): 150-156) on GH diagnostic reported as preferred tests in Italy Insulin tolerance test (ITT), glucagon, clonidine, arginine and Arg-GHRH. We conducted a survey to explore which of them are most used in It...

hrp0086p1-p114 | Bone & Mineral Metabolism P1 | ESPE2016

Extension of Automated Bone Age Determination to the End of Puberty

Martin David , Thodberg Hans Henrik

Background: The BoneXpert method for automated determination of bone age (BA) from hand X-rays was introduced in 2009, covering the Greulich-Pyle BA range up to 17 years for boys and 15 years for girls.Objective and hypotheses: To present an extension of the BA range of the automated method up to 19 years for boys and 18 years for girls and to validate it against manual rating.Method: The extension was developed based on images fro...