hrp0086p2-p164 | Bone & Mineral Metabolism P2 | ESPE2016

Vitamin D Dependent Rickets Type II in Saudi Children

Alashwal Abdullah , Aldhalaan Waheeb , Abbas Bassam Bin

Background: Vitamin D dependent rickets type II (VDDR II) is a rare autosomal recessive disorder, inherited due to mutation on vitamin D receptor (VDR) leading to end organ unresponsiveness to vitamin D. It is characterized by an early onset refractory rickets, hypocalcaemia, hypophosphatemia, growth retardation, hyperparathyroidism and elevated circulating levels of 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D3 which is the hallmark of the disease.Objective and hypotheses: ...

hrp0084p2-230 | Bone | ESPE2015

The Relationship between Serum 25-Hydroxy Vitamin D and Parathyroid Hormone in Children

Kim Hae Soon , Kang Jung In , Han Ye Jin

Background: The lack of agreement in the definition of vitamin D deficiency may be due to differences in the study populations or in the assays used to measure 25OHD.Objective and hypotheses: The aim of this study is to evaluate the relationship between 25OHD and PTH, and define the level of vitamin D deficiency in a paediatric population.Method: Retrospective medical record of children (age: 0.1–18years, n=193) who v...

hrp0084p3-874 | Fat | ESPE2015

Relation between Thyroid Function Tests and Cardiometabolic Risk Factors in Childhood Obesity

Vuralli Dogus , Tapci Esra , Dallar Yildiz Bilge

Background: It is known that obese children are at higher risk in terms of cardiovascular diseases when compared with normal weight children. Recent studies emphasizes on the fact that there is a relation between TSH and several cardiovascular risk factors in obese children.Objective and hypotheses: The aim of the study is to investigate the relation between cardiometabolic risk factors and thyroid function tests in obese children....

hrp0082p2-d2-431 | Growth Hormone (1) | ESPE2014

Vitamin D Concentrations in Children with GH Deficiency During First Year of GH Treatment

Pyrzak Beata , Witkowska-Sedek Ewelina , Kucharska Anna , Sagala Magdalena , Majcher Anna

Introduction: The start of GH (rhGH) treatment in children with GH deficiency (GHD) causes a significant increase in bone turnover and increases height velocity. The increase in IGF1 concentrations during rhGH treatment is a marker of the efficiency of treatment. A significant increase in bone turnover during rhGH treatment results in an increased demand for vitamin D. It is important to determine proper supplementation doses of vitamin D in patients during catch-up growth.</p...

hrp0084p3-660 | Bone | ESPE2015

4 Years Follow-Up for 25OHD and iPTH in Vitamin D Substituted Patients with Diabetes Mellitus 1: An Unicentric Prospective Study

Weissenbacher Claudia , Roeb Julia , Sydlik Carmen , Pozza Susanne Bechtold Dalla , Marx Michael , Schmidt Heinrich

Background: Vitamin D deficiency/insufficiency seems to occur frequently in children and teenagers but it is a matter of debate if limits (<20 ng/ml; <30 ng/ml) are correct. Besides its effect in bone metabolism Vit-D is also supposed to have a positive influence in diabetes mellitus 1 (DM1).Objective and hypotheses: To study 25OHD and iPTH values in a group of patients (pts) (n=57) with DM1 without Vit-D substitution (2011), with 1000 I...

hrp0082p2-d2-302 | Bone (1) | ESPE2014

Plasma 25-OH Vitamin D and pth Concentrations in Cord Blood: relationship with Ethnic Groups, Nutritional Habits and Degree of Maternal Sun Exposure

Ortigosa Gomez Sandra , Garcia Algar Oscar , Mur Sierra Antonio , Ferrer Costa Roser , Carrascosa Lezcano Antonio , Yeste Fernandez Diego

Introduction: Several studies showing a high prevalence of vitamin D deficiency in pregnant women have been published in recent years. Vitamin D deficiency during pregnancy has been related to adverse events both in mother and child. Plasma 25-OH vitamin D (25(OH)D) levels in the newborn are dependent on maternal deposits and show a close correlation with maternal levels; thus, neonates of vitamin D-deficient mothers present a greater risk of hypocalcaemia, rickets and a highe...

hrp0084p2-238 | Bone | ESPE2015

Can Vitamin D Deficiency Cause Prolongation in Visual Evoked Potentials?

Dogan Murat , Aydin Ilyas , Kaba Sultan , Bala Keziban Asli , Gulpinar Ozlem

Objective: It is known that vitamin D has differential roles in cell proliferation, differentiation, neurotransmission and neuroplasticity in nervous system and exerts neurotrophic and neuroprotective effects. In recent studies, it was shown that vitamin D could be protective against in age-related macular degeneration and optic neuritis related to demyelinating disorders. Here, we aimed to perform visual evoked potential (VEP) studies before treatment in patients with rickets...

hrp0089p3-p209 | GH &amp; IGFs P3 | ESPE2018

Vitamin D Status in Children with Isolated Idiopathic GH Deficiency (GHD) in North and Central Greece

Tsiroukidou Kyriaki , Xatzipsalti Maria , Mameka Iliana , Polychroni Ioulia , Vamvakis Anastasios , Papagianni Maria , Stamogiannou Lela

Background: Vitamin D status in children with isolated GHD has been analyzed in few studies with controversial results. The aim of the study was to assess vitamin D status in children with idiopathic GHD in North and Central Greece.Materials and methods: 128 children (M/F: 76/61, mean age 9.5 (S.D.±3.5 years) with isolated GHD were compared with 65 controls (M/F: 46/3, mean age 9.3 (S.D.±3.2 years). Children were d...

hrp0086rfc10.3 | Perinatal Endocrinology | ESPE2016

Vitamin D Depletion in Pregnancy Decreases Survival Time, Oxygen Saturation, Lung Weight and Body Weight in Preterm Rat Offspring

Lykkedegn Sine , Sorensen Grith Lykke , Beck-Nielsen Signe Sparre , Pilecki Bartosz , Duelund Lars , Marcussen Niels , Christesen Henrik Thybo

Background: Animal studies suggest a role of vitamin D in fetal lung development although not studied in preterm animals.Objective and hypotheses: We tested the hypothesis that vitamin D depletion does not aggravate respiratory insufficiency in preterm rat offspring. Furthermore, the effects of vitamin D depletion on growth and lung surfactant were investigated.Method: Female Sprague-Dawley rats were randomly assigned low vitamin D...

hrp0082p1-d2-250 | Thyroid (1) | ESPE2014

In Patients with Chronic Autoimmune Thyroiditis, Investigation of the Effects of Functions of Regulatory T Cells and Vitamin D

Siklar Zeynep , Karatas Deniz , Dogu Figen , Kocaay Pinar , Hacihamdioglu Bulent , Ikinciogullari Aydan , Berberoglu Merih

Background: Treg cells are characterized by expression of Foxp3 molecule that serve as keys in the maintenance of peripheral tolerance and in controlling the immune response. The exact role of Treg cells in the pathogenesis of CAT has not been recognized yet.Objective and hypotheses: It is suggested that vitamin D is one of the factors that can regulate the function of Treg cells. In this study, the relationship between Treg cells (levels and expression)...