hrp0084p3-788 | DSD | ESPE2015

Persistent Müllerian Duct Syndrome Associated with Anorchia Caused by a Compound Heterozygous Mutation in the AMHR-II Gene

Rojo Jaime Cruz , Lorenzo Lucia Garzon , Fernandez Jone Agirregoitia , del Pozo Cristina Martinez , Picard Jean-Yves , del Pozo Jaime Sanchez

Background: The persistent Müllerian duct syndrome (PMDS) is a rare 46-XY disorder of sex development, characterized by the persistence of Müllerian derivatives (uterus, Fallopian tubes) in otherwise normally virilised males. The condition is transmitted as a recessive autosomal trait and is caused in most cases by a defect in either the anti-Müllerian hormone (AMH) or the AMH type-II receptor (AMHR-II) genes.Case report: We present a 9 ye...

hrp0084p3-970 | GH & IGF | ESPE2015

Growth Hormone Therapy in Children: Predictive Factors and Short-Term and Long-Term Response Criteria in an Italian Cohort

Partenope Cristina , Pruccoli Giulia , Damia Chiara Maria , Ferrarello Maria Piera , Garbetta Gisella , Osimani Sara , Weber Giovanna , Pozzobon Gabriella

Background: The correct diagnosis of growth hormone deficiency (GHD) and the definition of growth response in the management of growth hormone (GH)-treated children is controversial.Objective and hypotheses: To evaluate: i) short-term and long-term efficacy of GH treatment; ii) various criteria commonly used to define poor response to GH therapy and compare them in the same cohort of GHD patients.Method: Our study includes 94 child...

hrp0084p3-979 | GH & IGF | ESPE2015

The Assessment of Quality of Life and New Technologies for Therapeutic Monitoring in a Cohort of Paediatric Patients Treated with GH

Pruccoli Giulia , Partenope Cristina , Ferrarello Maria Piera , Damia Chiara Maria , Osimani Sara , Garbetta Gisella , Weber Giovanna , Pozzobon Gabriella

Background: Short stature may represent a significant psychosocial problem. The rationale for GH treatment has traditionally rested upon the clinical improvement in terms of growth and well-being. Great importance is also associated with the adherence to the therapy.Objective and hypotheses: We have investigated the benefits obtained by GH treatment, the factors that positively influence growth, the differences between ‘objective’ and ‘sub...

hrp0084p3-996 | Gonads | ESPE2015

Endocrine Disruptor and Premature Puberty, is There Any Association?

Riano-Galan Isolina , Menendez Adrian Estrada , Lopez Ana Perez , Fuente Mar Coto , Moran Margot , Rodriguez-Dehli Cristina

Background: Endocrine disruptors (ED) can alter endocrine function. ED have become a part of everyday life and are found among phytoestrogens, active ingredients in pharmaceuticals, and additives or contaminants in food, personal care products, cosmetics, plastics and textiles.Objective: To describe cases of children with signs of early puberty who are exposed to ED.Method: Observational study of patients affected of premature pube...

hrp0084p3-1038 | Growth | ESPE2015

Short Stature in a Rare 15q Duplication – is hGH Treatment Beneficial?

Manolachie Adina , Rusu Cristina , Braha Elena , Crumpei Iulia , Belceanu Alina , Puiu Mirela , Anton Mihaela , Leustean Letitia , Vulpoi Carmen

Introduction: Distal chromosome 15 duplication is a very rare genetic disease, first described in 1974 by Fujimoto et al. The symptoms and physical findings include prenatal and/or postnatal growth retardation, mental retardation, poor speaking abilities, asymmetrical dysmorphic facial features, malformations of the fingers and/or toes and sometimes heart conditions.Case report: We report a case of a 2 years 5 months old girl, born with SGA (uterine grow...

hrp0084p3-1171 | Thyroid | ESPE2015

A Familial Case of Congenital Hypothyroidism due to a Mutation in the Thyroglobulin Gene Detected by Next Generation Sequencing

Vigone Maria Cristina , Peroni Elena , Vincenzi Gaia , Gelmini Giulia , de Filippis Tiziana , Sileo Fulvio , Persani Luca , Weber Giovanna

Background: Congenital hypothyroidism (CH) is a heterogeneous disorder. While the great majority of cases are considered sporadic, the use of next generation sequencing (NGS) may bring significant advances in elucidating the underlying molecular mechanisms.Case presentation: We selected a family with three children affected by CH with gland in situ and diagnosed at neonatal screening: the index patient, his sister and his brother. Data at diagno...

hrp0084p3-1196 | Thyroid | ESPE2015

Hoffmann Syndrome in a Boy with Severe Acquired Primary Hypothyroidism

Lorenzo Lucia Garzon , Rojo Jaime Cruz , del Pozo Cristina Martinez , Enamorado Noemi Nunez , del Pozo Jaime Sanchez

Background: Hoffmann syndrome is a specific and rare form of hypothyroid myopathy in adults characterized by presence of muscle stiffness, proximal weakness and pseudohypertrophy. When this occurs in a cretin child it is known as Kocher–Debré–Sémélaigne syndrome. Patients with more severe or longstanding untreated hypothyroidism are more likely to develop clinically significant muscle disease. Serum muscle enzyme levels as CK, myoglobin and lactate deh...

hrp0094p2-72 | Bone, growth plate and mineral metabolism | ESPE2021

ACAN gene skeletal dysplasia (short size syndrome, with or without advanced bone age and early onset osteoarthritis)

Aguilar Riera Cristina , Arciniegas Larry , Murillo Valles Marta , Ros Pena Andrea , Alvarez Paula Fernandez , Clemente Maria , Yeste Diego ,

Aggrecan is a structural glycoprotein of the extracellular matrix of cartilage present in the articular cartilage, growth plate and cartilage of the intervertebral disc. Biallelic pathogenic variants are the cause of aggrecan type spondyloepiphyseal dysplasia (OMIM#612813) while the presence of heterozygous pathogenic variants determine Kimberley type spondyloepiphyseal dysplasia (OMIM#608361) and short stature associated or not with acceleration of bone maturation and early o...

hrp0094p2-204 | Fat, metabolism and obesity | ESPE2021

Changes in objectively measured physical activity after 2-year lifestyle intervention in pediatric patients with abdominal obesity

Ojeda-Rodriguez Ana , Morell-Azanza Lydia , Luis Leon Jose , Macias Maria , Chueca Maria , Marti Amelia , Cristina Azcona-Sanjulian Maria ,

Introduction: it has been widely demonstrated that high physical activity (PA) levels prevent obesity development. The practice of moderate, regular PA reduces abdominal obesity, hypertension, insulin resistance, dyslipidemia and improves risk factors for obesity-related comorbidities (e.g. diabetes or cardiovascular diseases) independently of weight loss. However, in the childhood population, where sedentary behavior has increased in recent decades, few studi...

hrp0094p2-210 | Fat, metabolism and obesity | ESPE2021

Sleep quality and metabolic syndrome in pediatric patients with abdominal obesity

Catalan Ana , Ana Ojeda-Rodriguez , Gea Alfredo , Macias Maria , Chueca Maria , Berrade Sara , Marti Amelia , Azcona-Sanjulian Maria Cristina ,

Aim: to evaluate sleep quality by accelerometry and its association with anthropometry and biochemical parameters in children and adolescents after a multidisciplinary interventionSubjects Materials and Methods: One hundred and twenty-two children and adolescents with abdominal obesity, aged 7 to 16 years, were included in a multidisciplinary intervention study to lose weight. Abdominal obesity was diagnosed using the waist circumference...