hrp0094p2-392 | Pituitary, neuroendocrinology and puberty | ESPE2021

Late Puberty In Children

Asmae Touzani , Mohamed Boualam , Nouzha Rami , Yamna Kriouile , Zineb Imane , Abdellah Dami , Lhoucin Balouch , Ahmed Gaouzi ,

Objectives: This retrospective and descriptive study aim to study the frequency of children who have a pubertal delay and who are followed at the Department of Pediatrics II at the Children’s Hospital of Rabat. Materials and Methods: Among 1850 records collected, 24 patient records that meet the criteria for inclusion. A delay in the appearance of sexual characters: the lack of breast development after the age of 13.5 years in the girl and the lack of inc...

hrp0097p1-518 | Growth and Syndromes | ESPE2023

Outcomes of growth hormone treatment in children with Prader Willi Syndrome over a 30-year period at the Children’s Hospital at Westmead, New South Wales Australia

Gamage Dilhara , Chan Albert , Maguire Ann , Srinivasan Shubha , Ambler Geoffrey , Hi Cho Yoon

Background: Prader-Willi syndrome (PWS) is a rare genetic obesity syndrome associated with relative growth hormone deficiency. Scoliosis is a known association of both PWS and growth hormone therapy (GH), although its role in causation remains uncertain. In the literature, short-term and long-term data revealed no adverse effects of GH on scoliosis. As the metabolic and clinical benefit of growth hormone therapy is established in the management of PWS, it is d...

hrp0092p2-60 | Bone, Growth Plate and Mineral Metabolism | ESPE2019

Clinical and Genetic Characterization of Tunisian Children with Hereditary Hypophosphatemic rickets (HHR).

Wannes Selmen , Silve Caroline , Rassas Ahmed , Werdani Amina , BOUSOFFARA Raoudha , Mahjoub Bahri

Background: Hypophosphatemic rickets (HHR) is a vitamin D-resistant rickets and results in children in variable degrees of delayed walking, waddling gait, leg bowing, enlarged cartilages, bone pain, craniostenosis and growth failure. There are both inherited and acquired forms, where FGF23-dependent forms with X-linked dominant hypophosphatemic rickets (XLH) head of the list is the most prevalent genetic form; molecular defects of the sodium-phosphate co-trans...

hrp0092p3-165 | Growth and Syndromes (to include Turner Syndrome) | ESPE2019

Final Adult Height in a Patient with Turner Syndrome {46, X, i(Xq)} Treated with Growth Hormone for 10 Years Compared to her Normal Dizygotic Twin Sister and Mid-Parental Height

Soliman Ashraf , Hamad Noor , Alhumaidy Noora , Osman Ahmed Shayma , Adel Ashraf

Anthropometric somatotype components show significant resemblance in monozygotic (MZ) and dizygotic twins (DZ) twins within each sex with a greater resemblance within MZ twin pairs than within DZ twin pairs. In many studies a significant positive correlation was found between the parental height and the height of girls with TS.This girl with Turner syndrome {46, X, i(Xq) presented at the age of 7.5 years for evaluation of her short stature. Her clinical ...

hrp0094p2-142 | Diabetes and insulin | ESPE2021

Affective response of newly diagnosed Type1 diabetes parents: An experience of a developing country.

Ayub Aqeela , Shamsher Maria , Aftab Sommayya , Parveen Asmat , Shahid Gulbin , Butt Taeed Ahmed ,

Background & objectives: An important aspect of managing type 1 diabetes is to identify and address the apprehensions of patients and parents of newly diagnosed type 1 diabetes. Understanding parental difficulties in managing type1 diabetes and promptly dealing them will surely affect the short and long-term outcome in children. The aim of this study was to determine the affective response of parents after the diagnosis of type 1 diabetes in a developing c...

hrp0097p1-117 | Growth and Syndromes | ESPE2023

Evaluating the Beneficial Role of Nutritional Intervention (NI) Trials in Improving Growth in Children with Beta Thalassemia Major (BTM)

Soliman Ashraf , Ahmed Shyama , Alaaraj Nada , Alyafei Fawzia , Hamed Noor , Itani Maya

Introduction: Patients with thalassemia have a high prevalence of malnutrition and low body mass index (BMI), and nutritional intervention studies are scarce.Aim: We performed an electronic search in PubMed, Google Scholar, and Web of Sciences to review nutritional intervention studies and their possible beneficial effect on children and adults with BTM.Results: 17 controlled and/o...

hrp0097p1-525 | Growth and Syndromes | ESPE2023

Human milk insulin-like growth factor-1 (HMIGF1) and its effects on Infantile and Childhood Growth

Soliman Ashraf , Alyafei Fawzia , Alaaraj Nada , Hamed Noor , Ahmed Shayma , Soliman Nada , Shaat Mona , Adel Ashraf

Introduction: Accumulating evidence indicates various but significant effects of human breast milk IGF1 (HMIGF1) on infantile linear growth and weight gain.Objectives and Methods: We performed electronic literature systematic review using PubMed, Google Scholar, and Web of Sciences with the aim to provide an update on various effects of HMIGF1 on infantile and childhood growth. We reviewed 12 studies (n= 941 inf...

hrp0097p2-67 | Fat, Metabolism and Obesity | ESPE2023

The outcome of management for childhood obesity during COVID19 pandemic (2019-2021) in Qatar

Hamed Noor , Shaat Mona , Soliman Ashraf , Alyafei Fawzia , Alaaraj Nada , Ahmed Shayma

Introduction: Obesity is serious health concern that affect the children during pandemic due to school closing and shifting to online teaching with suspension of almost all physical activity. In addition, many overweight and obese children had irregular meal timing, frequent snacking, and increased screen time at home.Objectives: To study the effect of COVID 19 on weight gain during the lock- down and shifting to online ...

hrp0097p2-136 | GH and IGFs | ESPE2023

Human milk insulin-like growth factors and Cyclic glycine-proline (cGP) concentrations in relation to infantile and childhood growth.

Soliman Ashraf , Alyafei Fawzia , Alaaraj Nada , Hamed Noor , Ahmed Shayma , Soliman Nada

Introduction: Insulin-like growth factor (IGF)-1, IGF binding proteins (IGFBPs) and regulatory metabolites, including cyclic Glycine-Proline (cGP), have a possible role in modifying infant growth trajectories through their effects on linear growth, and body composition. There is no consensus on how maternal BMI affects breast milk IGF1 level.Aim: We reviewed the recent literature about human milk (IGF)-1, and cGP concent...

hrp0097p2-161 | GH and IGFs | ESPE2023

Maternal Factors affecting Human milk insulin-like growth factor (IGF) (HMIGF1) level.

Soliman Ashraf , Hamed Noor , Alaaraj Nada , Alyafei Fawzia , Ahmed Shayma , Adel Ashraf

Introduction: Accumulating evidence indicates various but significant effects of human milk IGF1 (HMIGF1) on infantile and childhood linear growth and weight gain. Studies on maternal factors affecting the level of HMIGF1 need to be clarified.Objectives and Methods: We performed electronic literature systematic review using PubMed, Google Scholar, and Web of Sciences with the aim to provide an update on maternal factors ...