hrp0082p3-d2-894 | Perinatal and Neonatal Endocrinology (1) | ESPE2014

Relationship of Birth Gestational Age with IGF Binding Protein 3 Beyond Influences of Gender, Small-For-Gestational-Age Status, Caesarean Section, Caloric Intake, Parenteral Nutirtion, and Predominant Breast Milk Feeding in the Not-Life Threatened Newborn: Relevance of Not-Brain-Related Birth Body Weight

Terzi Cesare , Blum Werner F , Zani Sergio , Riani Marco , Tridenti Gabriele , Cerioli Andrea , Garavelli Lidia , Bernasconi Sergio , Virdis Raffaele , Banchini Giacomo

Background/objective and hypotheses: Not-brain-related birth body weight (NBBW) relevance to known relationships of birth gestational age (GA) with blood serum IGF binding protein 3 (IB3) was studied in the not-life threatened newborn (NWB).Method: SEX, GA (unit:complete week), postnatal age (PNA; unit:day), birth body weight (BW; unit:g), birth head circumference (HC; unit:cm), BW<10th centile for GA (SGA), caesarean section (CS), predominant oral/e...

hrp0097p1-484 | Fetal, Neonatal Endocrinology and Metabolism | ESPE2023

Relationships between birth body weight< centile (SGA) and insulin-like growth factor-ii / insulin-like growth factor binding protein-3 ratio in the not-life threatened newborn: relevance of birth chest circumference / birth body weight ratio and oxygen supplementation

Terzi Cesare , F. Blum Werner , Magnani Cristiana , Tridenti Gabriele , Cerioli Andrea , Riani Marco , Chesi Elena , Luigi De Angelis Gian , Bernasconi Sergio , Virdis Raffaele , Banchini Giacomo

Direct relationships of estimated birth brain weight(BRW) to birth body weight (BW) ratios (BBR) and of BW< centile for GA(SGA) with blood serum Insulin-like Growth Factor-II(IG2) to blood serum Insulin-like Growth Factor Binding Protein-3 (IB3) ratios (IG2/IB3R), and inverse relations between BW-SDS and birth chest circumference(CC) / BW ratio (i.e., CC through BW; CC/BWR) have been detected by our group in the human newborn(NWB). We evaluated the possibility that CC...

hrp0094p2-291 | Growth and syndromes (to include Turner syndrome) | ESPE2021

Linear Growth and Weight gain in Infants with Significant Neonatal Hypoglycemia during the first two years of age: Comparison of infants of Diabetic Mothers (IDM) versus infants of non-diabetic mothers (INDM) with transient hyperinsulinemia (non-ketotic hypoglycemia)

Soliman Ashraf , Alaaraj Nada , Itani Maya , Jour Celine , Alyafei Fawzia , Hamed Noor , Alneimy Fatma , Ali Hamdy ,

Objective: Infants born to mothers with glucose intolerance are at an increased risk of having growth abnormalities at birth and postnatally. This study evaluated the growth pattern of IDMs from birth to the age of 2 years.Research Design and Methods: Anthropometric measures (z scores) from birth, 2,4.6,12,18 and 2 years were measured in 60 IDM and 40 infants of non-diabetic mothers who presented with significant neonatal hypoglycemia (p...

hrp0097p1-92 | Fetal, Neonatal Endocrinology and Metabolism | ESPE2023

Relationship between birth body weight< centile (sga) and insulin-like growth factor binding protein-3: relevance of birth chest circumference / birth body weight ratio independently of birth gestational age, insulin-like growth factor binding protein-1 and -2 in the not-life threatened newborn

Terzi Cesare , Virdis Raffaele , Magnani Cristiana , Tridenti Gabriele , Cerioli Andrea , Riani Marco , Garavelli Lidia , Luigi De Angelis Gian , Bernasconi Sergio , F. Blum Werner , Banchini Giacomo

Birth chest circumference(CC) shows often, like birth gestational age(GA), tight direct relations to birth body weight(BW). However distinct connections of hypoxia/undernutrition with different body structures might be suspected based on brain-, heart- and adrenal-sparing following intrauterine growth restriction and, postnatally, on higher chest size for body mass observed at high altitude. Growth retarded fetuses gestated by hypoxic pregnant animals may present increments of...

hrp0092fc4.2 | Fat Metabolism and Obesity Session | ESPE2019

Characterization of the Adipose Progenitor Cell Marker MSCA1 in Normal Weight and Obese Children

Hanschkow Martha , Bouloumié Anne , Dietrich Arne , Kiess Wieland , Körner Antje , Landgraf Kathrin

Background: Obesity is characterized by an increase in fat mass caused by an increase in adipocyte number and adipocyte size and is often associated with adipose tissue (AT) dysfunction contributing to metabolic impairment. It is suspected that adipocyte progenitor cells play an important role during healthy and obesity-related AT expansion. Studies in adults showed that the stroma vascular fraction (SVF) of AT is composed of different progenitor cell subpopul...

hrp0082p2-d3-391 | Fat Metabolism &amp; Obesity (2) | ESPE2014

The Relationship Between Weight-Related Anthropometric Parameters and Menarche in Norwegian Girls

Bratke Heiko , Brannsether Bente Ellingsen , Aszmus Jorg , Bjerknes Robert , Juliusson Petur B

Aim: A decline in the age at menarche has been reported in recent years in several well-off populations. The prevalence of childhood overweight and obesity has increased during the last decades with some levelling off during the last years. The aim of the present study was to study the association between parameters of overweight and menarche in Norway.Material: Cross-sectional data from The Bergen Growth Study, collected in 2003–2006 from 4016 girl...

hrp0097lb6 | Late Breaking | ESPE2023

A concomitant increase in thinness and weight excess in Brazilian schoolchildren: evaluation from 2010 to 2022

M de Jesus Luciana , M Pinto Renata , B D de Sousa Mariana , P de Oliveira Nayara , de S Gomes Laís

Introduction: The Body Mass Index (BMI) is an essential indicator for the nutritional assessment of children and reflects the exposure to health conditions that are harmful to the development of this population.Objective: To analyze the temporal trends of the BMI of Brazilian children aged 5-10 between 2010 and 2022.Patients and methods: Descriptive ecological study. Data obtained ...

hrp0094p2-243 | Fetal, neonatal endocrinology and metabolism (to include hypoglycaemia) | ESPE2021

Postnatal linear growth and weight gain in infants of non-diabetic mothers (INDM) who were born preterm or near term and had significant neonatal hypoglycemia.

Alaaraj Nada , Soliman Ashraf , Ahmed Shayma , Hamed Noor , Itani Maya , Al-Naimi Fatima ,

Preterm babies born to non-diabetic mothers (INDM) who experience significant hypoglycemia may have postnatal growth abnormalities. This study evaluated the growth pattern from birth to the age of 2 years of 40 INDM who were born at or near term with significant hypoglycemia. Anthropometric measures (z scores) from birth, 2,4.6,12,18 and 2 years were measured in 40 INDM who presented with significant neonatal hypoglycemia (plasma value less than 20-25 mg/dl (1.1-1.4 mmol/l) th...

hrp0097p1-409 | Adrenals and HPA Axis | ESPE2023

Hydrocortisone (HC) versus Prednisone(P) Therapy in treating Children with Classic Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia (CAH): Impact on statural growth weight gain and metabolic criteria

El Sayed Shayma , Soliman Ashraf , Hamed Noor , Ahmed Shayma , Alyafei Fawzia , Alaaraj Nada

Introduction: Debate still exists about the safety of long-term use of prednisone (P) versus hydrocortisone (HC) for treating children with congenital adrenal hyperplasia -21OH D (CAH).Aim: To investigate the linear growth and weigh gain as well as metabolic component in children with CAH who were treated with either HC or P since early infancy for 5 years or more.Methods: Data of ...

hrp0097p1-561 | Pituitary, Neuroendocrinology and Puberty | ESPE2023

Copeptin as a reliable marker in differentiating Nephrogenic Diabetes Insipidus (NDI) and Central Diabetes Insipidus (CDI)-a case study

Spilioti Diamantina-Xanthi , Minett Gemma , Rowland-Hill Chris , Douglas Linda , Gupta Sanjay

Introduction: Arginine vasopressin (AVP) and thirst are the main determinants of water homeostasis maintenance, and dysregulation leads to polyuria-polydipsia syndrome. This comprises of three key conditions: CDI due to insufficiently secreted AVP; NDI, due to renal AVP insensitivity and Primary Polydipsia (PP), caused by excessive fluid intake resulting in physiological suppression of AVP. Differentiating between these three conditions is important, as the tr...