hrp0082p2-d3-481 | Hypoglycaemia | ESPE2014

Presentation, Clinical and Genetic Outcomes in a Series of Infants With Congenital Hyperinsulinism

Carroll Aoife , Gibney Brian , McDonnell Ciara , Moloney Sinead , Monavari Ardeshir , Murphy Nuala

Background: Congenital hyperinsulinism (CHI) is a rare condition but a significant cause of recurrent hypoglycaemia in infancy and childhood. Prompt recognition and appropriate management is important to avoid long-term neurological sequelae.Objective and hypotheses: To describe the presentation, clinical and genetic outcomes in a series of infants with CHI.Method: Retrospective case series of 35 patients diagnosed with CHI between...

hrp0082p3-d1-701 | Diabetes | ESPE2014

Changing Presentation of Type 1 Diabetes to a Tertiary Paediatric Centre

Mc Grath Niamh , Mc Glacken-Byrne S M , Hawkes C P , Murphy N P

Background: The prevalence of childhood type 1 diabetes mellitus (T1DM) is increasing and the age at presentation is falling. Late presentation with diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA) is more common in younger children who are at increased risk of cerebral oedema.Objective and hypotheses: To describe the clinical presentation of new onset T1DM to our centre and report time to diagnosis, incidence of DKA, requirement for intensive care and complications.<p c...

hrp0084p1-95 | Growth | ESPE2015

Various Imprinting Disorders Underlying Silver-Russell Syndrome-Compatible Phenotype

Kagami Masayo , Matsubara Keiko , Sano Shinichiro , Nakamura Akie , Mizuno Seiji , Hamajima Naoki , Yanagisawa Atsuhiro , Hashimoto Miyuki , Yukote Akira , Fukami Maki , Ogata Tsutomu

Background: Silver-Russell syndrome (SRS) is a rare congenital developmental disorder characterised by pre- and postnatal growth failure, relative macrocephaly, triangular face, hemihypotrophy, and fifth finger clinodactyly. Hypomethylation of the H19-DMR and maternal uniparental disomy chromosome 7 (UPD(7)mat) were identified in about 30 and 10% of SRS patients respectively. Genetic causes of the remaining 60% of the patients are unknown. Growth failure, small hands, and hypo...

hrp0094p2-294 | Growth and syndromes (to include Turner syndrome) | ESPE2021

The spectrum of the Prader-Willi-like pheno- and genotype

Juriaans Alicia , Kerkhof Gerthe , Hokken-Koelega Anita ,

Background/aims: Prader-Willi syndrome (PWS) is a rare genetic syndrome, caused by the loss of expression of the paternal chromosome 15q11-q13 region. Over the past years, many cases of patients with characteristics similar to PWS, but without the typical genetic aberration of the 15q11-q13 region, have been described. These patients are often labelled as Prader-Willi-like (PWL). PWL is an as-yet poorly defined syndrome, potentially affecting a significant num...

hrp0094fc7.1 | Fetal Endocrinology and Multisystem Disorders | ESPE2021

The Use Of e-REC For Capturing The Occurrence Of COVID-19 Infections In People With Rare Endocrine Conditions

Bryce Jillian , Di Guisto Vicki , Ali Salma R. , Alexandraki Krystallenia , Badiu Corin , Baronio Federico , Biermasz Nienke R. , Brandi Maria Luisa , Castinetti Frederic , Ceccato Filippo , Chifu Irina-Oana , Cools Martine , Danne Thomas , Druce Maralyn , Esposito Daniela , Falhammar Henrik , Fugazzola Laura , Gan Hoong-Wei , Giordano Roberta , Isidori Andrea M. , Johannsson Gudmundur , Karavitaki Niki , Linglart Agnes , Luger Anton , Maffei Pietro , Marazuela Monica , Jaksic Vladka Pandzic , Paschou Stavroula A. , Persani Luca , Domingo Manuel Puig , Reisch Nicole , Schalin-Jantti Camilla , Akker van den Erica L.T. , Vassiliadi Dimitra , Young Jacques , Appelman-Dijkstra Natasha , Grozinsky-Glasberg Simona , Pereira Alberto M. , Ahmed S. Faisal ,

Introduction: Following the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic in early spring 2020, there was a need to identify the burden of this infection on people with rare endocrine conditions. The European Registries For Rare Endocrine Conditions (EuRRECa) was launched in 2018 in collaboration with Endo-ERN, ESPE and ESE to support the needs of the wider endocrine community. The project consists of an e-reporting (e-REC) platform that allows monthly reporting of new clini...

hrp0094p1-8 | Adrenal A | ESPE2021

Long-term Cardiometabolic Morbidity In Young Adults With Classic 21-Hydroxylase Deficiency Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia

Righi Beatrice , Ali Salma R , Bryce Jillian , Tomlinson Jeremy W , Bonfig Walter , Baronio Federico , Costa Eduardo C , Filho Guilherme Guaragna , T’Sjoen Guy , Cools Martine , Markosyan Renata , Bachega Tania A S S , Miranda Mirela C , Iotova Violeta , Falhammar Henrik , Ceccato Filippo , Stancampiano Marianna R , Russo Gianni , Vukovic Rade , Giordano Roberta , Mazen Inas , Guven Ayla , Darendeliler Feyza , Poyrazoglu Cukran , Vries Liat de , Ellaithi Mona , Daniel Eleni , Johnston Colin , Hunter Steven J , Carroll Paul V , Adam Safwaan , Perry Colin G , Kearney Tara , Abraham Prakash , Rees D Aled , Leese Graham P , Reisch Nicole , Stikkelbroeck Nike M M L , Auchus Richard J , Ross Richard J , Ahmed S Faisal ,

Background: Congenital adrenal hyperplasia (CAH) and long-term glucocorticoid treatment may be associated with an increased risk of developing cardiometabolic sequelae such as abnormal glucose homeostasis, hyperlipidaemia, hypertension, cardiovascular (CV) disease, obesity and osteoporosis.Objectives: To study the current practice amongst expert centres for assessing cardiometabolic outcomes in adult patients with 21-hyd...

hrp0089p3-p134 | Fat, Metabolism and Obesity P3 | ESPE2018

Metabolic Parameters in Children with Syndromic Obesity

Sukarova-Angelovska Elena , Kocova Mirjana , Krstevska-Konstantinova Marina , Angelkova Natalija , Zorcec Tatjana

Background: Obesity is a complex disease that have an impact of many organs and systems. Syndromic obesity, although rare separately, encompasses around 70 entities with different phenotypic expression, gene involvement and associated anomalies. There are many genes that can influence obesity, either monogenic or polygenic in basis. Children with syndromic obesity need additional testing in order to indentify a specific disorder. Metabolic set up and endocrinological disturban...

hrp0095rfc7.5 | Growth and Syndromes | ESPE2022

A relevant cellular model to study imprinting disorders: dental pulp stem cells

Giabicani Eloïse , Pham Aurélie , Sélénou Céline , Sobrier Marie-Laure , Linglart Agnès , Poliard Anne , Chaussain Catherine , Netchine Irène

Parental imprinting is an epigenetic process leading to monoallelic expression of certain genes depending on their parental origin. Imprinting disorders are a set of rare diseases that mainly affect growth and metabolism from birth to adulthood. These disorders are mainly due to methylation defects in imprinting control region that drive the abnormal expression of imprinted genes. Moreover, patients with imprinting disorders may present overlapping clinical features that can b...

hrp0092rfc12.3 | Growth and Syndromes (to include Turner syndrome) | ESPE2019

Imprinting Defects and Copy Number Variations in Short Children Born Small for Gestational Age

Kagami Masayo , Nakamura Akie , Inoue Takanobu , Kawashima Sayaka , Hara Kaori , Fuke Tomoko , Mastubara Keiko , Fukami Maki , Ogata Tsutomu

Abnormal expression of imprinted genes leads to imprinting disorders (IDs). Silver-Russell syndrome (SRS) and Prader-Willi syndrome (PWS) are representative IDs showing small for gestational age and short stature (SGA-SS).Temple syndrome (TS14) caused by abnormal gene expression at the 14q32.2 imprinted region, maternal uniparental disomy of chromosome 6 (UPD(6)mat), 16 (UPD(16)mat), and 20 (UPD(20)mat) are also associated with SGA-SS. Fuethermore, some copy number variations ...