hrp0094p2-235 | Fetal, neonatal endocrinology and metabolism (to include hypoglycaemia) | ESPE2021

A Selective Nonpeptide Somatostatin Receptor 5 (SST5) Agonist Effectively Decreases Insulin Secretion in a KATPHI Mouse Model and in Human HI Islets

Juliana Christine , Chai Jinghua , Arroyo Pablo , Rico-Bautista Elizabeth , Betz Stephen , De Leon Diva ,

Inactivating mutations of ß-cell KATP channels cause the most common and severe form of congenital hyperinsulinism (HI), a ß-cell disorder that results in dysregulated insulin secretion and persistent hypoglycemia. Children with KATPHI are typically unresponsive to diazoxide, the only FDA-approved drug for HI. Octreotide, an SST2-selective agonist peptide that inhibits insulin secretion, is used as second line therapy, but poor efficacy and SST2...

hrp0097rfc10.3 | Fetal, neonatal endocrinology and metabolism (to include hypoglycaemia) & Multisystem endocrine disorders | ESPE2023

Non-coding Variants in HK1 Account for 5% of Cases of Congenital Hyperinsulinism Without an Identified Genetic Cause

Rosenfeld Elizabeth , E. Boodhansingh Kara , A. Stanley Charles , Ganguly Arupa , D. De Leon Diva

Background: The genetic etiology of non-syndromic HI remains unknown in over 20% of all cases, and over 50% of diazoxide-responsive cases. Non-coding variants in HK1 have been suggested to cause HI by linkage-analysis (Pinney et al., 2008). More recently, variants within a regulatory region of HK1 intron 2 were reported in 17 individuals with HI (Wakeling et al., 2022). These variants have been proposed to cause HI by disrup...

hrp0089rfc4.5 | GH & IGFs | ESPE2018

12-Month Effects of Once-Weekly and Twice-Monthly Administration of Hybrid Fc-Fused Human Growth Hormone, GX-H9, Treatment in Pediatric with GHD Deficiency

Malievskiy Oleg , Mykola Aryaev , Nataliya Zelinska , Bolshova Elena V , Senatorova Ganna , Oroszlan Gyorgy , Skorodok Julia , Peterkova Valentina , Nataliya Chorna , Sorokman Tamila , Yang Seung , Lee Ji Eun , Muzsnai Agota , Hwang Jin Soon , Lee Sang Yoon , Choi Yun Jung , Ji Hyi-Jeong , Woo Jungwon , Sung Young-Chul

GX-H9 is a long-acting form of recombinant human GH under clinical development for both adults and children with GH deficiency (GHD). This study was designed to compare 12-month effects of once-weekly and twice-monthly (every other week; EOW) administration of GX-H9 treatment to that of Genotropin®, in pediatric patients with GHD. A randomized, open-label, active-controlled, parallel study was conducted at 27 endocrinology centers in 10 countries (Europe and Ko...

hrp0095fc7.6 | Growth and Syndromes | ESPE2022

The Multifaceted Burden Experienced by Caregivers of Individuals With Bardet-Biedl Syndrome: Findings from the CARE-BBS Study

Forsythe Elizabeth , Mallya Usha M. , Yang Min , Caroline , Lynn Mary , Grea Ali , Po Jeremy , Haqq Andrea M.

Background: Caregivers of patients with Bardet Biedl syndrome (BBS) face substantial burden from highly prevalent features of the disease, namely hyperphagia, or uncontrollable hunger, and obesity. However, the burden experienced by caregivers of individuals with BBS is not well characterized.Methods: A multicountry cross-sectional survey of caregivers of individuals with BBS was conducted to quantify the burden experien...

hrp0095t8 | Section | ESPE2022

Caregiver Burden in Bardet-Biedl Syndrome: a Survey of Obesity and Hyperphagia Impacts

Forsythe Elizabeth , G. Mallya Usha , Yang Min , Huber Caroline , Lynn Cala Mary , Greatsinger Ali , Pomeroy Jeremy , M. Haqq Andrea

Background: Hyperphagia, or pathologic insatiable hunger, and early-onset obesity are prevalent clinical features of Bardet-Biedl syndrome (BBS), a rare genetic disorder. While hyperphagia and obesity have broad impacts on individuals with BBS and their caregivers, the extent of this burden is not well characterized.Methods: This multicountry cross-sectional survey of caregivers of individuals with BBS was conducted to q...

hrp0092p1-118 | Pituitary, Neuroendocrinology and Puberty | ESPE2019

Whole Exome Sequencing (WES) Reveals Oligogenic Gene Mutations in a Case of Combined Pituitary Hormone Deficiency (CPHD)

Sertedaki Amalia , Tatsi Elizabeth-Barbara , Nikaina Eirini , Vasilakis Ioannis Anargyros , Fylaktou Irene , Iacovidou Nicoletta , Siahanidou Soultana , Kanaka-Gantenbein Christina

Introduction: CPHD is characterized by GH and at least one other pituitary hormone deficiency. Mutations in genes expressed in the developing head, hypothalamus, and/or pituitary cause CPHD. To date around 30 genes have been identified to be related to CPHD, however the 85% of the cases remain with unknown aetiology. Whole Exome Sequencing (WES) enables parallel searching for pathogenic variants of CPHD in targeted known gene panels as well as the identifi...

hrp0089p2-p074 | Diabetes & Insulin P2 | ESPE2018

The Application of Next Generation Sequencing Mody Gene Panel in Greek Patients

Tatsi Elizabeth , Smirnaki Penelopi , Triantafilou Panagiota , Tsiroukidou Kyriaki , Kotsa Kalliopi , Lambadiari Vaia , Chrousos George , Kanaka-Gantenbein Christina , Sertedaki Amalia

Background: Maturity Onset Diabetes of the Young (MODY) constitutes a genetically and clinically heterogeneous type of Monogenic Diabetes (MD). It is characterized by early onset, autosomal dominant inheritance and a defect in β cell insulin secretion. To date 14 different MODY subtypes have been reported each one with a distinct genetic aetiology. However four are the most common subtypes, namely MODY 1 (HNF4A), MODY2 (GCK), MODY3 (HNF1A), MODY...

hrp0089p3-p126 | Fat, Metabolism and Obesity P3 | ESPE2018

Tracing the Effect of the Melanocortin-4 Receptor Pathway in Obesity: Study Design and Methodology of the TEMPO Registry

Eneli Ihuoma , Xu Jinyu , Fiedorek Fred , Webster Matthew , McCagg Amy , Ayers Kristin , Ploeg Lex Van Der , Garfield Alastair , Estrada Elizabeth

Introduction: The hypothalamic melanocortin-4 receptor (MC4R) pathway plays a vital role in energy balance. Genetic defects in the MC4R pathway may result in severe early onset obesity.Objective: The TEMPO registry (NCT03479437) aims to identify and enroll approximately 1000 participants with rare genetic forms of obesity that are potentially related to key genes, upstream or downstream, of the MC4R. In addition, the TEMPO registry will evaluate the burd...

hrp0089p2-p353 | Sex Differentiation, Gonads and Gynaecology or Sex Endocrinology P2 | ESPE2018

Young Transgender People’s Attitudes to Fertility Preservation and Practice

Monti Elena , Walton-Betancourth Sandra , Wafa Raheala , Roberts Alice , Kleczewski Sara , Adu-Gyamfi Kirpal , Perkins Elaine , Williamson Elizabeth , Butler Gary

Background: GnRH analogue and subsequent oestradiol treatments are indicated to alleviate gender dysphoriain adolescent male to female young people (MtF; transgirls). Side effects include impairments in gonadal histology that may cause infertility or biological sterility. Current guidelines encourage professionals to address potential infertility risk and fertility preservation options with transgender youth and their families before starting these treatments.<p class="abs...

hrp0094p1-32 | Fat, Metabolism and Obesity A | ESPE2021

Sex hormones drive changes in lipoprotein profiles in adolescents; early implications for cardiovascular disease risk

Robinson George , Peng Junjie , Peckham Hannah , Radziszewska Anna , Butler Gary , Pineda-Torra Ines , Jury Elizabeth , Ciurtin Coziana ,

Prior to menopause, it is known that women have a lower risk of cardiovascular disease (CVD) and coronary heart disease compared to age-matched men; it is reported that women have around half the CVD risk and almost a 10-year delay in first myocardial infarction event compared to men. Sex differences in serum lipids could contribute to CVD risk through driving atherosclerosis, the buildup of lipids in the sub-endothelial intimal layer of medium-sized to large arteries. We hypo...