hrp0082p1-d3-133 | Fat Metabolism & Obesity (2) | ESPE2014

Can We Predict the Risk of Obesity?

de Arriba Antonio , Pascual Javier , de Francisco Mario , Ferrer Marta , Martinez Ignacio , Labarta Jose Ignacio , Ferrandez Angel

Background: Recognizing the risk of developing obesity is essential to implement preventive measures to avoid the increasing prevalence of obesity in adulthood.Objective: To evaluate predictive factors that may be associated with overweight and obesity in early adulthood.Method: A regression analysis of different variables of body composition in a normal population have been done. The sample consisted of 122 boys and 120 girls foll...

hrp0095p1-519 | Growth and Syndromes | ESPE2022

Learning outcomes of a MOOC supporting healthcare professionals in treating patients with growth disorders

Dimitri Paul , Fernandez-Luque Luis , Koledova Ekaterina , Malwade Shwetambara , Abdul Shabbir Syed

Background: There is a need to increase digital health literacy in paediatric endocrinology due to the rapid emergence of digital technologies. Massive open online courses (MOOC) provide an opportunity to rapidly increase digital health capabilities at scale, as previously demonstrated in diabetes.1 To our knowledge, there are no comparable examples in the field of growth hormone deficiency.Aim: This study evaluates the ...

hrp0089p2-p065 | Diabetes & Insulin P2 | ESPE2018

Transient Neonatal Diabetes Mellitus due to not Described Mutation in ABCC8 Gene with Different Behaviour in Affected Family Members

Angeles Santos Mata Maria , Pilar Fernandez Viseras Irene , Torres Barea Isabel , Castano Gonzalez Luis

Neonatal diabetes (ND), classified as either permanent (PND) or transient (TND), occurs in 1/200,000 live births. In 50% cases of TND, remission presents within the first year of life, only to relapse later before puberty in 50% of cases. The most frequent cause is mutation of the 6q24 gene accompanied by mutations in heterozygosis of ABCC8 gene. 80% of mutations in this gene are in novo, due to autosomal recessive inheritance. Such cases respond to treatment with sulfonylurea...

hrp0089p3-p102 | Diabetes & Insulin P3 | ESPE2018

When Type Mody Ii Diabetes Simulates Type I Diabetes

Viseras Irene Pilar Fernandez , Mata Maria Angeles Santos , Barea Isabel Torres , Gonzalez Luis Castano

Introduction: Mutations of the GKN gene are the most common cause of Mody diabetes. MODY II typically results in mildly elevated fasting blood sugar, without noticeable diabetes, maintaining good metabolic control without treatment.Clinical case: A 4.5 years old female infant, was referred due to presenting polyuria, polydipsia and fasting hyperglycemia of 126–130 mg/dl and 2 hours post-intake blood glucose level of 150–220 mg/dl. She was born ...

hrp0086p2-p285 | Diabetes P2 | ESPE2016

Permanent Neonatal Diabetes by Gene Mutation KCNJ11. Evolution and Treatment after Three Years with Sulphonylureas

Angeles Santos Mata Maria , Fernandez Viseras Irene , Torres Barea Isabel , Jose Macias Lopez Francisco , Catano Luis

Background: Permanent neonatal diabetes (PND)with heterozygous mutations of KCNJ11, respond to treatment with sulphonylureas. We report a case of PND in a baby, and mother previously mis-diagnosed with Type 1 DM. Both were switched from insulin to oral sulphonylureas. We evaluate the response and evolution.Case report: A male newborn at 37 weeks’ gestation, with a birthweight 2750 g (40thC) and length 48 cm (40thC), was admitte...

hrp0094p2-246 | Growth hormone and IGFs | ESPE2021

Massive Open Online Learning – accelerating knowledge in digital health in the management of children with growth disorders

Dimitri Paul , Fernandez-Luque Luis , Koledova Ekaterina , Bagha Merat , Shabbir Syed Abdul ,

Background: Over the last decade, and in light of the COVID-19 pandemic, there has been a substantial increase in the use of digital health tools to track growth and manage growth disorders in children. Paediatric endocrinologists acknowledge the usefulness of these tools in clinical decision making but lack confidence and skills to use them. Atique et al. designed a Massive Open Online Learning Course (MOOC) to increase digital health literacy, and identified...

hrp0089p3-p146 | Fat, Metabolism and Obesity P3 | ESPE2018

Does the Level of Studies of Parents Influence the Follow-up of the Recommendations of the Nutritional Pyramid?

Rosaura Leis Trabazo Maria , de Lamas Perez Carmela , Vazquez Cobela Rocio , Jose Bedoya Carpente Juan , Olza Meneses Josune , Gil Hernandez Angel , Alberto Moreno Aznar Luis , Bueno Lozano Gloria , Gil Campos Mercedes , Aguilera Garcia Concepcion

Introduction: Several studies show the negative impact of low level of studies of parents on the dietary patterns and the degree of adiposity of their children. The objective of this study is to evaluate the relationship between the level of studies and compliance with the recommendations of healthy eating pyramid.Material and method: An anthropometric study was conducted in 895 Spanish children and adolescents (53% women), between 3 and 18 years old (10...

hrp0097p2-262 | Late Breaking | ESPE2023

A new case of Malan Syndrome with de novo NFIX sequence variants and a review of the literature

Leng Jie , Cheng Xinran

Background: We report clinical and molecular cytogenetic characterization of a 13-year-7-month-old boy with a Sotos-like phenotype and de novo NFIX deletions and review the literature.Result: A whole exome sequencing revealed in the present patient with unique clinical phenotypes a de novo frameshift mutation c.570-573delATCA (p.S191Ifs*19) in NFIX gene in 19p13.2.Discussion: The p...

hrp0084p3-887 | Fat | ESPE2015

Sports Regulated and Lipid Profile in Children and Adolescents with Overweight

Trabazo Rosaura Leis , Cobela Rocio Vazquez , Garcia Concepcion Aguilera , Lozano Gloria Bueno , Meneses Josune Olza , Campos Mercedes Gil , Carpente Juan Jose Bedoya , Feijoo Lidia Castro , Aznar Luis Moreno , Hernandez Angel Gil

Introduction: Obesity is the most common nutritional disorder in the paediatric age. Decreased physical activity and increased inactivity are important factors that are involved in this pandemic. The highest prevalence of obesity in Europe is in the South.Objective: To study the relationship between the practice of a regulated sport and lipid profile in overweight children and adolescents.Material and methods: 318 overweight childr...

hrp0084p3-1040 | Growth | ESPE2015

Psychomotor Development in Children Born Small for Gestational Age During Early Infancy

Puga Beatriz , Olivan Maria J , Galve Zenaida , Rite Segundo , de Arriba Antonio , Ferrer Marta , Labarta Jose Ignacio , Ferrandez Angel

Background: Neurocognitive retardation is one of the most important consequences that small for gestational age (SGA) children may suffer although conflicting results have been published.Objective and hypotheses: The aim of this study was to study psychomotor development (PD) in children born SGA during the first two years of life in order to identify children at risk as early as possible.Method: 108 cases borh SGA have been studie...