hrp0089p1-p006 | Adrenals and HPA Axis P1 | ESPE2018

Altered DNA Methylation in Peripheral T-cells from Patients with Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia

Karlsson Leif , Barbaro Michela , Ewing Ewoud , Gomez-Cabrero David , Lajic Svetlana

Background: Patients with Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia (CAH) are at risk of several co-morbidities, such as impaired cognitive functions, short stature and adverse effects on metabolism. The causes of these effects are suboptimal glucocorticoid replacement therapy, adrenal crises and prenatal glucocorticoid exposure. However, there are no data available to this day how these factors are affecting epigenomic programs.Objective and hypot...

hrp0086p1-p18 | Adrenal P1 | ESPE2016

Adult Individuals with Classic Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia Exhibit Deficits in Executive Functions

Karlsson Leif , Zimmermann Marius , Wallensteen Lena , Barbaro Michela , Nordenstrom Anna , Hirvikoski Tatja , Lajic Svetlana

Background: Individuals with classic congenital adrenal hyperplasia (CAH) are treated postnatally with glucocorticoids. Earlier research with animals and other disorders with excess GC exposure implicate that GCs can influence memory. Deficits in working memory can be seen already during childhood in children with classic CAH.Objective: We tested the hypothesis that adult individuals with classic CAH show impaired cognitive functions.<p class="abstex...

hrp0092p1-194 | Fat, Metabolism and Obesity (1) | ESPE2019

Whole Exome Sequencing to Identify Causative Variants in a Female Patient with Early Onset Obesity and Intellectual Disability: A New Case of Borjeson-Forsman-Lehmann syndrome

Pagliazzi Angelica , Artuso Rosangela , Traficante Giovanna , Giunti Laura , Bosi Emanuele , Provenzano Aldesia , La Barbera Andrea , Guarducci Silvia , Palazzo Viviana , Pantaleo Marilena , Lucherini Barbara , Sani Ilaria , Formicola Daniela , Reho Paolo , Bargiacchi Sara , Dosa Laura , Peluso Francesca , Forzano Giulia , Contrò Gianluca , Di Giovanni Fabiana , Stagi Stefano , Giglio Sabrina

The epidemic spread of obesity in children has triggered the commitment of scientific research, which has allowed us to understand its genetic basis; the different forms of genetic obesity share common clinical aspects, making it difficult to achieve a molecular diagnosis based only on our clinical suspicion. We report a female patient presented with neonatal hypotonia, hyperphagia and early onset excessive weight gain, strabismus and high hypermetropia. Regarding her neurodev...

hrp0092p1-336 | Fat, Metabolism and Obesity (2) | ESPE2019

Genomic Knowledge as the Powerful Tool to Understand the Obesity

Artuso Rosangela , Pagliazzi Angelica , Palazzo Viviana , Giunti Laura , Landini Samuela , Provenzano Aldesia , La Barbera Andrea , Guarducci Silvia , Pantaleo Marilena , Lucherini Barbara , Sani Ilaria , Vergani Debora , Tiberi Lucia , Formicola Daniela , Bargiacchi Sara , Reho Paolo , Bosi Emanuele , Peluso Francesca , Dosa Laura , Traficante Giovanna , Stagi Stefano , Giglio Sabrina

Obesity, with its complications, emerges as a major contributor to the global health burden becoming pandemic. It's an extremely complex disorder resulting of interaction of biological, social and behavioural factors that cause increase in food intake and reduction in energy expenditure. Although few monogenic forms and indeed several susceptibility loci have been described, the molecular basis underlying early onset obesity remain largely unknown. GWAS revealed consistent...

hrp0092p2-181 | Growth and Syndromes (to include Turner Syndrome) | ESPE2019

A Novel Case Of Paternal Isodisomy for Chromosome 7 Associated with Overgrowth

Pagliazzi Angelica , Artuso Rosangela , Guarducci Silvia , Pantaleo Marilena , Lucherini Barbara , Sani Ilaria , Landini Samuela , Traficante Giovanna , Provenzano Aldesia , La Barbera Andrea , Vergani Debora , Tiberi Lucia , Formicola Daniela , Mancano Giorgia , Bosi Emanuele , Peluso Francesca , Forzano Giulia , Contrò Gianluca , Di Giovanni Fabiana , Stagi Stefano , Giglio Sabrina

We report a pediatric patient with an undiagnosed and complex medical manifestation who was shown to have paternal isodisomy at chromosome 7. Our case is a female patient presented for increasing overweight, parotid hemangioma and gastroesophageal reflux with laryngomalacia. She was born at 35+4 weeks of gestation and her birth weight, length and occipitofrontal circumference (OFC) were 2500 g, 49 cm and 33 cm, respectively. At the time of our visit she was 16 months old, ...

hrp0095p1-51 | Diabetes and Insulin | ESPE2022

Health-related quality of life and metabolic control in children and young patients with type 1 diabetes and in their parents before and after the COVID-19 lockdown.

Predieri Barbara , Bruzzi Patrizia , Candia Francesco , Caccamo Paola , Sandoni Marcello , Stefanelli Francesca , Pugliese Marisa , Lucaccioni Laura , F. Madeo Simona , Iughetti Lorenzo

Introduction: Italy was the first EU country to be affected by COVID-19 outbreak. The sudden change in everyday life was challenging for children and young people (CYP) who rely heavily on peer connections for emotional and social support. Concerns for consequences in CYP with type 1 diabetes (T1D) rose.Objectives: To compare the diabetes-specific health-related quality of life (D-HRQOL) of CYP with T1D and their parents...

hrp0095p1-485 | Fat, Metabolism and Obesity | ESPE2022

Thyroid hormones and food preferences in obese children and adolescents

Staník Juraj , Staníková Daniela , Matláková Lea , Demková Linda , Forišek-Paulová Petronela , Slobodová Lucia , Vitariušová Eva , Tichá Ľubica , Ukropcová Barbara , Ukropec Jozef

Background and Aims: Thyroid hormones profoundly affect energy metabolism but their interrelation with food preference, which might contribute to childhood obesity development, are much less understood. Here we investigated if age-related changes of thyroid hormone levels are paralleled by specific modulation of food preference and potentially linked to the level of obesity in children and adolescents.Patients and Methods:</stron...

hrp0095p1-110 | Growth and Syndromes | ESPE2022

Characterisation of the first heterozygous missense HMGA2 variant helps delineate the crucial functional roles of a novel growth gene

Cottrell Emily , V. Maharaj Avinaash , Triggs-Raine Barbara , Thanasupawat Thatchawan , Williams Jack , Fujimoto Masanobu , A. Metherell Louise , Hwa Vivian , Klonisch Thomas , Hombach-Klonisch Sabine , L. Storr Helen

Background: Silver Russell syndrome (SRS) is genetically heterogenous and around 30% of patients with clinical SRS have no genetic diagnosis. Mutations in HMGA2 have recently been identified causing growth failure and an SRS-like phenotype. Despite strong evidence of the crucial role of HMGA2 in growth across species, the mechanism of action of HMGA2 in human linear growth is unclear.Objective:...

hrp0095p1-188 | Thyroid | ESPE2022

A case report of Hirschsprung Disease and C Cell Hyperplasia: a new RET gene variant?

d'Aniello Francesco , Ubertini Graziamaria , Mirra Giulia , Elisa Amodeo Maria , Deodati Annalisa , Daniela Iacobelli Barbara , Agolini Emanuele , De Vito Rita , Grossi Armando , Cappa Marco

We report and discuss a case of a girl who at birth underwent surgery for Hirschsprung Disease (HD). To closely investigate her condition, we used a Next Generation Sequencing (NGS) panel to carry out a study of some of the genes known as being associated with congenital megacolon (PHOX-2B, RET, EDN3, GDNF, ASCL1 and BDNF). This analysis showed a maternally inherited heterozygous variant in the RET protooncogene (c.734T>A, p.Val245Glu), which is not described in the scienti...

hrp0092rfc14.3 | Adrenals and HP Axis | ESPE2019

MicroRNAs Change and Target Key Regulatory Genes Involved in Longitudinal Growth in Patients with Idiopathic Isolated Growth Hormone Deficiency (IGHD) on Growth Hormone (GH) Treatment

Cirillo Francesca , Catellani Cecilia , Lazzeroni Pietro , Sartori Chiara , Ravegnini Gloria , Bonvicini Federico , Predieri Barbara , Amarri Sergio , Iughetti Lorenzo , Angelini Sabrina , Elisabeth Street Maria

The growth response in patients undergoing GH treatment is variable depending both on the patient's basal conditions and on personal innate sensitivity to therapy. MicroRNAs (miRNAs) are epigenetic regulators of gene expression, and are recognised as important regulators of biological and metabolic processes. It is unknown at present whether miRNAs could be early biomarkers of response to GH treatment in a perspective of individualised medicine, and whether they could disc...