hrp0084p3-1179 | Thyroid | ESPE2015

Plasma Visfatin Level and Its Association with Apolipoproteins A1 and B in Hypothyroid Children

Dehkordi Elham Hashemi , Rostampour Noushin , Kasiri Karamali , Moafi Mohammad , Aramesh Mohammad Esmail , Hashemipour Mahin

Background and aim: Hypothyroidism could be accountable for cardiovascular diseases; hence, necessity of novel biomarkers being capable to predict patientÂ’s status is indispensable. The aim of this study was to appraise alteration of plasma visfatin levels (as a newly discovered proteins) and its association with lipid profiles of hypothyroid patients.Materials and methods: In this cross-sectional, descriptive, and analytical study, 30 children bein...

hrp0086p2-p273 | Diabetes P2 | ESPE2016

Lower Basal Insulin Dose – Better Control in Type 1 Diabetes

Strich David , Balgor Lucy , Gillis David

Introduction: There is no valid evidenced-based recommendation for the optimum basal insulin dose in type-1 diabetes mellitus when supplied either by continuous subcutaneous insulin infusion (CSII) or multiple daily injections (MDI). We studied this previously by evaluating the dose associated with successful fasting. Another way of looking at this is by evaluating the association between basal insulin dose and HbA1c. To this end we performed a retrospective study of 89 childr...

hrp0082p1-d2-254 | Thyroid (1) | ESPE2014

TSH: Different Normalization Methods, Very Different Normal Upper Limits

Strich David , Karavani Gilad , Gillis David

Background: Distribution of TSH levels is not normal. This is due to physiological changes that cause temporary increases in TSH during physiological events. Several methods are used to normalize the distribution when defining normal limits.Objective and hypotheses: To compare the normal limits defined by three normalization methods vs non-normalized distribution based on a large cohort with no known thyroidal illness.Method: Data ...

hrp0097p1-253 | Fat, Metabolism and Obesity | ESPE2023

Effect of growth hormone on thermogenic and endocrine activity of brown adipose tissue and on the lipidome of children born small for gestational age

Murillo-Vallés Marta , González-López Lorena , Valls-Llussà Aina , González-Riaño Carolina , Cereijo-Tellez Rubén , Jimenez-Pavón David , Barbas Coral , Villarroya Francesc , Sánchez-Infantes David

Introduction: Brown adipose tissue (BAT) secretes molecules capable of modulating systemic metabolism. Growth hormone (GH) has hyperglycemic action, produces lipolysis and increases muscle mass. However, there are no human studies on its effect on the BAT and lipidome.Aim: To evaluate the effect of GH on BAT and lipidome in small for gestational age (SGA) patients and its relationship with adherence to treatment.<p c...

hrp0095p1-309 | Growth and Syndromes | ESPE2022

International Standard Growth Charts Overestimates Stunting Prevalence in Indonesia Compared to the Indonesian National Growth Chart

Natalia Hasibuan Susi , M Djer Mulyadi , A Andarie Attika , B Pulungan Aman

Background: Growth problems, such as stunting, are commonly found in daily pediatric practice. Stunting is a significant problem in developing countries, and is part of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) Goal 2 of ending hunger. In Indonesia, the rate of stunting in children under 5 years old is still considered high, despite improvement in quality of life due to rapid economic development. The rate of this improvement is unequal throughout the nation, wh...

hrp0086p2-p839 | Syndromes: Mechanisms and Management P2 | ESPE2016

Evaluation of Referrals for Short Stature to a Regional Paediatric Centre

Yue David , Clarson Cheril

Background: Referrals to pediatric endocrine clinics for short stature are common. Height velocity (HV) is an essential component of the evaluation of short stature as growth deceleration often reflects an underlying pediatric endocrine diagnosis (PED). Access to previous measurements facilitates prompt calculation of HV.Objective and hypotheses: To determine availability of previous measurements at time of referral for short stature, to characterize PED...

hrp0089p3-p165 | Fat, Metabolism and Obesity P3 | ESPE2018

Hidden Hunger in Overweight/obese Indian Adolescents

Jain Vandana , Upadhyaya Babita , Agarwala Anuja

Background and Objective: Overweight/obese children may have unrecognized deficiency of several essential micronutrients owing to their faulty dietary habits. These may impair their physical and mental development. Deficiency of specific minerals and vitamins that co-factors in metabolic and signalling pathways, such as choline, zinc, magnesium, vitamins D and B12 may also predispose to insulin resistance, fatty liver and metabolic syndrome. This study was undertaken to assess...

hrp0089p3-p141 | Fat, Metabolism and Obesity P3 | ESPE2018

Serum Hepcidin and Ferritin in Prepubertal Obese Children

Gajewska Joanna , Klemarczyk Witold , Ambroszkiewicz Jadwiga , Gła¸b-Jabłońska Ewa , Chełchowska Magdalena

Introduction: Obesity is the direct cause of a number of immediate problems during childhood. Recently, fat mass was described as a significant negative predictor of serum iron. Hepcidin is a hormone stimulated by an increase in plasma iron levels and iron deposits in tissues, and decreases iron release from macrophages and duodenal enterocytes into the plasma. This protein prevents excessive iron absorption and iron accumulation in tissues. Ferritin is the most commonly deplo...

hrp0097fc14.3 | Late Breaking | ESPE2023

Deconvolution Analysis: GH secretagogue (LUM-201) enhances growth in individuals with moderate idiopathic Pediatric Growth Hormone Deficiency (iPGHD) by enhancing endogenous GH secretion and increasing IGF-1

Cassorla MD Fernando , Román MD Rossana , Linn Johnson PhD Michael , Avila RN Alejandra , Iñiguez MD German , Baier MD Ingrid , Said RN Daniela , Bruchey PhD Aleksandra , Smith MS Christopher , L. Brinks PhD Erik , C. McKew PhD John , B. Karpf MD David , O. Thorner MD Michael , DSc MBBS

An oral GH secretagogue (GHS), LUM-201, stimulates GHSR-1a receptor to enhance endogenous GH pulsatile release. In moderate iPGHD, pulses of GH are found but at reduced levels, resulting in decreased IGF-1 and poor growth. The impact of LUM-201 on GH profiles during treatment of such children has not been reported.Objective: To characterize GH profiles, defined by deconvolution analysis, based on GH concentration in a time series and its...

hrp0084p2-330 | Fat | ESPE2015

Abdominal fat Distribution Measured by Magnetic Resonance Imaging in 197 Children Aged 10–15 Years – Correlation to Anthropometry and Dual X-Ray Absorptiometry

Tinggaard Jeanette , Hagen Casper P , Mouritsen Annette , Mieritz Mikkel G , Wohlfahrt-Veje Christine , Fallentin Eva , Larsen Rasmus , Christensen Anders N , Jensen Rikke B , Juul Anders , Main Katharina

Background: Obesity in childhood is defined by age- and sex-specific BMI cut-off values. However, BMI does not disclose the distribution of fat mass. Increased abdominal adipose tissue is associated with a higher risk of cardio-metabolic disease in adulthood. Thus, precise measurements of abdominal adipose tissue in children may enable early prevention of disease.Objective and hypotheses: To validate measurements of abdominal adipose tissue by anthropome...