hrp0097fc14.5 | Late Breaking | ESPE2023

Predicting Average IGF-I Concentration for Once-Weekly Somapacitan in Children with Growth Hormone Deficiency

F. Backeljauw Philippe , Kamal Lyauk Yassine , C. Blair Joanne , S. Miller Bradley , Mori Jun , Højby Rasmussen Michael , Juul Kildemoes Rasmus

Growth hormone (GH) stimulates insulin like growth factor I (IGF I) release. IGF-I is the standard biomarker for monitoring GH effects during treatment and to achieve optimal long-term safety, and to a limited extent, monitor efficacy in children with GH deficiency (GHD). The IGF I profile during treatment with a long acting GH (LAGH), such as once weekly somapacitan (Novo Nordisk), differs from the daily GH profile by exhibiting larger peaks and troughs over the dosing interv...

hrp0097p1-256 | Fat, Metabolism and Obesity | ESPE2023

Serum leptin concentrations in a pooled cohort of 6.105 children and adolescents: Reference values as a function of dependence on sex, age, pubertal stage and BMI-SDS

Brandt Stephanie , Vogel Mandy , Kratzsch Jürgen , Tews Daniel , Pridzun Lutz , Flehmig Bertram , B Ranke Michael , Körner Antje , Kiess Wieland , F Blum Werner , Wabitsch Martin

Background: Current reference values for leptin in childhood and adolescence are presented separately for girls and boys, and as a function of age without considering the variability of fat mass. This complicates the interpretation of measured serum leptin concentrations since fat mass is the major determinant of circulating leptin concentrations. To fill this gap, we aimed at pooling existing data (age, BMI, sex, tanner stage (TS), serum leptin concentrations...

hrp0097p1-92 | Fetal, Neonatal Endocrinology and Metabolism | ESPE2023

Relationship between birth body weight< centile (sga) and insulin-like growth factor binding protein-3: relevance of birth chest circumference / birth body weight ratio independently of birth gestational age, insulin-like growth factor binding protein-1 and -2 in the not-life threatened newborn

Terzi Cesare , Virdis Raffaele , Magnani Cristiana , Tridenti Gabriele , Cerioli Andrea , Riani Marco , Garavelli Lidia , Luigi De Angelis Gian , Bernasconi Sergio , F. Blum Werner , Banchini Giacomo

Birth chest circumference(CC) shows often, like birth gestational age(GA), tight direct relations to birth body weight(BW). However distinct connections of hypoxia/undernutrition with different body structures might be suspected based on brain-, heart- and adrenal-sparing following intrauterine growth restriction and, postnatally, on higher chest size for body mass observed at high altitude. Growth retarded fetuses gestated by hypoxic pregnant animals may present increments of...

hrp0097p1-279 | Fetal, Neonatal Endocrinology and Metabolism | ESPE2023

A Year-Long, National Trial of Prospective CGM Use in Families with Hyperinsulinism

Worth Chris , Worthington Sarah , Auckburally Sameera , Ahmad Sumera , O'Shea Elaine , Ferrera-Cook Chris , F Betz Stephen , Salomon-Estebanez Maria , Banerjee Indraneel

Introduction: Congenital hyperinsulinism (CHI) is the commonest cause of severe hypoglycaemia in early childhood but glycaemic characterisation remains scarce. Continuous glucose monitoring (CGM) offers a deep understanding of glycaemic control to understand disease burden, individualise patient care and inform therapeutic trials in CHI. Preliminary studies suggest inadequate accuracy and no efficacy of standalone CGM to reduce hypoglycaemia. Provision is hist...

hrp0097p1-484 | Fetal, Neonatal Endocrinology and Metabolism | ESPE2023

Relationships between birth body weight< centile (SGA) and insulin-like growth factor-ii / insulin-like growth factor binding protein-3 ratio in the not-life threatened newborn: relevance of birth chest circumference / birth body weight ratio and oxygen supplementation

Terzi Cesare , F. Blum Werner , Magnani Cristiana , Tridenti Gabriele , Cerioli Andrea , Riani Marco , Chesi Elena , Luigi De Angelis Gian , Bernasconi Sergio , Virdis Raffaele , Banchini Giacomo

Direct relationships of estimated birth brain weight(BRW) to birth body weight (BW) ratios (BBR) and of BW< centile for GA(SGA) with blood serum Insulin-like Growth Factor-II(IG2) to blood serum Insulin-like Growth Factor Binding Protein-3 (IB3) ratios (IG2/IB3R), and inverse relations between BW-SDS and birth chest circumference(CC) / BW ratio (i.e., CC through BW; CC/BWR) have been detected by our group in the human newborn(NWB). We evaluated the possibility that CC...

hrp0082p2-d2-579 | Sex Development (1) | ESPE2014

Mosaicism: Study of Nine Patients

Mazzanti Laura , Baronio Federico , Ortolano Rita , Scarano Emanuela , Tamburrino Federica , Colangiulo Angela , Bettocchi Ilaria , Cassio Alessandra , Balsamo Antonio

Background: The isodicentric Y (idic Y) is one of the most common aberrations of the Y chromosome. Most patients (pts) are chromosomal mosaics, including 45,X cell line.Objective and hypotheses: Our aim is to describe clinical and molecular features of our 45,X/46,Xidic(Y) cases.Method: We retrospectively evaluate the clinical description of nine cases (six females, one male, two with ambiguous genitalia) with mosaic karyotype 45,X...

hrp0084p2-406 | GH &amp; IGF | ESPE2015

Metabolic Health in Short Children Born Small for Gestational Age Treated with GH and GnRHa: Results of a Randomised, Dose-response Trial

van der Steen M , Lem A J , van der Kaay D C M , Waarde W M Bakker-van , van der Hulst F J P C M , Neijens F S , Noordam C , Odink R J , Oostdijk W , Schroor E J , Sulkers E J , Westerlaken C , Hokken-Koelega A C S

Background: Previously we showed that pubertal children born small for gestational age (SGA) with a poor adult height (AH) expectation can benefit from treatment with GH 1 mg/m2 per day (~0.033 mg/kg per day) in combination with 2 years of GnRH analogue (GnRHa) and even more so with a double GH dose. GnRHa treatment is thought to have negative effects on body composition and blood pressure. Long-term effects and GH-dose effects on metabolic health in children treate...

hrp0094fc1.6 | Adrenal | ESPE2021

Tumor DNA methylation profiling as a prognostic marker for pediatric patients with adrenocortical tumors

Bueno Ana Carolina , da Silva Rui M P , Stecchini Monica F. , Gutierrez Junier M , Cardinalli Izilda A , Scrideli Carlos A , Junqueira Thais , Molina Carlos A F , Ramalho Fernando S , Tucci Silvio , Coeli-Lacchini Fernanda B , Moreira Ayrton C , Ramalho Leandra N Z , Brandalise Silvia R , Yunes Jose A , de Castro Margaret , Vencio Ricardo Z N , Antonini Sonir R ,

Abnormal DNA methylation contributes to tumor progression and is emerging as a prognostic marker in several types of cancers. To investigate whether DNA methylation is associated with pediatric adrenocortical tumor (pACT) presentation and patient prognosis, we analyzed the methylation profile of 57 tumors (MethylationEPIC BeadChip Array-Illumina) and patientsÂ’ clinicopathological features and outcome. The study comprehended 40 girls and 17 boys, with median age at diagnos...

hrp0095p1-6 | Adrenals and HPA Axis | ESPE2022

Clinical and Genetic characterization of primary adrenal insufficiency in Sudanese children

A. Musa Salwa , A. Abdullah Mohamed , S. Hassan Samar , Qamar Younus , Hall Charlotte , Maitra Saptarshi , V Maharaj Avinaash , Mariela Marroquin Ramirez Lucia , Read Jordan , Smith Christopher , F Chan Li , A Metherell Louise

Background: Primary adrenal insufficiency (PAI) in children is an uncommon condition. Diagnosis is usually challenging especially in resource limited settings where facilities for antibodies and genetic testing are constrained. Many genetic etiologies have been reported in children with PAI due to congenital adrenal hyperplasia (CAH) and Allgrove syndrome are the commonest identified genetic causes to date in Sudan. Studies from Africa are rare and here we des...

hrp0095p1-16 | Adrenals and HPA Axis | ESPE2022

Long-term follow-up of three male siblings with a novel NNT pathogenic variant causing primary adrenal insufficiency

Kotnik Primoz , Krasovec Tjasa , Sikonja Jaka , Zerjav Tansek Mojca , Debeljak Marusa , Ilovar Sasa , Trebusak Podkrajsek Katarina , Bertok Sara , Tesovnik Tine , Kovac Jernej , Suput Omladic Jasna , F Hartmann Michaela , A Wudy Stefan , Avbelj Stefanija Magdalena , Battelino Tadej , Groselj Urh

Nicotinamide nucleotide transhydrogenase (NNT) is expressed in the heart, thyroid, and testicles, where it maintains the balance of reactive oxygen species in the mitochondria. It is linked, by an insufficiently described mechanism, to primary adrenal insufficiency (PAI) with or without mineralocorticoid insufficiency and several extra-adrenal manifestations (i.e. gonadal adrenal rest tumors, cardiomyopathy, hypothyroidism, and precocious puberty). A comprehensive and chronolo...