hrp0095p1-144 | Pituitary, Neuroendocrinology and Puberty | ESPE2022

Precocious puberty and other pubertal disorders in females during the Italian lockdown and the coronavirus 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic

Stagi Stefano , Elisabeth Street Maria , Sartori Chiara , Ferrari Vittorio , Petraroli Maddalena , Messina Giulia , Lattanzi Claudia , Insalaco Anna , Gnocchi Margherita , Alberghi Francesca , Righi Beatrice , Buia Veronica , Lucaccioni Laura , Messa Federica , Varriale Gaia , Bencini Erica , Ricci Franco , Predieri Barbara , Iughetti Lorenzo

Background: At present few data have clearly showed an increased frequency of idiopathic central precocious puberty (CPP) in females during the COVID-19 pandemic. The role of environmental factors is not fully understood and various hypotheses have been formulated.Aims of the study: To evaluate retrospectively the incidence of newly diagnosed CPP and other pubertal disorders (Premature thelarche, early puberty, fast pube...

hrp0092p2-232 | Pituitary, Neuroendocrinology and Puberty | ESPE2019

Childhood Craniopharyngioma: Clinical Picture at Diagnosis in an Italian Multicentre Study

Menardi Rachele , Driul Daniela , Franco Francesca , Baronio Federico , Pozzobon Gabriella , Gallo Dario , Grossi Armando , Fintini Danilo , Parpagnoli Maria , Nardini Beatrice , Matarazzo Patrizia , Ibba Anastasia , Bruzzi Patrizia , Wasniewska Malgorzata , Salerno Mariacarolina , Fantini Jacopo , Zucchini Stefano

Diagnosis of craniopharyngiomas in childhood is often delayed due to nonspecific symptoms. In Italy all children are followed-up by paediatricians of the NHS and paediatric endocrinologists are present throughout the country. This would theoretically lead to an early diagnosis. We aimed to examine the clinical picture at diagnosis and duration of history before diagnosis in 117 patients (pts) followed-up at Endocrinology Centres belonging to the I.S.P.E.D..<p class="abstex...

hrp0082p3-d1-700 | Diabetes | ESPE2014

Diabetic Ketoacidosis in Children with T1DM: an Italian Multicentre Survey

Zucchini Stefano , Bonfanti Riccardo , Buono Pietro , Cardella Francesca , Cauvin Vittoria , Cherubini Valentino , Chiari Giovanni , D'Annunzio Giuseppe , Paola Frongia Anna , Iafusco Dario , Maltoni Giulio , Ippolita Patera Patrizia , Scaramuzza Andrea , Toni Sonia , Tumini Stefano , Rabbone Ivana

Background: Data regarding epidemiology and management of Diabetic Ketoacidosis (DKA) in Italian children with T1D at disease onset are lacking.Method: From 1/1/2012 to 31/12/2013 a survey on DKA was conducted in all paediatric Centres belonging to the Italian Society for Pediatric Diabetology and Endocrinology. DKA was defined according to the ISPAD criteria. The following data were collected: treatment according ISPAD protocol yes or not, type of rehyd...

hrp0094p1-197 | Thyroid B | ESPE2021

Management of newborns born to mothers with autoimmune hypothyroidism

Cavarzere Paolo , Palma Laura , Camilot Marta , Vincenzi Monica , Teofoli Francesca , Principe Lara Nicolussi , Gaudino Rossella , Murri Virginia , Pepaj Orsiol , Lubrano Luigi , Rossi Giuliana , Sallemi Alessia , Fattori Ermanna , Lauriola Silvana , Antoniazzi Franco ,

Background: Maternal autoimmune hypothyroidism can have negative consequences on the fetus: on the one hand, maternal hypothyrosinemia might affect the fetal brain development in the early stages of pregnancy; on the other, thyroid inhibiting antibodies can pass through the placenta. It is currently unclear if these antibodies may affect the newborn’s thyroid function. Consequently, there are no certain indications regarding the management of newborns bor...

hrp0097rfc3.4 | Fat, metabolism and obesity 1 | ESPE2023

Effect of maternal diet and breastfeeding on growth and distribution of adiposity from birth up to 12 months: data from the European LIFE-MILCH project

Righi Beatrice , Alberghi Francesca , Fontana Marta , Pelosi Annalisa , Davolio Emanuela , Rotteglia Cecilia , Catellani Cecilia , Sartori Chiara , Shulhai Anna-Mariia , Buia Veronica , Maria Papini Anna , Fanos Vassilios , Palanza Paola , E Street Maria

The ongoing European LIFE-MILCH project(, focuses on detecting Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals in mothers, in breast and formula milk and in urine of mothers and infants up to 12 months of age studying relationships with neurodevelopment, growth, distribution of adiposity, pubertal stages to establish a risk assessment model to prepare safety guidelines. In this study we have evaluated the effects of maternal diet during and after pregnancy, and of duration of ...

hrp0097p1-371 | Sex Differentiation, Gonads and Gynaecology, and Sex Endocrinology | ESPE2023

Effect of maternal diet on pubertal stages and ano-genital distance from birth up to 12 months: data from the European LIFE-MILCH project

Alberghi Francesca , Fontana Marta , Righi Beatrice , Shulhai Anna-Mariia , Davolio Emanuela , Rotteglia Cecilia , Pelosi Annalisa , Catellani Cecilia , Sartori Chiara , Buia Veronica , Maria Papini Anna , Fanos Vassilios , Palanza Paola , E. Street Maria

The ongoing European LIFE-MILCH project (, focuses on detecting Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals in mothers, in breast and formula milk and in urine of mothers and infants up to 12 months of age studying relationships with neurodevelopment, growth, distribution of adiposity, pubertal stages, and ano-genital distance (AGD) to establish a risk assessment model to prepare safety guidelines. In this study we evaluated the effects of maternal diet during and after pr...

hrp0095t6 | Section | ESPE2022

Circulating GDF15 Concentrations in Girls with Low Birth Weight and Precocious Pubarche: Effects of Prolonged Metformin Treatment

Díaz Marta , Carreras-Badosa Gemma , Bassols Judit , de Zegher Francis , López- Bermejo Abel , Villarroya Francesc , Ibáñez Lourdes

Background: Low birth weight (LBW) followed by a rapid postnatal catch-up in weight predisposes individuals to a central distribution of body fat, which is reverted by metformin. Growth-and-differentiation-factor-15 (GDF15) plays an important role in the regulation of energy homeostasis, reducing food intake and lowering body weight. We aimed to assess whether GDF15 concentrations are raised by long-term metformin treatment in LBW/catch-up girls with precociou...

hrp0092fc4.3 | Fat Metabolism and Obesity Session | ESPE2019

Circulating Growth-and-Differentiation Factor-15 in Early Life: Relation to Prenatal and Postnatal Size

Díaz Marta , Campderrós Laura , López-Bermejo Abel , de Zegher Francis , Villarroya Francesc , Ibáñez Lourdes

Background: Growth-and-differentiation factor-15 (GDF15) is a regulator of energy homeostasis, and is used as biomarker of several pathological states.Objectives: To assess longitudinally GDF15 concentrations in a cohort of infants born either appropriate- (AGA, n=70) or small-for-gestational-age (SGA, n=33), the latter known to be at increased risk for central adiposity and metabolic alteration...

hrp0086fc4.1 | Pathophysiology of Obesity | ESPE2016

Contribution of Rare CNVs and Point Mutations to the Etiology of Severe Early-onset Obesity

Serra-Juhe Clara , Martos-Moreno Gabriel A , Bou Francesc , Flores Raquel , Rodriguez-Santiago Benjamin , Gonzalez Juan R , Argente Jesus , Perez-Jurado Luis A

Background: Studies aimed at elucidating the pathophysiology of obesity consistently describe it as a highly heterogeneous disorder at both clinical and molecular level. Despite rare monogenic forms and several regions of susceptibility have been defined, the genetic causes underlying the disease remain largely unknown.Objective and hypotheses: We aimed to identify novel genetic abnormalities in a cohort of Spanish children with severe non-syndromic earl...

hrp0082p2-d2-378 | Fat Metabolism &amp; Obesity (1) | ESPE2014

Circulating Concentrations of Fibroblast Growth Factor 21 are Undetectable in Human Infants at Term Birth and Surge within Hours After Birth

Sanchez-Infantes David , Gallego-Escudero Jose Miguel , Cereijo Ruben , Diaz Marta , Aragones Gemma , Lopez-Bermejo Abel , de Zegher Francis , Villarroya Francesc , Ibanez Lourdes

Background: In rodents, fibroblast growth factor 21 (FGF21), an endocrine member of the FGF family, is mainly produced in the liver and promotes glucose oxidation in several tissues; the circulating concentrations of FGF21 rise shortly after birth. In the human, the ontogeny of circulating FGF21 is essentially unknown.Objective and hypotheses: To assess whether there is also a neonatal surge of circulating FGF21 concen...