hrp0092p3-295 | Late Breaking Abstracts | ESPE2019

A Novel Pathogenic Mutation of Vitamin-D-Dependent Rickets

Norberto Pin Jacopo , Cossettini Micol , Fabris Francesco , Martelossi Stefano

Background: Vitamin-D-dependent rickets 1A (VDDR-1A) is a extremely rare, autosomic recessive genetic form of rickets caused by a defect in vitamin D 1α-hydroxylase enzyme which leads to low levels of 1,25-(OH) vitamin D.Herein, we report two Moroccan sisters R.E. and N.E. (respectively 3 and 15 months old), born from consanguineous parents, who presented with psychomotor retardation and failure to thrive.<str...

hrp0089p3-p135 | Fat, Metabolism and Obesity P3 | ESPE2018

Cut-off for the Follow-up of Obese Children: Cynicism or Realism?

Gallo Francesco , De Quarto Giuditta , Lonero Antonella , Moramarco Fulvio

The majority of treated obese children fail the goals set in the medium-long term or do not show themselves up at the short term follow up. These results, which do not improve even with the proliferation of facilities aimed to the treatment of obesity and of its complications, pose serious questions on how to make the best use of scarce resources available by the National health system. We have visited, between 2013 and 2015, 378 seriously obese children (>2 DS from nation...

hrp0094p2-456 | Thyroid | ESPE2021

Hashimoto Thyroiditis: long term follow-up from childhood to young adulthood

David Francesco , Casula Letizia , Guzzetti Chiara , Ibba Anastasia , Loche Sandro

Introduction: The evolution of Hashimoto Thyroiditis (HT) has been investigated by several studies both in pediatric and adult age. However, there are limited data on the progression of the disease from childhood to adulthood.Objective: Aim of the study was to describe the evolution of thyroid function in children with HT from childhood to young adulthood.Patients and Methods: The diagnosis of HT was defined by the presence of anti...

hrp0082p3-d3-757 | Diabetes (4) | ESPE2014

Pneumothorax, Pneumomediastinum, and Subcutaneous Emphysema: Complications of Severe DKA in T2DM Obese Patient

Ortolani Federica , Tummolo Albina , Torelli Cataldo , Masciopinto Maristella , Fedele Stefania , Nicastro Francesco , Papadia Francesco , Vendemiale Marcella , Piccinno Elvira

Case presentation: G. 15 years 8 months; H 180 cm; P 149.6 kg, BMI 46 kg/m2, second born, father obese, healthy mother and two brothers, no familiarity for T1DM/T2DM, no gestational diabetes. Bronchial asthma, since 2-year-old important weight increase. Flue, polyuria, polydipsia, 12 kg loss in 15 days, anorexia since 5 days, vomit. Hospitalized for tachycardia, dyspnea, and asthenia. On arrival: serious dehydration, Kussmaul breathing, neck subcutaneous emphysema, ...

hrp0092fc8.2 | Pituitary, Neuroendocrinology and Puberty Session 1 | ESPE2019

Analysis of Hypothalamic Metabolic Circuits after Normalization of Body Weight in Mice That Had Been Obese Due to High Fat Diet Intake

Guerra-Cantera Santiago , Frago Laura , Ros Purificación , Canelles Sandra , Díaz Francisca , Freire-Regatillo Alejandra , Torrecilla-Parra Marta Marta , Argente Jesús , Chowen Julie A.

The obesity epidemic continues to be a dramatic problem in the developed world despite attempts to curtail its rise. Reducing energy intake and/or increasing energy expenditure can result in weight loss; however, if one returns to their poor lifestyle habits the previous weight is not only recuperated, but often surpassed.We hypothesized that although a normal body weight may be achieved, the hypothalamic circuits controlling appetite and energy expendit...

hrp0092fc8.4 | Pituitary, Neuroendocrinology and Puberty Session 1 | ESPE2019

Peripheral and Hypothalamic Alterations in the Insulin-like Growth Factor (IGF) System in Response to High Fat Diet-induced Weight Gain

Guerra-Cantera Santiago , Díaz Francisca , Ros Purificación , Freire-Regatillo Alejandra , Torrecilla-Parra Marta , Barrios Vicente , Frago Laura , Chowen Julie A. , Argente Jesús

The insulin-like growth factor (IGF) system is fundamental for physiological processes such as growth and metabolism. In addition, in the brain it regulates glucose metabolism and neuroprotection. The IGF axis can be altered by nutritional status, but little is known regarding the effects of specific dietary components on this system.Our aim was to examine how high-fat diet (HFD) and low-fat/high sucrose diet (LFHSD) intake affect the central and circula...

hrp0084p2-562 | Thyroid | ESPE2015

Thyroid Dysfunction is Associated with Biochemical Markers of Non Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease in Paediatric Population

Loureiro Carolina , Martinez Alejandro , Campino Carmen , Correa Paulina , Mendoza Carolina , Carrillo Diego , Aglony Marlene , Bancalari Rodrigo , Carvajal Cristian , Fardella Carlos , Garcia Hernan , Grob Francisca

Background: Thyroid dysfunction is a common condition in children and has been associated with metabolic syndrome, hypertension, cardiovascular disease and mortality. Due to the obesity epidemic in paediatric population exists a higher prevalence of nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD), a condition associated with insulin resistance and metabolic syndrome. In adults it has been observed that elevated TSH, even within the normal range, are positively correlated with increas...

hrp0084p3-821 | Endocrine Oncology | ESPE2015

Primary Hypogonadism after Haematopoietic Stem Cell Transplant in Paediatric Patients with Cancer

Alemany Maria Del Carmen De Mingo , Orti Raquel Segovia , Macian Francisca Moreno , Carinena Sara Leon , Moreno Maria Del Mar Andres , Navarro Jose Maria Fernandez

Background: Gonadal function is altered up to 25% in patients who suffered cancer in childhood. Cryopreservation of ovarian tissue (COT) is an option for preserving fertility.Aims and objective: To establish the prevalence of primary hypogonadism (PH) in children with cancer after hematopoietic cell transplantation (HCT). To analyse the variables that predict progression to PH.Methods: Retrospective cohort study. Patients aged 0 to...

hrp0084p3-873 | Fat | ESPE2015

Sex Differences in the Pubertal Response to High-Fat Diet

Freire-Regatillo Alejandra , Argente-ARizon Pilar , Diaz Francisca , Barrios Vicente , Arevalo Angeles , Argente Jesus , Garcia-Segura Luis Miguel , Azcoitia Inigo , Chowen Julie A

Background: It is well known that ingestion of a high fat diet (HFD) can induce rapid weight gain and metabolic imbalances. However, males and females are not equally susceptible to these effects. Furthermore, an individual may be more prone to gain weight during specific developmental periods.Aims and objectives: We aimed to analyse the response to the acute exposure to a HFD during pubertal/adolescent period and to determine whether males and females r...

hrp0097p1-567 | Sex Differentiation, Gonads and Gynaecology, and Sex Endocrinology | ESPE2023

An International Delphi Based Study For Developing A Core Outcome Set For Hypospadias Surgery

Leunbach Tina. , Yankovic Francisca , Springer Alexander , Wisniewski Amy , Burgu Berk , Shnorhavorian Margarett , Braga Luis , Ernst Andreas , Lucas-Herald Angela , O'Toole Stuart , Faisal Ahmed S. , F. Rawashdeh Yazan

Background: Heterogeneity in reported outcomes limits the ability to compare results of studies evaluating hypospadias surgery.Objective: To identify a core outcome set (COS), a minimal number of defined outcomes, to be routinely measured and reported in all trials across the age span following hypospadias surgery.Materials and Methods: A study protocol was drafted and the study re...