hrp0094p2-337 | Multisystem endocrine disorders | ESPE2021

Van Wyk Grumbach Syndrome in an Egyptian Female Pediatric Patient: a rare presentation of a common disease

Ibrahim Amany , Abdel Rahman Alshaimaa Mahfouz ,

Background: Van Wyc-Grumbach syndrome is a rare presentation of long standing pre-pubertal hypothyroidism characterized by bilateral multicystic ovaries, vaginal bleeding and delayed skeletal growth in case of female.Case Presentation: we present a clinical course, diagnosis and management of a case of Van Wyc-Grumbach syndrome in a 10-years old Egyptian counselled for recurrent vaginal bleeding and pubertal advancement for age. She was ...

hrp0095p1-398 | Thyroid | ESPE2022

Unusually Enlarged Ovaries Associated with Severe Hypothyroidism - Van Wyk and Grumbach Syndrome Case Report

Cvetković Dimitrije , Todorović Slađana , Milenković Tatjana , Mitrović Katarina , Vuković Rade , Panić Zarić Sanja , Savić Đorđe , Mijović Tanja , Smolović Dijana , Tončev Jovana

Introduction: Since 1960, enlarged polycystic ovaries associated with hypothyroidism, delayed bone age and precocious puberty are recognized as Van Wyk and Grumbach syndrome. Although it is rare entity, it should be considered in differential diagnosis of the enlarged polycystic ovaries.Case: An eleven-year-old girl was presented with sudden onset of abdominal pain and vomiting. A large mass with multiple cysts was seen ...

hrp0086p2-p969 | Thyroid P2 | ESPE2016

An Unusual Presentation of Hashimoto Thyroiditis (HT) and Precocious Puberty: The Van Wyk-Grumbach Syndrome

Leka-Emiri Sofia , Karachaliou Feneli , Fotinou Aspasia , Petrou Vassilis , Michalakos Stefanos

Background: The association of primary hypothyroidism and isosexual precocious pseudopuberty in females was first described in 1960 by Van Wyk and Grumbach. The unique elements that lead to the diagnosis are FSH-dominated sexual precocity with non advanced bone age in the presence of hypothyroidism.Objective and methods: Describe an 8.5 years old girl with hypothyroidism due to HT and clinical and hormonal features of Van-Wyk and Grumbach syndrome.<p...

hrp0086s10.3 | Endocrine management of preterms | ESPE2016

The Mineralcorticoid System and its Implications for Neonatal Adaptation in Premature Babies

Martinerie Laetitia

Background and hypothesis: The neonatal period is characterized by high urinary sodium loss, most notably in preterm infants that questions the ability of the mineralocorticoid pathway to maintain sodium homeostasis.Results: We have demonstrated that neonatal sodium wasting is associated with a physiological renal aldosterone resistance in relation to a low renal mineralocorticoid receptor (MR) expression at birth in full-term infants, both in humans and...

hrp0082p3-d1-936 | Puberty and Neuroendocrinology | ESPE2014

Association of Van Wyk Grumbach and Debre Semelaigne Syndromes in Two Cases with Severe Hypothroidism

Demirel Fatma , Oden Alkim , Tayfun Meltem , Ucakturk Ahmet , Gungor Ali

Background: Van Wyk Grumbach (VWG) and Kocher Debre Semelaigne (KDS) syndromes are rare syndromes with clinical manifestation of hypothyroidism associated with precious pseudo puberty and myopathic pseudomuscular hypertrophy. We present two cases that have the characteristic of both VWGS and KDSS syndromes developed in association with a long-term untreated hypothyroidism.Case 1: Seventeen years old girl was referred to our hospital due to menstrual irre...

hrp0084p3-974 | GH &amp; IGF | ESPE2015

Linear Growth in a Child with Ellis Van Creveld Syndrome: Positive Effect of Growth Hormone Therapy

Soliman Ashraf , Alyafei Fawzia

Background: Ellis van Creveld syndrome (EVC) (chondroectodermal dysplasia) is a rare, multisystem disorder. It probably affects only around 1 in every 150,000 individuals. It is characterized by a long, narrow trunk and shortened arms and legs; extra fingers (postaxial polydactyly), and abnormalities of the oral region and teeth. In infants, non-bony manifestations, particularly congenital heart defects, may be health or life-threatening.Case presentatio...

hrp0094p2-483 | Thyroid | ESPE2021

A 9-year-old girl with Van Wyk and Grumbach syndrome: precocious puberty as a rare consequence of hypothyroidism

Osokina Irina

Background: The syndrome consisting of primary hypothyroidism, precocious puberty, and massive ovarian cysts was termed Van Wyk and Grumbach syndrome (VWGS) in 1960. Chronic lymphocytic thyroiditis is the more common cause of hypothyroidism in children. In patients with severe longstanding hypothyroidism, the sella turcica may be enlarged due to thyrotrope hyperplasia. Puberty tends to be delayed in hypothyroid children in proportion to the retardation in the bone age, althoug...

hrp0086fc10.1 | Perinatal Endocrinology | ESPE2016

CYP11B1 Deficiency in Very Preterms: Evidence for an Adrenal Cortex Zone-Specific and Developmental-Dependent Maturation

Travers Simon , Martinerie Laetitia , Boileau Pascal , Lombes Marc , Pussard Eric

Background: Unlike term neonates, known to exhibit a physiological pseudohypoaldosteronism, very preterms (VPT) display a high sodium waste at birth with partial aldosterone deficiency. This context, combined with a low aldosterone/renin ratio is highly suggestive of a defect in mineralocorticoid biosynthesis.Objectives and hypotheses: To investigate mineralocorticoid and glucocorticoid pathways in newborns, and to clarify the impact of prematurity upon ...

hrp0092fc10.3 | Sex Differentiation, Gonads and Gynaecology or Sex Endocrinology | ESPE2019

Mutations in the DEAH-box RNA Helicase DHX37 are a Frequent Cause of 46,XY Gonadal Dysgenesis and 46,XY Testicular Regression Syndrome

McElreavey Ken , Jorgensen Anne , Eozenou Caroline , Merel Tiphanie , Bignon-Topalovic Joelle , Tan Daisy , Houzelstein Denis , Buonocore Federica , Warr Nigel , Kay Raissa , Peycelon Mathieu , Siffroi Jean-Pierre , Mazen Inas , Achermann John , Shcherbak Yuliya , Leger Julienne , Sallai Agnes , Carel Jean-Claude , Martinerie Laetitia , Le Ru Romain , Conway Gerald , Mignot Brigitte , Van Maldergem Lionel , Bertalan Rita , Globa Evgenia , Brauner Raja , Jauch Ralf , Nef Serge , Greenfield Andy , Bashamboo Anu

XY individuals with Disorders/Differences of Sex development (DSD) are characterized by reduced androgenization caused, in some children, by gonadal dysgenesis or, more rarely, testis regression during early fetal development. The genetic etiology for most patients with 46,XY gonadal dysgenesis and for all patients with testicular regression syndrome (TRS) is unknown. Identification of novel genes involved in DSD is crucial for providing an accurate clinical diagnosis, aiding ...

hrp0092rfc13.3 | Adrenals and HP Axis | ESPE2019

Establishment of Reference Intervals for Hair Cortisol in Healthy Children Aged 0-18 Years Using Mass Spectrometric Analysis

de Kruijff Ineke , Noppe Gerard , Kieviet Noera , Choenni Vandhana , Lambregtse-van den Berg Mijke , Begijn Dominique , Tromp Ellen , Dorst Kristien , van Rossum Elisabeth , de Rijke Yolanda , van den Akker Erica

Background: Human scalp hair is a valuable matrix for determining long-term cortisol concentrations, with wide-spread applicability in clinical care as well as research. However, pediatric reference intervals are lacking.The aim of this study is to establish age-adjusted reference intervals for hair cortisol in children aged 0-18 years and to gain insight into hair-growth velocity in children up to 2 years old.Methods: A...