hrp0094p1-35 | Fat, Metabolism and Obesity A | ESPE2021

The possible association of the apoptotic marker APO1/Fas with predisposition to metabolic syndrome and mean platelet volume in children

Kostopoulou Eirini , Katsa Maria Efthymia , Magana Maria , Ioannidis Anastasios , Chatzipanagiotou Stylianos , Sachlas Athanasios , Spiliotis Bessie , Rojas Gil Andrea Paola ,

Objective: To investigate the possible relationship between APO1/Fas, components of metabolic syndrome and Mean Platelet Volume (MPV) in a healthy pediatric population.Study design: 185 children, aged 5-17 years old, were enrolled to the study. The participants were divided intο subgroups according to age and body mass index percentile (BMI%). APO1/Fas was measured by ELISA and MPV by the MEK-6410K.Re...

hrp0094p1-92 | Thyroid A | ESPE2021

Emotional Intelligence scores in children and adolescents with subclinical hypothyroidism - correlation with serum serotonin and thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH) concentrations.

Kostopoulou Eirini , Arianas George , Ioannidis Anastasios , Dimopoulos Ioannis , Chiotis Christos , Prezerakos Panagiotis , Spiliotis Bessie , Rojas Gil Andrea Paola ,

Introduction: Thyroxine is important for nervous system development. Subclinical hypothyroidism (SCH), a mild thyroid dysfunction, is associated with impaired cognitive function in children and mood disorders in adults. Serotonin is also involved in brain development, mood and behavior modulation. The possible interaction between thyroid function tests, serum serotonin concentrations and emotional intelligence, was studied.Method...

hrp0086fc4.4 | Pathophysiology of Obesity | ESPE2016

The Role of Apoptotic Marker Apo-1/Fas in the Metabolism and Endothelial Function of Healthy Children

Maganna Maria , Katsa Maria Efthymia , Ioannidis Anastasios , Zyga Sofia , Tsironi Maria , Sachlas Athanasios , Routsi Kleopatra , Dolianiti Loukia , Rojas Gil Andrea Paola

Background: Apoptosis is a programmed sequence of events towards cell death. Blood vessels employ apoptosis for remodeling during development and to maintain homeostasis during adulthood. The atherosclerotic process begins in early childhood and is correlated with obesity and metabolic disorders.Objective and hypotheses: To investigate the correlation of apoptotic marker Apo-1/Fas with children’s biochemical and anthropometric characteristics.<p...

hrp0082p3-d1-763 | Fat Metabolism &amp; Obesity | ESPE2014

Association of Lifestyle with Metabolic Syndrome in Children

Katsa Maria Efthymia , Zyga Sofia , Tsironi Maria , Ioannidis Anastasios , Sachlas Athanasios , Kolobos Petros , Magana Maria , Pistikou Anna Maria , Dimoliani Dafni Eleni Kougioumtzi , GIl Andrea Paola Rojas

Background: Metabolic syndrome (MetSyn) is defined as a group of disorders including diabetes mellitus, central obesity, dyslipidaemia, and hypertension.Aim: To investigate the role of lifestyle habits in correlation with MetSyn in children.Methods: In our research, 480 students, 6–12 years old, were participated living in Sparta–Greece. During 2011–2012, a specially designed questionnaire was used and anthropometric...

hrp0084p2-374 | Fat | ESPE2015

Lifestyle Habits and Arterial Hypertension in Children and Adolescents

Daratsianou Maria , Ioannidis Anastasios , Zyga Sofia , Koutsovitis Paraskevas , Sachlas Athanasios , Xrona Maria , Batsikoura Maria , Katsa Maria Efthymia , Magana Maria , Andronikakis Eleftherios , Gil Andrea Paola Rojas

Background: Elevated blood pressure (BP) may occur from childhood, increasing the risk for hypertension in adulthood.Aim: To investigate the effect of anthropometric characteristics and lifestyle habits in children’s and adolescents’ BP.Methods: 949 children (<12 years old) from Lakonia, 178 teenagers (12–18 years old) from Athens and 372 from Kalamata, Greece, had participated during 2011–2014. A specially ...

hrp0084p3-847 | Fat | ESPE2015

Uric Acid and Triglycerides/HDL Ratio as a Predisposing Factor for Metabolic Syndrome in Children

Katsa Maria Efthymia , Ioannidis Anastasios , Zyga Sofia , Tsironi Maria , Koutsovitis Paraskevas , Sachlas Athanasios , Kolovos Petros , Magana Maria , Daratsianou Maria , Paola Andrea , Gil Rojas

Background: Uric acid and Triglycerides/HDL ratio are an important risk factor for cardiovascular diseases.Aim: To investigate how Triglycerides/HDL ratio and uric acid are correlated with children’s biochemical and anthropometric characteristics, depending on the predisposition for metabolic syndrome (MetSyn).Methods: 110 students, 6–12 years old, living in Sparta-Greece, participated in our research. Anthropometric and ...

hrp0084p3-854 | Fat | ESPE2015

Association of Sleep Habits and Risk Factors for Metabolic Disorders in Children

Magana Maria , Zyga Sofia , Ioannidis Anastasios , Sachlas Athanasios , Katsa Maria Efthymia , Pistikou Anna Maria , Dimoliani Dafni Eleni Kougioumtzi , Daratsianou Maria , Kolovos Petros , Gil Andrea Paola Rojas

Background: Sleep is a complex and essential biological process that is required on a daily basis for all humans, playing a vital role in the maintenance of the homeostasis in short and long term.Aims and objectives: To investigate the role of sleep hours in correlation with risk factors for metabolic disorders in a children population.Methods: The program was implemented in 949 children (5–12 years old) living in Sparta-Greec...

hrp0084p3-883 | Fat | ESPE2015

Investigating Predisposing Factors for Childhood Obesity

Magana Maria , Routsi Kleopatra , Zyga Sofia , Panoutsopoulos George , Ioannidis Anastasios , Tsironi Maria , Pistikou Anna-Maria , Kougioumtzi-Dimoliani Dafni-Eleni , Kolovos Petros , Gil Andrea Paola Rojas

Background: Childhood obesity is considered to be an epidemic in developed countries that can negatively affect children’s health and psychology.Aims and objectives: To investigate the nutritional and environmental factors that lead to the presence of childhood obesity and its complications.Methods: A total of 949 students, 3–12 years old, living in Sparta–Greece, have participated in our research. Their lifestyle an...

hrp0084p3-868 | Fat | ESPE2015

Ketogenic Diet in Paediatrics: Work in Progress

Miglioranzi Paola

Background: The effects of carbohydrate-restricted (ketogenic) diets on metabolic parameters in children have been incompletely assessed.Objective and hypotheses: Effective treatment options for childhood obesity are limited and the risk of significant co-morbidities increase sharply with age, especially in paediatric population where growth is normally still occurring. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the feasibility, the efficacy and the safet...

hrp0089p3-p325 | Sex Differentiation, Gonads and Gynaecology or Sex Endocrinology P3 | ESPE2018

A Paternally Inherited NR5A1 Mutation in a Case of 46,XY Partial Gonadal Dysgenesis

Maciel-Guerra Andrea , Fabbri-Scallet Helena , Guerra-Junior Gil , Mello Maricilda De

Steroidogenic factor-1 (SF1), encoded by plays a central role in sex development, steroidogenesis, and reproduction in both males and females. NR5A1 mutations have been described in a diverse spectrum of disorders of sex development (DSD). We report on a case of XY Partial Gonadal Dysgenesis with paternal inheritance of a NR5A1 variant. A 17-year-old girl was referred to us due to primary amenorrhea and absence of secondary female sex characteristics. She was...