hrp0084p2-561 | Thyroid | ESPE2015

Analysis of Chosen Polymorphisms rs5742909 C/T – CTLA4, rs7522061 C/T – FCRL3, rs7138803 A/G – FAIM2 in Pathogenesis of Autoimmune Thyroid Diseases in Children

Jakubowska Ewa , Goscik Joanna , Wawrusiewicz-Kurylonek Natalia , Bossowska Anna , Kretowski Adam , Bossowski Artur

Background: Autoimmune thyroid diseases are multifactorial diseases with a genetic susceptibility and environmental factors. A potential role of cytotoxic T-lymphocyte-associated protein 4 (CTLA4) gene, Fc receptor-like 3 (FCRL3) gene, Fas apoptotic inhibitory molecule 2 (FAIM2) gene polymorphisms on autoimmune thyroid diseases (AITDs) in children has not been established equivocally yet.Objective and hypotheses: To estimate the association of polymorphi...

hrp0084p2-566 | Thyroid | ESPE2015

Analysis of B Regulatory Cells with Phenotype CD19+CD24hiCD27+IL-10+ and CD19+IL-10+ in the Peripheral Blood of Children with Graves’ Disease and Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis

Bossowski Artur , Grubczak Kamil , Singh Paulina , Radzikowska Urszula , Dabrowska Milena , Sawicka Beata , Bossowska Anna , Moniuszko Marcin

Background: Autoimmune thyroid disease (AITD) is the most common organ-specific autoimmune disorder. Genetic background, environmental and endogenous factors are play important roles in determining the activation of immune cells or the efficacy of the immunoregulatory pathways. Recently emphasizes the immunosuppressive role of B regulatory cells (phenotype CD19+CD24hiCD27+IL-10+, CD19+IL-10+) in regulation of immune respon...

hrp0084p3-632 | Autoimmune | ESPE2015

Thyroid Function and Autoimmunity in Children with Newly Diagnosed Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus

Niechcial Elzbieta , Skowronska Bogda , Gertig-Kolasa Anna , Krzysko Izabela , Stankiewicz Witold , Michalak Michal , Fichna Piotr

Background: Patients with type 1 diabetes (T1DM) are at a high risk of having other autoimmunological diseases. The most common coexisting disease is autoimmune thyroiditis, which is diagnosed in 15–30% diabetic patients. The incidence of the disease depends on the age, sex, and duration of T1DM.Aims and objectives: This study aims to assess the prevalence of anti-thyroid peroxidase antibodies and anti-thyroglobulin antibodies in children with newly...

hrp0084p3-811 | Endocrine Oncology | ESPE2015

Cushing’s Syndrome due to Ectopic ACTH Secretion by a Germline Tumour in the Cross-tail Area in a 7 Month Old Female Infant

Bossowski Artur , Kuzmicz Marta , Kitszel Anna , Polnik Dariusz , Savage Martin , Krawczuk-Rybak Maryna

Background: Ectopic ACTH syndrome is very rarely seen in infancy, usually occurring in older children.Case presentation: A female infant was born by Caesarean section (BW 4280 g) with congenital anal atresia and a large tumour surrounding the cross-tail region. CT imaging identified a heterogeneous pelvic mass (76×49×38 mm) below the sacrum. On day 1 of life, a sigmoid colostomy was established and at age 1 week, part of the tumour with the coc...

hrp0084p3-1121 | Pituitary | ESPE2015

Pegvisomant in Child Acromegaly

Anna Vaczlavik , Cecile Teinturier , Stephan Gaillard , Pierre-Francois Bougneres , Philippe Chanson

Background: Acromegaly is a rare childhood disorder. The use of a growth hormone (GH) receptor antagonist, pegvisomant, has shown great results in adults with acromegaly. We describe results of pegvisomant therapy in two girls with invasive GH pituitary macroadenomas.Case presentation: Case 1: A somatotroph pituitary macroadenoma was diagnosed in a 8-year-old girl with progressive tall stature (height: 148 cm, >+3 S.D.; growth velocity...

hrp0094fc4.4 | Diabetes | ESPE2021

Effect of newer CFTR modulator therapy on glycaemic control in adolescents with CFRD

Park Julie , Walsh Anna , Kerr Sue , Woodland Clare , Southward Suzanne , Deakin Mark , Thursfield Rebecca , Senniappan Senthil ,

Background: Cystic fibrosis related diabetes (CFRD) affects 40-50% of adults with Cystic Fibrosis (CF) and significantly decreases pulmonary function and affects life expectancy. Previous data highlighted that CFRD may be preventable or curable with the use of CFTR modulators, namely Ivakaftor. Kaftrio (Ivakaftor, tezacaftor and elexacaftor) has recently been licensed for use in CF. To our knowledge, its effect on glucose regulation in children and young peopl...

hrp0094fc8.1 | Neuroendocrinology | ESPE2021

Combined omic analysis revealed autism-linked NLGN3 as new candidate gene associated to GnRH neuron development and disease.

Oleari Roberto , Lettieri Antonella , Paganoni Alyssa , Howard Sasha R , Cariboni Anna ,

During development, gonadotropin releasing hormone (GnRH) neurons are born in the nasal placode and migrate to the hypothalamus, where they position to regulate sexual reproduction by pulsatile release of GnRH. Defective GnRH neuron development or action may lead to GnRH deficiency (GD) which is characterized by absent or delayed puberty. Several GD causative genes have been identified so far, but half of the cases are still idiopathic. The employment of complementary research...

hrp0094p1-83 | Pituitary A | ESPE2021

Pregnancies after childhood craniopharyngioma – Results of Kraniopharyngeom 2000/2007

Sowithayasakul Panjarat , Boekhoff Svenja , Bison Brigitte , Otte Anna , Muller Hermann L. ,

Background: Data on female fertility, pregnancy, and outcome of offspring after childhood-onset craniopharyngioma (CP) are rare.Study design: Observational study on pregnancy rate and outcome of offspring after CP in postpubertal, female patients recruited in KRANIOPHARYNGEOM 2000/2007 since 2000.Results: 451 CP patients (223 female) have been recruited. 269 CP patients (133 female) were postpubert...

hrp0097fc6.1 | Pituitary, neuroendocrinology and puberty 1 | ESPE2023

Methylome analysis in idiopathic central precocious puberty girls

Palumbo Stefania , Giurato Giorgio , Cirillo Grazia , Miraglia del Giudice Emanuele , Palumbo Domenico , Grandone Anna

Background: Although the transition from the pre-pubertal condition to puberty occurs physiologically within a bounded age range, recent data indicate a central role for epigenetics in the regulation of several genes that could mediate an alteration of pubertal onset. Moreover, changes occurring during this developmental stage have often been associated with susceptibility to a wide range of diseases in later life. To identify changes in DNA methylation profil...

hrp0097fc10.5 | Fetal, neonatal endocrinology and metabolism (to include hypoglycaemia) & Multisystem endocrine disorders | ESPE2023

MCM4 deficiency causing Natural Killer and Glucocorticoid Deficiency with DNA repair defect (AR-NKGCD) - a large cases series from the Irish Traveller population

Fedorczak Anna , Reynolds Claire , Somers Eric , Ann Lynch Sally , Leahy Ronan , M O’Connell Susan

A new condition, unique to Irish Travellers, was first described clinically as autosomal recessive natural killer and glucocorticoid deficiency (AR-NKGCD) ORPHA:75391 in 2008 and was attributed to recessive founder variant in MCM4/PRKDC gene in 2012. Irish Travellers are an indigenous endogamous population numbering ~40,000 in the Republic of Ireland. AR-NKGCD is characterised by short stature, glucocorticoid and natural killer cell deficiency and is a disorder of DNA repair. ...