hrp0089fc1.5 | Adrenals & HPA Axis | ESPE2018

Untargeted Plasma Metabolomics in Subjects with Differences in Tissue Glucocorticoid Sensitivity Identifies a Novel metabolic Signature

Nicolaides Nicolas C. , Ioannidi Maria-Konstantina , Koniari Eleni , Sertedaki Amalia , Klapa Maria I. , Chrousos George P. , Charmandari Evangelia

Background: Tissue glucocorticoid sensitivity is characterized by a considerable variation in terms of therapeutic response and side effects to synthetic glucocorticoids. The multi-metabolite concentration profile measured by untargeted plasma metabolomics provides a comprehensive metabolic signature that might be used in clinical practice.Objective and Hypotheses: To investigate the usefulness of plasma metabolomics in identifying a metabolic signature ...

hrp0089p2-p080 | Diabetes & Insulin P2 | ESPE2018

Betatrophin as a New Biomarker of Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus in Paediatrics

Ara Laura Bosch i , Villalba Adria , Murillo Marta , Fonolleda Mireia , Vazquez Federico , Rodriguez-Fernandez Silvia , Vives-Pi Marta , Bel Joan

Introduction: Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus (DM1) is an autoimmune disease resulting from the destruction of pancreatic β cells. After the diagnosis, up to 80% of patients spontaneously experience partial remission (PR) for months. New biomarkers are being studied, such as the betatrophin protein (ANGPTL8) of unknown function, but which could be involved in the evolution of DM1, in this phase of RP and even used as a therapeutic target.Methods: Observati...

hrp0089p3-p086 | Diabetes & Insulin P3 | ESPE2018

Continuous Subcutaneous Insulin Infusion in Children and Adolescents: Analysis of Initial and Follow Up Basal Rates

Demir Gunay , Darcan Sukran , Ozen Samim , Işıklar Hafize , Atik Altınok Yasemin , Goksen Damla

Objective: Initiation of continuous subcutaneous insulin therapy (CSII) requires an appropriate basal rate profile. Although different approaches exist; there is a lack of evidence-based recommendations, especially in young children. Our aim was to show how the % of basal rates change at the end of first year of therapy when basal rates are equally distributed at the start of therapy.Materials and Methods: In this survey, 129 CSII patients were analyzed....

hrp0084p2-174 | Adrenals | ESPE2015

Clinical, Biochemical and Molecular Characteristics of the Patients with Nonclassical Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia due to 21-Hydroxylase Deficiency in Croatia

Dumic Miroslav , Krnic Nevena , Kusec Vesna , Grubic Zorana , Stingl Katarina , Yuen Tony , Kubat Katja Dumic , Skrabic Veselin , New Maria I

Background: Nonclassical congenital adrenal hyperplasia (NCCAH) due to mild 21-hydroxylase deficiency is caused by mutations of the CYP21A2 gene located on chromosome 6p21.3.Objective and hypotheses: To determine cut-off for basal and stimulated 17-hydroxyprogesterone (17-OHP) levels, to evaluate CYP21A2 gene mutations frequency among Croatian NCCAH patients, to determine correlation between 17-OHP levels and genotype and to evaluate co...

hrp0097p1-75 | Fat, Metabolism and Obesity | ESPE2023

Newer anthropometric indexes predicting insulin resistance in Greek children and adolescents with overweight and obesity

Giza Styliani , Ntouma Stergianna , P Kotanidou Eleni , Rengina Tsinopoulou Vasiliki , Kampani Eleftheria , I Sakellari Eleni , Galli-Tsinopoulou Assimina

Introduction: Body mass index (BMI) and waist circumference (WC) are the main anthropometric measures of obesity. However, their inability to take into account body fat distribution raises queries for their predictive value of insulin resistance (IR) in youth.Aim: The aim of this study is to compare BMI and WC with latest anthropometric indices in the assessment of IR in a paediatric Greek population with overweight and ...

hrp0089p2-p340 | Sex Differentiation, Gonads and Gynaecology or Sex Endocrinology P2 | ESPE2018

Awareness is The Key: Heavy Delay in Diagnosis of 17-β-Hydroxysteroid-Dehydrogenase III Deficiency (17bHSD3D) and Other Insights and Conclusions from a Cohort of Ten 17bHSD3D Patients in Germany

Meinel Jakob , Grossmuller Nadine , Richter-Unruh Annette

Background/Objective: 17bHSD3D is a rare genetic disorder that leads to disorders of sex development (DSD) in 46,XY patients. Phenotype at birth ranges from unsuspicious female genitalia to micropenises. Besides molecular genetic testing no reliable lab parameters have been established for pre-identifying patients through basal steroid-levels or hCG-testing. This bares the risk of under-, mis- or late diagnosis. Further, little research has been performed on psychological well...

hrp0084p3-972 | GH & IGF | ESPE2015

Time Trends in Baseline Characteristics (2006–2014) in Short Children with Growth Hormone Deficiency (GHD), Born Small for Gestational Age (SGA) and with Ullrich-Turner Syndrome (TS) Enrolled in Nordinet® International Outcomes Study (IOS) in Germany and Czech Republic

Dorr Helmuth Gunther , Bramswig Jurgen , Meckes-Ferber Stefanie , Pournara Effie , Pedersen Birgitte Tonnes , Snajderova Marta

Background: Early diagnosis of growth disorders and initiation of GH therapy at a younger age improves clinical outcomes.Aims and objectives: To analyse time trends in baseline parameters at GH treatment start (2006 – 2014) in short children with GHD, SGA and TS from Germany and Czech Republic enrolled in NordiNet® IOS (NCT00960128).Method: Baseline data (chronological age, height, weight, BMI, GH dose) from pa...

hrp0095p1-548 | Pituitary, Neuroendocrinology and Puberty | ESPE2022

Legal degree of disability in childhood-craniopharyngioma survivors during long-term follow-up: Results of the HIT-ENDO study

Boekhoff Svenja , Eveslage Maria , Beckhaus Julia , Friedrich Carsten , L. Müller Hermann

Background: Cranioparyngiomas are rare low-grade embryonic malformational tumors of the sellar/parasellar region. The prognosis after diagnosis during childood and adolescence is influenced by endocrine and hypothalamic long-term sequelae. A legal status of the degree of disability (GdB), according to the German Social Code Book V that is worthy of support provides financial means for psychosocial rehabilitation and participation of craniopharyngioma survivors...

hrp0084p3-1250 | Programming & Misc. | ESPE2015

A Survival Analysis Approach to Assess the Association between Maternal Prepregnancy Overweight and Childhood Overweight: Results of the Ulm Birth Cohort Study (UBCS)

Brandt Stephanie , Brenner Hermann , Genuneit Jon , Rothenbacher Dietrich , Wabitsch Martin

Background: It has been suggested that maternal prepregnancy overweight has an effect on childhood overweight.Objective: We aimed to use a survival analysis approach to investigate the association between maternal prepregnancy overweight and childhood overweight in the prospective Ulm Birth Cohort Study (UBCS).Design: At baseline n=1086 mothers and their newborns agreed to participate in the UBCS. Weight and height values ...

hrp0092p1-33 | Diabetes and Insulin | ESPE2019

Plasma Tocopherols and Carotenes are Decreased in Spanish Children and Adolescents with Insulin Resistance, Independently of Obesity

Rupérez Azahara I. , Lozano Gloria Bueno , Leis Rosaura , Gil-Campos Mercedes , Gil Ángel , Moreno Luis A. , Mesa María D. , Aguilera Concepción M.

Introduction: Childhood obesity and insulin resistance (IR) are rising in prevalence, increasing the future adults' cardio-metabolic risk. One of the potential mechanisms behind these alterations is oxidative stress, fruit of increased free radical production and diminished antioxidant defense. Although low plasma vitamin concentrations and oxidative stress have been observed to be associated with obesity in adults and children, their association with IR i...