hrp0092p3-101 | Fat, Metabolism and Obesity | ESPE2019

BigO: The use of New Technologies for the Management of Childhood Obesity – A Clinical Pilot Study

Tragomalou Athanasia , Kassari Penio , Ioakeimidis Ioannis , Filis Konstantinos , Theodoropoulou Eleni , Lymperopoulos Giorgos , Perez Cuevas Isabel , Karavidopoulou Youla , Diou Christos , Maramis Christos , Lekka Eirini , Maglaveras Nicos , Delopoulos Anastasios , Charmandari Evangelia

Background: Obesity represents one of the most challenging public health problems of the 21st century. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), there is a need to create reliable monitoring and behavioral systems, and to investigate their effectiveness in preventing childhood obesity.Objective: To evaluate a range of novel technologies for collecting photographs, information regarding physical activity and geogr...

hrp0092p3-323 | Late Breaking Abstracts | ESPE2019

De Novo PPM1D Mutation in a Patient with Growth Hormone Deficiency: A Case Report

Yuan Yuan , Shufang Liu

Growth hormone deficiency (GHD) is a relatively rare cause for short stature resulting from insufficient secretion of growth hormone (GH). With complicated etiology, GHD can coexist in numerous syndromes or disorders such as Turner Syndrome. So, it is necessary to take genetic analysis to patients with GHD especially those perform various phenotypes. A 9.5 years old boy complained of short stature was diagnosed with GHD by height velocity (HV) <5 cm/year, delayed bone age ...

hrp0089p3-p414 | Adrenals and HPA Axis P3 | ESPE2018

Is the Third Time Really a Charm? The Story about Three Brothers Suffering from Adrenoleukodystrophy and about HSCT being a Chance to Stop the Unstoppable Disease

Hetman Marta , Kalwak Krzysztof , Barg Ewa

Introduction: Adrenoleukodystrophy (ALD) is a genetic diseases classified in the group of peroxisomal disorders caused by mutations in ABCD1, a gene located on the X chromosome. It is the most common monogenetically inherited neurodegenerative diseases. X-ALD is an inborn error of metabolism characterized by impaired peroxisomal beta-oxidation of very long-chain fatty acids (VLCFA) with a heterogeneous clinical spectrum. VLCFA accumulate principally in the CNS...

hrp0089p3-p044 | Bone, Growth Plate &amp; Mineral Metabolism P3 | ESPE2018

Clinical Evaluation of Eight Patients with Parathyroid Adenoma

Direk Gul , Uzan Tatli Zeynep , Nur Hepokur Merve , Gul Şiraz Ulku , Akin Leyla , Hatipoğlu Nihal , Kendirci Mustafa , Kurtoğlu Selim

Objective: According to the etiology of hyperparathyroidism, it is divided into primer and secondary (uremic). It usually develops due to CaSR mutation in the infancy period. On the other hand, it usually emerges secondary to a parathyroid adenoma in adolescents. Parathyroid adenomas seen in childhood are commonly associated with familial multiple neoplasia syndromes (MEN). Patients may present with bone pain, proximal myopathy, fractures, renal stone, pancreatitis or they can...

hrp0089p2-p068 | Diabetes &amp; Insulin P2 | ESPE2018

Acute Painful Diabetic Neuropathy (Apdn) in a Boy with Type 1 Diabetes

Muz Nataliia , Pakhomova Viktoriia , Sprinchuk Nataliia

A 15y10m boy was presented to our hospital (in March 2017) with the complaints of acute, severe, continuous, burning pain affecting soles and both legs, insomnia, loss of body weight and appetite. He described his pain as stabbing and burning. He also perceived contact with bed clothing, socks, shoes or floor as causing extreme discomfort. He could barely move out of bed. He had no symptoms in hands or any other neurological complaints. An. Morbi: type 1 diabetes was diagnosed...

hrp0089p3-p098 | Diabetes &amp; Insulin P3 | ESPE2018

A Case of Childhood Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus Who Developed Granuloma Annulare

Oztekin Aynure , Kendirci Havva Nur Peltek , Guney Guven

Introduction and aim: Granuloma Annulare (GA) is a granulomatous dermatitis of unknown etiology with numerous associations, consisting of a single or multiple small lesions (of nodular or papular shape) with annular configuration, usually localized on dorsal surfaces of the feet or hands and over other bony prominences; it is clinically painless and not pruriginous. Granuloma annulare has rarely been reported in childhood, and its association with type 1 diabetes mellitus (T1D...

hrp0089p3-p162 | Fat, Metabolism and Obesity P3 | ESPE2018

Effects of a Brief Physician Delivered Counseling on Childhood Obesity

Mondal Sunetra , Chatterjee Sudip

Introduction: In the resource constrained setting of a general endocrine clinic, a brief counseling session was offered to all overweight children.Material: In the period 1996 – 2017, 2364 patients with obesity between the ages 5 and 18 years were seen. All gave consent for their data to be analysed. Patients with syndromic obesity or with a secondary cause for obesity were excluded.Methods: The caregiver, usually a parent was...

hrp0089p3-p354 | Sex Differentiation, Gonads and Gynaecology or Sex Endocrinology P3 | ESPE2018

Emblematic Case CAH

Chahin Silvia , Mejia Federico

Introduction: The National Registry of Civil Status through circular 33 of February 24, 2015 instructed the guidelines for the allocation of a sex through an inscription on the Civil Registry of Birth for intersexual minors.Objective: To create clinical and medical awareness on the importance of making an accurate diagnosis of Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia CAH in order to avoid adverse effects due the omission of the due diligence by violating of the pr...

hrp0086s6.3 | Prevention of childhood obesity | ESPE2016

Childhood Obesity Prevention: What Do We Need and How Are We Doing? A European Perspective

Brug Johannes

The worldwide prevalence of overweight and obesity has been steadily increasing, also among children and adolescents, and has reached alarming pandemic proportions in Europe and elsewhere. Childhood overweight is a main predictor of adult overweight and obesity. Obesity treatment is largely ineffective, and a still stronger focus on primary prevention is needed. Such prevention should take a population and a life course approach and should focus on promoting healthy energy bal...

hrp0086con1.2 | Challenges in the Management of DSD | ESPE2016

Surgical Management of DSD: New Insights

Creighton Sarah

Traditional medical management of children born with atypical genitals includes genital surgery during early childhood. Young children cannot give informed consent and surgery is usually undertaken after a decision made by the multidisciplinary team with parental input. Long-term outcomes are uncertain and there is scanty research supporting the benefits of surgery on physical or mental well-being. Adult patients clearly describe the distress of multiple genital operations dur...